Miquel Payaró

Miquel Payaró | CTTC

Services as Networks (SaS)

Director of National Programs and their Industry Leads (Open Innovation & Science)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 936 452 900

Miquel received the Electrical Engineering and the Ph.D. degrees from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 2002 and 2007, respectively. From September 2005 to February 2006 he held a visiting research appointment at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia. From February 2007 to December 2008 he was a Post Doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

Currently, Miquel is a Research Director (R4) at the Services as networkS (SaS) Research Unit at the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), which he joined in 2009. Since January 2022, Miquel is also serving as Director of Open Innovation and Science, where he promotes the participation of CTTC researchers in actions and programs related to entrepreneurship and start-up/spin-off creation, manages and promotes the IPR assets of CTTC. He is also serving as the Security Officer of CTTC, making sure that CTTC’s infrastructure, processes, and personnel have the appropriate security clearance level in projects where classified information is managed. Miquel has a personal security clearance that goes up to EU SECRET (and equivalent level at Spanish, NATO and ESA domains).

Previously, from 2013 to 2021 he was the Head of the Communications Technologies Division (CTD) at CTTC. The CTD was created in April 2013 and was the home of about 20 permanent researchers and up to 10 temporary staff and visitors. Miquel was the main editor and coordinator of the sections related to the CTD within the CTTC Strategic and Functional Plan, where the main research lines and key areas and technologies for the future were defined. He also led the recruiting process within CTD, serving as President for all the evaluation committees. In 2014 and 2017, the CTD was awarded the Consolidated Research Group category by the Catalan government, which was endowed in both occasions with associated research funds (only top research groups are funded). Before his role as Head of the CTD, Miquel was appointed Head of the Engineering Unit from January 2011 to March 2013. Within the Engineering Unit, besides conducting his own research, he coordinated the R&D activities of a group of around 20 researchers. After his two-year term, the Engineering Unit achieved an R&D income increase of more than 70 % with respect to the previous years. From September 2017 to December 2019, Miquel was appointed a board member of the 5G Infrastructure Association (5G IA) and he also represented CTTC in the steering boards of NetWorld2020 and Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF). Miquel was re-elected as a board member of the 5G IA in September 2018 and as a member of the NetWorld2020 steering board in December 2018. During this period, Miquel was involved in different task forces and working groups that generated several white papers, mainly related to the deployment of 5G in Europe and its applications for vertical industries.

Since 2009, Miquel has led and participated in several research contracts with the industry (with companies like Aviat Networks or GMV) as well as in research projects from the Seventh Framework Program and H2020 of the EC, such as BuNGee, BeFEMTO, or Newcom#. From July 2015 to June 2017, Miquel served as Technical Manager in the H2020 / 5G PPP project Flex5Gware. In Flex5Gware (a 17-partner and 8 M€ project), flexible, reconfigurable HW/SW communication platforms for fifth-generation (5G) mobile services and applications were studied and key building blocks were prototyped. Miquel served as Project Coordinator in the 5G PPP 5GCroCo project. In 5GCroCo (a 24-partner and 18 M€ project), Miquel coordinated the efforts to validate in the field different service continuity solutions in cross-border scenarios for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) scenarios. Within the Spanish National Plan, Miquel has participated in five consecutive projects, being the Principal Investigator in two of them (AEThER and 5G-TRIDENT).

Miquel is a Senior Member of IEEE and served as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2016-2021) and has been Guest Editor of the Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies 2015 Special Issue on “Enabling 5G: energy and spectrally efficient communication systems.” He has also served as part of the Organizing Committee of EUSIPCO 2011, European Wireless 2014 (Publicity co-Chair), ICASSP 2020 (serving as Finance Chair) and has been the TPC Chair of the CLEEN workshop in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. Miquel has also co-organized special sessions and workshops in international conferences like Globecom, ICC or EuCNC and has given invited talks both in academia and in industry events (e.g., at Orange Labs, Nokia-Bell-Labs, etc.).

As far as his scientific and technical interests are concerned, Miquel’s background is on signal processing theory for wireless communication systems and the scope of his research has progressively shifted towards addressing aspects related to experimentation and practical implementation, with a clear focus on 5G and beyond systems. Miquel is coauthor of 20 book chapter and journal publications and 50+ conferences and has supervised 2 PhD theses. He has been invited to be part of the evaluation committee in 10 PhD defenses and is serving as a reviewer for the French ANR.

Performance Optimization Across the Edge-Cloud Continuum: A Multi-agent Rollout Approach for Cloud-Native Application Workload Placement
SN Computer Science. Vol. 5. No. 3. January 2024.
Soumplis P., Kontos G., Kokkinos P., Kretsis A., Barrachina-Muñoz S., Nikbakht R., Baranda J., Payaró M., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Varvarigos E.
10.1007/s42979-024-02630-w Google Scholar
An AI/ML Proactive Network Service Relocation Approach for Multi-Admin Domain Scenarios
Proceedings Of Ieee/ifip Network Operations And Management Symposium 2024, Noms 2024. January 2024.
Baranda J., Galal A., Vettori L., Mpatziakas A., Gentili A., Sinanis A., Yastrebova-Castillo A., Gomez G., Karageorgiou S., Drosou A., Scholliers J., Payaro M., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/NOMS59830.2024.10575207 Google Scholar
Deploying cloud-native experimental platforms for zero-touch management 5G and beyond networks
IET Networks. Vol. 12. No. 6. pp. 305-315 November 2023.
Barrachina-Muñoz S., Nikbakht R., Baranda J., Payaró M., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Kokkinos P., Soumplis P., Kretsis A., Varvarigos E.
10.1049/ntw2.12095 Google Scholar
Seamless 5G Multi-Hop Connectivity Architecture and Trials for Maritime Applications
SENSORS. Vol. 23. No. 9. May 2023.
Lindenbergs A., Muehleisen M., Payaró M., Kõrbe Kaare K., Zaglauer H.W., Scholliers J., Sadam A., Kuhi K., Nykanen L.
10.3390/s23094203 Google Scholar
Towards sustainable networks
Towards Sustainable And Trustworthy 6g: Challenges, Enablers, And Architectural Design. pp. 233-269 January 2023.
Mesodiakaki A., Rahman A., Barrachina S., Deutschmann B., Ghafouri N., Gonzalez R., Kokkinos P., Merluzzi M., Payaró M., Polyzois S., Ramantas K., Scheuvens L., Selva E., Siracusano G., Upadhya K., Van der Perre L., Vardakas J., Varvarigos E., Verikoukis C., Wilding T., Witrisal K., Wunderer S.
10.1561/9781638282396.ch6 Google Scholar
Multi-Administrative Domain Service Onboarding in a ZSM-Based Orchestration Architecture
Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking Workshops. Vol. 2023-September. pp. 366-368 January 2023.
Baranda J., Vettori L., Payaro M., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Gomez G., Karageorgiou S.
10.1109/SECON58729.2023.10287456 Google Scholar
Disaggregating a 5G Non-Public Network via On-Demand Cloud-Native UPF Deployments
2023 19th International Conference On Network And Service Management, Cnsm 2023. January 2023.
Baranda J., Barrachina-Munoz S., Nikbakht R., Payaro M., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.23919/CNSM59352.2023.10327848 Google Scholar
Disaggregating a 5G Non-Public Network via On-demand Cloud-Native UPF Deployments
International Conference On Network And Service Management. January 2023.
Baranda, J, Barrachina-Muñoz, S, Nikbakht, R, Payaró, M, Mangues-Bafalluy, J
Google Scholar
Cloud-native 5G experimental platform with over-the-air transmissions and end-to-end monitoring
2022 13th International Symposium On Communication Systems, Networks And Digital Signal Processing, Csndsp 2022. pp. 692-697 January 2022.
Barrachina-Muñoz S., Payaró M., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/CSNDSP54353.2022.9908028 Google Scholar
Intent-Based Orchestration for Application Relocation in a 5G Cloud-native Platform
2022 Ieee Conference On Network Function Virtualization And Software Defined Networks, Nfv-Sdn 2022 - Proceedings. pp. 94-95 January 2022.
Barrachina-Munoz, S, Baranda, J, Payaro, M, Mangues-Bafalluy, J
10.1109/NFV-SDN56302.2022.9974703 Google Scholar
Providing Continuous 5G Connectivity along Ferry Lines - Concepts and Trials of 5G-ROUTES Project (Invited paper)
Proceedings - 2022 Ieee Future Networks World Forum, Fnwf 2022. pp. 567-572 January 2022.
Zaglauer H.W., Lindenbergs A., Lankinen M., Kaare K.K., Kuhi K., Payaro M.
10.1109/FNWF55208.2022.00105 Google Scholar
5GCroCo: Key 5G technologies and trial results for seamless cross-border CAM services (Invited Paper)
Proceedings - 2022 Ieee Future Networks World Forum, Fnwf 2022. pp. 24-27 January 2022.
Via S., Payaro M., Eckert K., Muhleisen M., Wendt S., Fischer E., Hetzer D., Kousaridas A.
10.1109/FNWF55208.2022.00013 Google Scholar
Experimentation Scenarios for Machine Learning-Based Resource Management
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 652 IFIP. pp. 120-133 January 2022.
Kostopoulos, A, Chochliouros, IP, Vardakas, J, Payaro, M, Barrachina, S, Rahman, MA, Vinogradov, E, Chanclou, P, Gonzalez, R, Klitis, C, di Vimercati, SD, Soumplis, P, Varvarigos, E, Kritharidis, D, Chartsias, K
10.1007/978-3-031-08341-9_11 Google Scholar
Towards Machine-Learning-Based 5G and Beyond Intelligent Networks: The MARSAL Project Vision
2021 Ieee International Mediterranean Conference On Communications And Networking, Meditcom 2021. pp. 488-493 January 2021.
Vardakas J.S., Ramantas K., Datsika E., Payaro M., Pollin S., Vinogradov E., Varvarigos M., Kokkinos P., Gonzalez-Sanchez R., Olmos J.J.V., Chochliouros I., Chanclou P., Samarati P., Flizikowski A., Rahman M.A., Verikoukis C.
10.1109/MeditCom49071.2021.9647671 Google Scholar
5G deployment in Europe
The 5G Italy Book 2019: a Multiperspective View of 5G. December 2019.
M. Payaro, V. Frascolla, A. Georgakopoulos, P. Demestichas, C. Manero, F. Pujol
Google Scholar
Maximum-likelihood detection of impulsive noise support for channel parameter estimation
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 2019-September. January 2019.
Mestre X., Payaró M., Shrestha D.
10.23919/EUSIPCO.2019.8902843 Google Scholar
Design, implementation and experimental validation of a 5G energy-aware reconfigurable hotspot
COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 128. pp. 1-17 January 2018.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Miozzo, M, Donato, C, Harbanau, P, Requena-Esteso, M, Lopez-Bueno, D, Serrano, P, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Payaro, M
10.1016/j.comcom.2018.06.008 Google Scholar
SDR and NFV extensions in the ns-3 LTE module for 5G rapid prototyping
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Vol. 2018-April. pp. 1-6 January 2018.
Miozzo, M, Bartzoudis, N, Requena, M, Font-Bach, O, Harbanau, P, Lopez-Bueno, D, Payaro, M, Mangues, J
10.1109/WCNC.2018.8377237 Google Scholar
Designing the 5G network infrastructure: a flexible and reconfigurable architecture based on context and content information
Sabella D., Serrano P., Stea G., Virdis A., Tinnirello I., Giuliano F., Garlisi D., Vlacheas P., Demestichas P., Foteinos V., Bartzoudis N., Payaró M.
10.1186/s13638-018-1215-1 Google Scholar
On channel estimation for power line communication systems in the presence of impulsive noise
COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Vol. 72. pp. 406-419 January 2018.
Shrestha D., Mestre X., Payaró M.
10.1016/j.compeleceng.2018.10.006 Google Scholar
Implementation of Hardware and Software Platforms
5G System Design: Architectural and Functional Considerations and Long Term Research. January 2018.
C. Chang, D. Sabella, D. García-Roger, D. Ferling, F. Tillman, G. Dell\\\'Aera, L. Gomes Baltar, M. Färber, M. Payaro, N. Nikaein, P. Serrano, R. Knopp, S. Roger, S. Mayrargue, T. Rautio
Google Scholar
The 5G candidate waveform race: a comparison of complexity and performance
Gerzaguet R., Bartzoudis N., Baltar L.G., Berg V., Doré J.-B., Kténas D., Font-Bach O., Mestre X., Payaró M., Färber M., Roth K.
10.1186/s13638-016-0792-0 Google Scholar
A Flexible and Reconfigurable 5G Networking Architecture Based on Context and Content Information
European Conference On Networks And Communications. January 2017.
Sabella, D, Serrano, P, Stea, G, Virdis, A, Tinnirello, I, Giuliano, F, Garlisi, D, Vlacheas, P, Demestichas, P, Foteinos, V, Bartzoudis, N, Payaro, M, Medela, A
Google Scholar
Leading innovations towards 5G: Europe's perspective in 5G Infrastructure Public-Private Partnership (5G-PPP)
2017 Ieee 28th Annual International Symposium On Personal, Indoor, And Mobile Radio Communications (pimrc). Vol. 2017-October. pp. 1-5 January 2017.
Alcaraz-Calero J., Belikaidis I.-P., Cano C.J.B., Bisson P., Bourse D., Bredel M., Camps-Mur D., Chen T., Costa-Perez X., Demestichas P., Doll M., Elayoubi S.E., Georgakopoulos A., Mämmelä A., Mayer H.-P., Payaro M., Sayadi B., Siddiqui M.S., Tercero M., Wang Q.
10.1109/PIMRC.2017.8292654 Google Scholar
Energy footprint reduction in 5G reconfigurable hotspots via function partitioning and bandwidth adaptation
2017 5th International Workshop On Cloud Technologies And Energy Efficiency In Mobile Communication Networks, Cleen 2017. January 2017.
Bartzoudis N., Font-Bach O., Miozzo M., Donato C., Harbanau P., Requena M., Lopez D., Ucar I., Salona A.A., Serrano P., Mangues J., Payaro M.
10.23919/CLEEN.2017.8045934 Google Scholar
Maximum-likelihood channel estimation in presence of impulsive noise for PLC systems
2016 Ieee Global Conference On Signal And Information Processing, Globalsip 2016 - Proceedings. pp. 20-24 January 2017.
Shrestha D., Mestre X., Payaró M.
10.1109/GlobalSIP.2016.7905795 Google Scholar
Leading Innovations Towards 5G Europe's Perspective in 5G Infrastructure Public-Private Partnership (5G-PPP)
2017 Ieee 28th Annual International Symposium On Personal, Indoor, And Mobile Radio Communications (pimrc). January 2017.
Alcaraz-Calero, J, Belikaidis, IP, Cano, CJB, Bisson, P, Bourse, D, Bredel, M, Camps-Mur, D, Chen, T, Costa-Perez, X, Demestichas, P, Doll, M, Elayoubi, SE, Georgakopoulos, A, Mämmelä, A, Mayer, HP, Payaro, M, Sayadi, B, Siddiqui, MS, Tercero, M, Wang, Q
Google Scholar
A flexible and reconfigurable 5G networking architecture based on context and content information
2017 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). January 2017.
Sabella D., Serrano P., Stea G., Virdis A., Tinnirello I., Giuliano F., Garlisi D., Vlacheas P., Demestichas P., Foteinos V., Bartzoudis N., Payaro M., Medela A.
10.1109/EuCNC.2017.7980669 Google Scholar
Flex5Gware: Flexible and efficient hardware and software platforms for 5G network elements and devices
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. Vol. 27. No. 9. pp. 1242-1249 January 2016.
Payaro, M, Farber, M, Vlacheas, P, Bartzoudis, N, Tillman, F, Ferling, D, Berg, V, Rautio, T, Serrano, P, Sabella, D
10.1002/ett.3070 Google Scholar
The CTTC 5G End-to-End Experimental Platform: Integrating Heterogeneous Wireless/Optical Networks, Distributed Cloud, and IoT Devices
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. Vol. 11. No. 1. pp. 50-63 January 2016.
Munoz, R, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Vilalta, R, Verikoukis, C, Alonso-Zarate, J, Bartzoudis, N, Georgiadis, A, Payaro, M, Perez-Neira, A, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Nunez-Martnez, J, Esteso, MR, Pubill, D, Font-Bach, O, Henarejos, P, Serra, J, Vazquez-Gallego, F
10.1109/MVT.2015.2508320 Google Scholar
Sum-Rate Maximization for Energy Harvesting Nodes With a Generalized Power Consumption Model
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 15. No. 8. pp. 5341-5354 January 2016.
Gregori, M, Payaro, M, Palomar, DP
10.1109/TWC.2016.2556658 Google Scholar
Simultaneous Cancellation of Narrow Band Interference and Impulsive Noise in PLC Systems
International Conference On Smart Grid Communications. January 2016.
Shrestha, D, Tonello, A, Mestre, X, Payaro, M
Google Scholar
Asynchronous impulsive noise mitigation based on subspace support estimation for PLC systems
2016 International Symposium On Power Line Communications And Its Applications (isplc). pp. 1-6 January 2016.
Shrestha, D, Mestre, X, Payaro, M
10.1109/ISPLC.2016.7476266 Google Scholar
Simultaneous cancellation of narrow band interference and impulsive noise in PLC systems
2016 Ieee International Conference On Smart Grid Communications (smartgridcomm). pp. 326-331 January 2016.
Shrestha D., Tonello A., Mestre X., Payaro M.
10.1109/SmartGridComm.2016.7778782 Google Scholar
Ieee Global Conference On Signal And Information Processing. pp. 20-24 January 2016.
Shrestha, D, Mestre, X, Payaro, M
Google Scholar
Interference management in LTE-based HetNets: A practical approach
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. Vol. 26. No. 2. pp. 195-215 January 2015.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Pascual-Iserte, A, Payaro, M, Blanco, L, Bueno, DL, Molina, M
10.1002/ett.2833 Google Scholar
Implementation and performance evaluation of an FBMC-based PMR system for broadband PPDR applications
2015 12th International Symposium On Wireless Communication Systems (iswcs). January 2015.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Lopez, D, Payaro, M
Google Scholar
Experimental performance evaluation of a 5G spectrum sharing scenario based on field-measured channels
2015 Ieee 26th Annual International Symposium On Personal, Indoor, And Mobile Radio Communications (pimrc). Vol. 2015-December. pp. 856-861 January 2015.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Lopez, D, Vinogradov, E, Payaro, M, Oestges, C, Myrvoll, TA, Ringset, V
10.1109/PIMRC.2015.7343417 Google Scholar
Enabling 5G: Energy and spectrally efficient communication systems
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. Vol. 26. No. 1. pp. 1-2 January 2015.
Tafazolli, R, Palazzo, S, Payaro, M, Heath, RW
10.1002/ett.2917 Google Scholar
Implementation and performance evaluation of an FBMC-based PMR system for broadband PPDR applications
International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems. Vol. 2016-April. pp. 576-580 January 2015.
Font-Bach O., Bartzoudis N., López D., Payaró M.
10.1109/ISWCS.2015.7454411 Google Scholar
Adaptive modulation in MISO wireless systems with discrete low-rate power feedback
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 06-10-September-2004. pp. 1075-1078 January 2015.
Payaro M., Lagunas M.A.
Google Scholar
On the optimal resource allocation for a wireless energy harvesting node considering the circuitry power consumption
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 13. No. 11. pp. 5968-5984 January 2014.
Gregori, M, Payaro, M
10.1109/TWC.2014.2337314 Google Scholar
Energy Profiling of FPGA-based PHY-layer Building Blocks Encountered in Modern Wireless Communication Systems
Proceedings Of The Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 337-340 January 2014.
Bartzoudis, N, Font-Bach, O, Payaro, M, Pascual-Iserte, A, Rubio, J, Fernandez, JJG, Armada, AG
Google Scholar
Measuring the performance of a distributed interference management scheme in a LTE-based HetNet deployment
Proceedings Of The Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 357-360 January 2014.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Payaro, M, Pascual-Iserte, A
Google Scholar
Multiuser communications with energy harvesting transmitters
IEEE International Conference on Communications. pp. 5360-5365 January 2014.
Gregori, M, Payaro, M
Google Scholar
Energy profiling of FPGA-based PHY-layer building blocks encountered in modern wireless communication systems
Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 337-340 January 2014.
Bartzoudis N., Font-Bach O., Payaro M., Pascual-Iserte A., Rubio J., Fernandez J.J.G., Armada A.G.
10.1109/SAM.2014.6882410 Google Scholar
Multiuser communications with energy harvesting transmitters
2014 Ieee International Conference On Communications (icc). pp. 5360-5365 January 2014.
Gregori M., Payaró M.
10.1109/ICC.2014.6884173 Google Scholar
Measuring the performance of a distributed interference management scheme in a LTE-based HetNet deployment
Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 357-360 January 2014.
Font-Bach O., Bartzoudis N., Payaró M., Pascual-Iserte A.
10.1109/SAM.2014.6882415 Google Scholar
On the precoder design of a wireless energy harvesting node in linear vector gaussian channels with arbitrary input distribution
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 61. No. 5. pp. 1868-1879 January 2013.
Gregori, M, Payaro, M
10.1109/TCOMM.2013.032013.120577 Google Scholar
On MMSE crossing properties and implications in parallel vector Gaussian channels
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. Vol. 59. No. 2. pp. 818-844 January 2013.
Bustin, R, Payaro, M, Palomar, DP, Shamai, S
10.1109/TIT.2012.2225405 Google Scholar
Energy-efficient transmission for wireless energy harvesting nodes
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 12. No. 3. pp. 1244-1254 January 2013.
Gregori, M, Payaro, M
10.1109/TWC.2013.011713.120621 Google Scholar
International Conference On Field Programmable And Logic Applications. January 2013.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Payaro, M, Pascual-Iserte, A
Google Scholar
Order reduction of wideband digital predistorters using principal component analysis
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. January 2013.
Gilabert, PL, Montoro, G, Lopez, D, Bartzoudis, N, Bertran, E, Payar, M, Hourtane, A
10.1109/MWSYM.2013.6697687 Google Scholar
Mutual Information Maximization for a Wireless Energy Harvesting Node Considering the Circuitry Power Consumption
2013 Ieee Wireless Communications And Networking Conference (wcnc). pp. 4238-4243 January 2013.
Gregori, M, Pascual-Iserte, A, Payaro, M
Google Scholar
Mutual information maximization for a wireless energy harvesting node considering the circuitry power consumption
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. pp. 4238-4243 January 2013.
Gregori M., Pascual-Iserte A., Payaro M.
10.1109/WCNC.2013.6555258 Google Scholar
Energy-efficient resource allocation techniques for battery management with energy harvesting nodes: A practical approach
19th European Wireless Conference, Ew 2013. January 2013.
Rubio J., Pascual-Iserte A., Payaró M.
Google Scholar
Transceiver Design Framework for Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Broadcast Systems with Channel Gram Matrix Feedback
Sacristan-Murga, D, Payaro, M, Pascual-Iserte, A
10.1109/TWC.2012.020812.110566 Google Scholar
Throughput maximization for a wireless energy harvesting node considering the circuitry power consumption
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings. January 2012.
Gregori, M, Payaro, M
10.1109/VTCFall.2012.6399138 Google Scholar
Optimal power allocation for a wireless multi-antenna energy harvesting node with arbitrary input distribution
IEEE International Conference on Communications. pp. 5794-5798 January 2012.
Gregori, M, Payaro, M
10.1109/ICC.2012.6364844 Google Scholar
BuNGee project overview
Ieee International Conference On Microwaves Communications Antennas And Electronic Systems. January 2011.
Marinchenco, O, Chayat, N, Goldhamer, M, Burr, A, Papadogiannis, A, Dohler, M, Payaro, M, Oestges, C, Khan, N, Ware, M
Google Scholar
Efficient data transmission for an energy harvesting node with battery capacity constraint
2011 Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference (globecom 2011). January 2011.
Gregori M., Payaró M.
10.1109/GLOCOM.2011.6133920 Google Scholar
BuNGee project overview
2011 Ieee International Conference On Microwaves, Communications, Antennas And Electronic Systems (comcas 2011). January 2011.
Marinchenco O., Chayat N., Goldhamer M., Burr A., Papadogiannis A., Dohler M., Payaro M., Oestges C., Khan N., Ware M.
10.1109/COMCAS.2011.6105960 Google Scholar
Yet another entropy power inequality with an application
2011 International Conference On Wireless Communications And Signal Processing, Wcsp 2011. January 2011.
Payaró M., Gregori M., Palomar D.
10.1109/WCSP.2011.6096964 Google Scholar
Robust linear precoding for MSE minimization in MIMO broadcast systems with channel Gram matrix feedback
Spawc 2011: 2011 Ieee 12th International Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications. pp. 341-345 January 2011.
Sacristán-Murga D., Payaró M., Pascual-Iserte A.
10.1109/SPAWC.2011.5990426 Google Scholar
Is transmit beamforming robust?
Conference Record - International Conference on Communications. January 2011.
Wang J., Payaró M.
10.1109/icc.2011.5962759 Google Scholar
Resource allocation in multi-antenna MAC networks: FBMC vs OFDM
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings. January 2011.
Payaró M., Pascual-Iserte A., García-Armada A., Sánchez-Fernández M.
10.1109/VETECS.2011.5956565 Google Scholar
On the Robustness of Transmit Beamforming
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 58. No. 11. pp. 5933-5938 November 2010.
Wang, JH, Payaro, M
10.1109/TSP.2010.2066270 Google Scholar
On MMSE Properties and I-MMSE Implications in Parallel MIMO Gaussian Channels
2010 Ieee International Symposium On Information Theory. pp. 535-539 January 2010.
Bustin, R, Payaro, M, Palomar, DP, Shamai, S
10.1109/ISIT.2010.5513511 Google Scholar
Gaussian Two-way Relay Channel with Arbitrary Inputs
2010 Ieee 21st International Symposium On Personal Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications (pimrc). pp. 678-683 January 2010.
Gunduz, D, Payaro, M
10.1109/PIMRC.2010.5671657 Google Scholar
OFDM and FBMC performance comparison for multistream MIMO systems
2010 Future Network And Mobile Summit. January 2010.
Estella I., Pascual-Iserte A., Payaro M.
Google Scholar
Hessian and Concavity of Mutual Information, Differential Entropy, and Entropy Power in Linear Vector Gaussian Channels
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. Vol. 55. No. 8. pp. 3613-3628 August 2009.
Payaro, M, Palomar, DP
10.1109/TIT.2009.2023749 Google Scholar
On optimal precoding in linear vector Gaussian channels with arbitrary input distribution
2009 Ieee International Symposium On Information Theory, Vols 1- 4. pp. 1085-1089 January 2009.
Payaro, M, Palomar, DP
10.1109/ISIT.2009.5206040 Google Scholar
Robust power allocation designs for multiuser and multiantenna downlink communication systems through convex optimization
IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 25. No. 7. pp. 1390-1401 September 2007.
Payaro, M, Pascual-Iserte, A, Lagunas, MA
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