End: 30/03/2017
Funding: National
Status: Completed
Array and Multi-Sensor Processing (A&MSP)
Call ID: TEC2014-56469-REDT
Code: TEC2014-56469-REDT
ARCO5G is a networking project of 10 of the Spanish research groups that are currently working in the key aspects of the development of the new generation of Mobile Communication Networks.
The main motivation of this network is to increase the sinergies among the participating groups and research centers that work in Spain in the area of Mobile Communications, with the aim of identifying and adding skills, starting up new collaborations, syncronising the research strategies and multiplying the opportuinities of success in international projects. ARCO5G also intends to reinforce the visibility of our research among the industry, helping to the development in the mid-term of new Enterprise business in this area.
ARCO5G will develop its activities open to any research group, entity or industry in Spain willing to cooperate with the network. The main objectives of ARCO5G are:
- To improve the mutual knowledge and synchronisation of interest among the participating groups, increasing the cooperation actions and avoiding duplicities.
- To increase the opportunities for young researchers and technicians in the area of Mobile Communications, on the basis of the exchange of information and experiences bewteen the Spanish R&D groups, plus the joint organisation of training schools and seminars on advanced research topics
- To maximize the opportunities of funding projects in H2020 and the returns to our country, by focusing the activities of the network in the coordination of research strategies, exchange of information among the groups, improvement of the joint visibility and the participation as a network in international research forums.
- To facilitate new channels for the technology transfer to Spanish companies, promoting the collaborative participation academia-industry to international projects, with a special focus on the strategic plans and competitivity of the SMEs and new entreprises.