Space and Resilient Communications and Systems (SRCOM)
Email: ana.perez@cttc.catPhone: +34 93 645 29 00
Academic Degree:
• B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Universitat Ramon Llull (Cataluña), 1989
• Telecommunications Engineer, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), 1991
• PhD. Telecom, UPC 1995
Professor at UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) since 2006. Fellow Researcher of CTTC with strong background in physical layer techniques for wireless communications and experience in European projects.
2013-2021: Scientific Coordinator at CTTC
2021-2023: Vice-President for Conference of IEEE Signal Processing Society (elected)
2010-2014: Vicerector for Research at UPC (creation of UPC Doctoral School)
2012: Founder of Doctoral School UPC
2013- present: Responsible for Space Communications at CTTC
2006: Professor, Signal Theory and Communications, Universitat Politecnica de Cataluña
•IEEE Fellow
•ICREA Academia
•Elected member at RACAB (Real Academia de las Ciencias y las Artes de Barcelona)
•Elected member at RAI (Real Academia de Ingeniería)
Her research topic is signal processing for communications and currently she is working in multi-antenna and multicarrier signal processing, both, for satellite communications and wireless systems. She has been in the board of directors of ETSETB (Telecom Barcelona) from 2000-03 and Vicerector for Research at UPC (2010-13). She created UPC Doctoral School (2011). From 2008-2016 she has been member of EURASIP BoD (European Signal Processing Association), from 2010-2016 member of IEEE SPTM (Signal Processing Theory and Methods), from 2016-2018 she has been elected SPS Regional Director-at-Large. Currently she is member of the Board of Governors of IEEE Signal Processing Society and of the Technical Committee on SP for Communications. She is the coordinator of the European project SANSA and of the Network of Excellence on satellite communications, financed by the European Space Agency: SatnexIV-V. She has been the leader of 20 projects and has participated in over 50 (10 for European Space Agency). She is author of more than 60 journal papers (25 related with Satcom) and more than 200 conference papers (20 invited). She is co-author of 4 books and 5 patents (one on satcom). She has been guest editor in 5 special issues and associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, EURASIP Advances in Signal Processing and Eurasip Signal Processing. She is the EURASIP liaison for Spain. She has been the general chair of IWCLD’09, EUSIPC’11, EW’14, IWSCS’14 and ASMS/SPSC’16, ICASSP2020 (with more than 15000 virtual attendees). Currently she is the Vice-President for Conference of the IEEE SPS. She is recipient for the 2018 EURASIP Society Award. She is IEEE Fellow. She is General Chair of ICASSP 2026.
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Keywords: Signal Processing, Wireless Communication Systems, Satellite Communications, Cellular Communications, Array and Multi-channel processing, MIMO systems, Fuzzy Logic, Multi-user Systems, Cross-layer PHY/MAC optimization