End: 31/10/2025
Funding: European, Industrial
Status: On going
Space and Resilient Communications and Systems (SRCOM)
Acronym: SATNEX V
Code: 4000130962/20/NL/NL/FE
The objective of the present SatNEx V activity is to study medium/long term directions of Space and Satellite Telecommunication Systems for any of the Commercial or Institutional applications that can be considered appealing to key players in the space technologies domain but that are still not mature enough for attracting industry or initiating dedicated ESA R&D activities.
The SatNEx technical R&D activities will be based on a periodic definition/update of R&D directions and review of interim results which will involve independent experts and industrial partners belonging to ESA Member States that will be invited to the SatNEx Advisory board.
SatNEx V shall support the collaboration and exchange of personnel among SatNEx member partners as well as research visits to ESA/ESTEC according to the R&D needs.