Carles Antón-Haro


Information and signal processing for intelligent communications (ISPIC)

Director of European Programs & Industry Contracts

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Carles Antón-Haro received his PhD degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia in 1998 (cum-laude). He also holds a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from EADA Business School (2014, Best Final Degree Project Award). In the pursuit of his PhD degree, he was a recipient of scholarship granted by the Dept. of Universities and Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya (1995-1998). As a Research Assistant (1994-1998, UPC) and Research Associate (1998-1999, UPC), he participated in several EC-funded Projects (Tsunami I and II, Sunbeam), as well as in other projects funded by the Spanish government. In 1999, he joined Ericsson Spain, where he participated in two rollout projects of 2G and 3G mobile networks (2000, Regional Coordinator).  He was Teaching Assistant (UPC 1994) and Associate Professor (UOC 1998-2012), he has taught R&D Project Management (U. Krakow, U. Gdansk, 2012-2013) and he is a part-time lecturer in selected Business Schools like ESADE or European University (2016-present time) where he teaches/has taught statistics, Python programming for AI, or budgeting & control.

Currently, he is with the CTTC as a Director of European Programs & Industrial Contracts, as well as a Research Director (R4). Main duties, in addition to his daily research activity, include the overall coordination of CTTC’s participation in publicly-funded R&D projects and technology transfer activities, networking activities towards the establishment of strategic alliances and formation of research consortia with the industry and academia, monitoring of R&D funding programs and fund-raising. In the past, he was also in charge of the recruitment of human resources at the CTTC, and he defined the internal processes in relation with CTTC’s project portfolio. Since 2001, he has promoted or coordinated over 80 R&D projects or proposals and has been directly involved in some of them: 6G-AINA (Principal Investigator, PI), SNS-ICE (PI), INTERACT (PÎ), INTENSYV (PI), P2P SmartTest, NEWCOM# (co-Project Leader), EXALTED, eCROPS (PI), ADVANTAGE, WINNER, ACE (PI), to name a few. He is an elected member of the Steering/Governing Board of major industrial associations:  6G Industry Association (formerly known as 5G-IA, 2020-present time) where he also chairs the Working Group on 5G Trials; NetworldEurope European Technology Platform (formerly known as Netwold2020 and Net!works, 2009-2014, 2020-present time). He is member of the core editorial team in charge of elaborating SNS Joint Undertaking’s (SNS-JU) R&I Workprogramme (2021-2022, 2023-2024, 510 M€ funding). He was a Steering Board Member of the 5G Barcelona Association (2017-2019).

Carles holds an Advanced Research Accreditation from the Catalan Agency for the Quality of the University System (AQU). His research interests are in the field of signal processing for communications, this including machine/deep learning for 6G radio interface design, multi-user MIMO systems, networked control systems, energy harvesting, wireless sensor networks and M2M, opportunistic communications, link layer protocols (MAC, H-ARQ); and estimation theory with emphasis in state estimation for Smart Electricity Grids. His research work has resulted into a number of on-going/past R&D projects. He has published +140 technical papers in IEEE journals, books/book chapters and in international/national conferences. He is a recipient of 2 Best Paper Awards: IEEE Int’l Conference on Communications 2015 – Transmission, Access, and Optical Systems Technical Committee’s; and IEEE GlobalSIP 2016. He has supervised 6 PhD Theses (one in progress), as well as a number of Master Theses and post-docs. His former PhD students hold research positions in renowned institutions such as the Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT), the Greek Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO), U. Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), or Caixabank.

He is an appointed member of the Int’l. Scientific Advisory Board of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3, Open University of Catalonia, 2017-present time). He has also acted as a reviewer of project proposals or research centers for several (inter)national funding agencies (e.g., AEI, ANEP, AGAUR, MIUR, ANR, ANVUR, Xunta de Galicia) and takes part in PhD Evaluation Committees on a regular basis. He maintains/has maintained scientific collaborations with selected R&D groups in Europe and overseas (U. Pennsylvania, U. Bologna, Politecnico di Milano, U. Edinburgh, INSA Lyon, King Abdullah U., etc.). He recurrently participates in outreach activities (Catalan Science Week, Euro-science Open Forum), delivering talks and writing dissemination articles. He also coordinates CTTC’s involvement as an exhibitor in major industrial trade-fairs such as the Mobile World Congress (2017-present time).

He is an Associate Editor to EURASIP’s Journal on Wireless Communications and Networks (JWCN). He has also collaborated as Guest Associate Editor to Wiley’s Emerging Telecommunication Technologies (ETT) and EURASIP’s Signal Processing Journal. He is also a reviewer of selected IEEE journals. In recent years, he has also been very actively involved in the organization of major conferences and workshops such as the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2018 (General Chair), European Wireless Conference 2014 (General Chair), IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (2013 Spring, Track Co-chair), European Signal Processing Conference 2011 (General Vice-chair), IEEE Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 2008 (Track Chair), and IRACON’s Training School on Machine/Deep Learning for beyond 5G networks (Co-chair, 2019). He is an appointed member of the Steering Board of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC, 2019-2021), and an Industry Liaison Officer of IEEE’s Emerging Technologies Initiative on Machine Learning for Communications.




  • PhD. degree in Telecommunications (Cum-laude), “Probabilistic Algorithms for Blind Channel Estimation and Data Detection”, Universitat Poltècnica de Catalunya (UPC), June 1998.
  • Engineering degree in Telecommunications (With honours), “Implementación en Tiempo Real del Codificador de Voz Multipulso descrito en la recomendación GSM 6.10”, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), May 1994.
  • Master in Business Administration (MBA), EADA Business School (Barcelona), June 2014. Final Degree Project: “Simple Supercomputing Access (start-up)” (Best Executive MBA Degree Project Class of  2012/13 and 2013/14).

Research Habilitations

  • Advanced Research Accreditation. Catalan Agency for the Quality of the University System (AQU). Nov. 2022.

Representative in Int’l Committees and Interest Groups:

  • 5G Barcelona Association, Steering Board member, 2018-present time.
  • Networld2020, H2020 Technology Platform, Steering Board member, Elected for term: 2013-2014.
  • Net!works, FP7 Technology Platform, Steering Board member, Elected for terms: 2009-2011, 2011-2013.
  • NEWCOM# (Network of Excellence on Wireless Communications), Executive Board Member, 2012-2015.
  • NEWCOM++ (Network of Excellence on Wireless Communications), Executive Board Member, 2009-2010.
  • es.internet – Spanish Technology Plataforma on Future Internet, AETIC (Spanish Association of Electronics, InformationTechnology and Telecommunications Industries), Management Committee Member, July 2008-2012
  • Net!works, FP7 Technology Platform, Expert Group member, 2005 onwards.
  • Wireless World Research Forum, CTTC Representative, 2002 onwards.


  • Best Paper Award: For the paper entitled “Sensor Selection in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks” in Proc. IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing conference (GLOBALSIP’15), by Calvo, Matamoros, and Antón-Haro.
  • Best Paper Award: Transmission, Access, and Optical Systems (TAOS) Technical Committee’s Award for Best Paper in the Green Communications Track of the Symposium on Selected Areas in Communications (SAC) for the paper entitled “On the Impact of Correlated Sampling Processes in WSNs with Energy-neutral Operation” published at the IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC 2015) by Matamoros, Calvo, and Antón-Haro.
  • Best Executive MBA Degree Project Class of  2012/13 and 2013/14:  “SSUCA: Simple Supercomputing Access, a business plan for a start-up”. Granted by EADA Business School. September 2014.

Editorial Activities in Journals

  • Assoc. Editor EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communications and Networks (JWCN), Hindawi (2008 onwards).
  • Assoc. Editor Journal of Networks, Academy Publisher (2006 -2015).
  • Guest Associate Editor: EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communications and Networks (JWCN), Hindawi, 2010.
  • Guest Associate Editor: Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT), Wiley, 2013.
  • Guest Associate Editor: European Transactions on Signal Processing, Wiley, 2006, 2005.
  • Guest Associate Editor: Signal Processing Journal – Elsevier, 2006.

Conference Organization (General Chair or TPC/Track Chair roles)

  • IRACON’s Training School on Machine/Deep Learning for beyond 5G networks (2019, General Co-chair).
  • IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (2018, General Chair).
  • Joint NEWCOM# Cost Workshop (2015, General co-chair).
  • IEEE European Wireless Conference (2014, General Chair).
  • IEEE European Wireless Conference (2013, TPC co-chair).
  • IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (2013 Spring, Track Co-chair).
  • Int’l Workshop on Machine-to-Machine Communications (co-located with Globecom’11, co-chair).
  • N++ Emerging Topic Workshop on Smart Grids (2011, General Co-chair).
  • European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO’11, General Vice-Chair).
  • Future Network and Mobile Summit (2010, Track Vice-chair).
  • Int’l Workshop on Cross-layer Designs (IEEE/EURASIP-IWLCD’09 – General Co-chair).
  • IEEE Personal Indoor Mobile and Radio Communications (PIMRC’2008, Track Chair).

Project Proposal Reviewer for Funding Agencies.

  • Spanish Agency for Research (AEI). Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (2019).
  • Research Foundation of Flanders (FWO). 2018.
  • Italian National Agency for the Assessment of University System and Research (ANVUR) (2016, 2017).
  • COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Association. EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 (2016, 2017).
  • Spanish Agency for Evaluation and Prospective, ANEP. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (2016, 2015, 2014).
  • French National Research Agency, ANR (2015).
  • Italian Ministry for Universities and Research, MIUR (2015,2012).
  • Agència per a la Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris, AGAUR. Generalitat de Catalunya (2014, 2012, 2011, 2008).
  • Spanish Agency for Evaluation and Prospective, ANEP. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (2012, 2011, 2007).
  • Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus, RFP (2011, 2010).
  • Network of Excellence on Wireless Communications++, NEWCOM++ (2010)
  • eMOV Technology Platform (2007, 2006)
  • Antenna Center of Excellence, ACE (2006, 2005).

Advisory Boards – Membership

  • International Scientific Advisory Board of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3). Open University of Catalonia (UOC). 2017 (appointment)-present time.

PhD Thesis Supervision

  • Decentralized State Estimation in Electricity Distribution Networks, Achilleas Tsitsimellis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), November 2014, On-going.
  • Energy Harvesting Techniques for Spatial Field Estimation with Wireless Sensor Networks, Miguel Calvo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), July 2017, Cum-Laude.
  • Collaborative Beamforming Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting Capabilities, Lazar Berbakov, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), July 2013, Cum Laude.
  • Decentralized Parameter and Random Field Estimation with Wireless Sensor Networks, Javier Matamoros, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), June 2011.
  • Antenna Selection Techniques in Single- and Multi-user Systems: A Cross-layer Approach, José Lopez-Vicario, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Sept. 2006 – Cum Laude. Special Prize of the Doctorate Program (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

Participation in PhD Thesis Evaluation Boards

  • Ultra Narrow Band based IoT networks, Yuqi Mo (Advisor: Jean-Marie Gorce), CITI Lab, INSA Lyon, Sept 2018.
  • Machine-learning algorithms for Weather Monitoring based on Wireless Distributed Communication Networks, Iván Guerra Moreno (Advisors: Juan Luís Navarro, Iván Pérez), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Depto. de Señales y Comunicaciones, September 2017.
  • Stochastic Schemes for Dynamic Network Resource Allocation, Luís Miguel López Ramos (Advisors: Antonio García Marqués, Javier Ramos), Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC), October 2016.
  • Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Network Coding Strategies on Commercial Wireless Devices, Achuthan Paramanathan (Advisor: Frank Fitzek), Aalborg University (AAU), December 2014.
  • Feedback of Channel State Information in Multi-antenna Systems based on Quantization of Channel Gramm Matrices, Daniel Sacristán (Advisor: Toni Pascual), Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), July 2012.
  • Distributed Sampling and Reconstruction of Non-bandlimited Fields in Sensor Networks Based on Shift-invariant Spaces, Günter Reise (Advisor: Gerald Matz), Technische Universität Wien, Institute of Telecommunications, September 2011.
  • Algorithms for Source Identification, Localization and Tracking in Scenarios with Centralized and Distributed Arrays (Original title in Spanish), Eduardo Hernández Pérez (Advisor: Juan Luis Navarro Mesa), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Depto. de Señales y Comunicaciones, May 2010.
  • Novel Monte Carlo-based methods for Signal Demodulation in Systems with Diversity (Original title in Spanish), Manuel A. Vázquez López (Advisor: Joaquín Míguez), Universidade da Coruña, Dept. of Electronics and Systems, Dec. 2008.
  • Distributed Resource Allocation Techniques for Interference-Limited Cellular Networks, Saad Kiani (Advisor: David Gesbert), EURECOM Institute, Mobile Communications Dept., Feb. 2008.
  • Design of an RF front-end for Mobile TV Applications according to the DVB-H Standard, Unai Alvarado (Advisor: Guillermo Bistué), Universidad de Navarra, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, Dic. 2007.
  • Contribution to the characterization and evaluation of multiple antenna systems for communications: prototyping, propagation and antenna perspective,     Laura García (Advisor: Leandro de Haro), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Dept. of Signals, Systems and Radiocommunications (SSR), Dic. 2007.
  • Multi-beam Opportunistic Downlink Beamforming in Multi-antenna and Multi-user Wireless Communication Systems, Nizar Zorba (Advisor: A. Perez-Neira), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Dic. 2007.
  • Radio link control for improving theQoS of wireless packet transmissions, Emilio Calvanese Strianati (Advisor: J. Boutros), Ecole Nationale Superiore de Telecommunications de Paris (ENST), COMELEC Dept., Dic. 2005.
  • Subspace- and Group Theory-based Algorithms for Multi-user detection in UMTS systems (Original Title in Spanish), Antonio Caamaño Fernández (Advisor: J. Ramos), Univ. Carlos III de Madrid (UCIIIM), Julio 2004.
  • Space processing and channel estimation: performance analysis and asymptotic results, Xavier Mestre (Advisor: J. Fonollosa), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Dic. 2002.

Invited lectures and short courses

  • Machine- and Deep-Learning Techniques for Beam Selection in Hybrid Analog Beamforming Architectures. INSA-Lyon, Invited talk, September 2018.
  • Scientific Resumes and Job Interviews – How to make (a positive) impact, IEEE Int’l Conference for Internet Technology and Secure Transactions, Barcelona (Spain). Keynote Speech (IEEE Professional Activities Talk Series), Dec. 2016.
  • Advanced modulation and random access techniques for 5G communication systems. European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Workshop ‘From Research to Standardization’. Sophia-Antipolis (Nice, France), May 2016.
  • ESR career tips: High-impact Scientific Resumes and Job Interviews. ADVANTAGE Training School,University of Novi Sad (Serbia), April 2016.
  • Energy Harvesting and Distributed Signal Processing Techniques for Information Processing in WSNs (Invited Talk). First BioSense Scientific Workshop, University of Novi Sad (Serbia), Feb. 2015.
  • Networld2020 European Technology Platform – An Overview (Invited Talk). Workshop on Components, Computing Systems and Networks. PICTURE project (Policy dialogue in ICT to an Upper level for Reinforced EU-EECA Cooperation). Minsk (Belarus). May 2014.
  • 5G-PPP in H2020: Designing Advanced Network Infrastructure for the next decade (Invited Talk). Atllantic Information and Communications Technologies Event (AtlaNTIC 2014), Santander, April 2014.
  • Net!works European Technology Platform (Invited Talk). Workshop on Components, Computing Systems and Networks. PICTURE project (Policy dialogue in ICT to an Upper level for Reinforced EU-EECA Cooperation). Yerevan (Armenia). November 2013.
  • Parameter and Spatial Field Estimation with Wireless Sensor and M2M Capillary Networks – A Signal Processing Perspective (Lecturer). EXALTED/SenZations Training School (Mecavnik, Serbia). September 2012.
  • Workshops with Coordinators of Research Projects: Lessons learnt, tools and case studies. Polytechnic University of Wroclaw. May 2012, October 2012.
  • Workshops with Coordinators of Research Projects: Lessons learnt, tools and case studies. Lodz University of Economics. April 2012, Dec. 2012.
  • Estimation of Spatial Fields with Wireless Sensor Networks (Invited Lecturer). Telecom Forum. FTW/TU Wien. September 2011.
  • Workshops with Coordinators of Research Projects: Lessons learnt, tools and case studies. Gdansk University of Technology. May 2011, May 2012.
  • Workshops with Coordinators of Research Projects: Lessons learnt, tools and case studies. Krakow University of Economics. May 2011., April 2012.
  • Decentralized Parameter and Random Field Estimation with Wireless Sensor Networks: where Signal Processing and Information Theory Meet (Lecturer). CONET/COST2100/NEWCOM++ Training School (Bologna, Italy). May 2010.
  • Delay-constrained vs. Delay-tolerant Estimation of Random Fields (Lecturer). CONET/COST2100/NEWCOM++ Workshop (Bologna, Italy). May 2010.
  • CTTC: A Gateway to Advanced Communication Technologies (Invited Speaker).Qualcomm Research Center (San Diego, CA). Nov. 2009.
  • Decentralized parameter estimation with Wireless Sensor Networks – A signal processing perspective (Invited Speaker). Telefonica I+D (Madrid, Spain). Oct. 2008
  • Decentralized parameter estimation with Wireless Sensor Networks (Lecturer). IST-NEWCOM++ Summer School (Bressanone, Italy). July 2008.
  • Cross-layer Scheduling in Multi-user MIMO Systems – IST-ACE European School of Antennas (Invited lecturer). Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Stockholm). Aug. 2007.
  • Opportunistic scheduling in Multi-Antenna/Multi-User communication systems (co-author of invited lecture). IST Mobile Summit – ACE Workshop (Mykonos, Grecia). June 2006.
  • MIMO Communication Systems and Antennas – IST-ACE European School of Antennas (Invited lecturer). Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Stockholm). Sept. 2005.
  • Array Signal Processing For Next Generation Wireless Communications – An FP6 Perspective. University of Jinan (China). Febr. 2004.
  • Cross-layer Designs for Transmit Antenna Selection In MIMO Systems. University of Jinan (China). Febr. 2004. A module on Signal Processing (Master in Telematic Networks). Institut Català de Tecnologia (ICT). 1998.

Outreach activities 

  • “Smart and Efficient Electricity Grids – The Role of Telecommunication Systems “, Talk at the Official Association of Telecommunications Engineers of Catalonia (COETC), March 2017.
  • “Smart Electricity Grids and Telecommunications: the Quest for Energy Efficiency”, Talk at the Barcelona Science Festival, June 2016.
  • “Smart Electricity Grids: needs, challenges and the role of communication technologies,” Talk at the Senior UPC Association (AEU-EPSC), May 2012.
  • “Telecommunications: the Long Road to Present Time and Future Challenges,” Talk at the Senior UPC Association (AEU-EPSC), March 2010.
  • “Future Challenges in Research and Technology Transfer in Telecommunications,” Talk at the Civil Engineers Association (EIC), January 2010.
  • “Making life easier: what next generation communication systems can do for you,” Talk at Euroscience Open Forum 2008 (ESOF), July 2008.
  • C. Antón-Haro, The role of ICT in the fight against climate change, Telecos Magazine, Dec. 2007.
  • “Telecommunications and climate change. Some ideas for reduced CO2 emissions.” Talk at the Catalan Science Week, Nov. 2007.
  • “Communications, a need. Communication in the distance, a challenge.” Talk at the Catalan Science Week, November 2006.

Appearances in public radio and TV programs:

  • “CTTC leads a number of advanced projects and activities on 5G communications and beyond”, Radio interview at Radio Castelldefels (Program: ‘Així Som’), Feb. 2018.
  • “Advanced R&D activities at the CTTC: 5G communication systems, IoT, satellite-based navigation and modem design. Parts I and II”, dedicated documentary in Blau TV, (Program: i-Enginy), July 2017 and April 2018.
  •  “Selected R&D activities at the CTTC: low-latency communications, low-cost and high-precision positioning systems”, radio interview in Ràdio 4, (Program: The Club of Inquiring Minds), March 2017.
  •  “Research in 5G communication networks”, appearance in Barcelona Televisió (Program: Daily News), Feb. 2017.
  •  “Research in 5G and modems for deep-space communications”, radio interview at Catalunya Radio (Program: Daily News), Feb. 2017.
  • “CTTC participates in the Mobile World Congress as an exhibitor”, Radio interview at Radio Castelldefels (Program: ‘Així Som’), Feb. 2017.
  •  “The ADVANTAGE project: designing future smart electricity grids,” appearance in documentary at N1 Serbia TV station (a CNN affiliate), May 2016.
  •  “CTTC is granted a contract from the European Space Agency,” radio interview at COM-Radio, Radio Castelldefels, (Program: La Polpa), Feb. 2007.
  •  “How a mobile phone works,” radio interview at Catalunya Ràdio, Nov. 2006

Scientific Societies Membership

  • European Association for Communications and Networking (EURACON).Founding Member and Steering Board Member. 2011-present time. Rest of founding members: S. Benedetto (Politecnico di Torino), P. Duhamel (SUPELEC), M. Luise (U. Pisa), R. Verdone (U. Bologna).
  • Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Senior Member No.: M3548526. (2003-present time). IEEE member since 1993.
Attack Identification and Classification in V2X Scenarios
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Timcenko V., Rakas S.B., Morancho S.L., Bojovic B., Koutlia K., Haro C.A.
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6G Smart Networks and Services: Global Strategies, Main Work Directions & Future Outlook
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Machine Learning-enabled NOMA Strategies for IoT Networks
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Deep learning-based user clustering for MIMO-NoMA networks
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Vol. 2021-March. January 2021.
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Localization and tracking
Inclusive Radio Communications for 5G and Beyond. pp. 253-293 January 2021.
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IoT protocols, architectures, and applications
Inclusive Radio Communications for 5G and Beyond. pp. 187-220 January 2021.
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A regularized state estimation scheme for a robust monitoring of the distribution grid
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User Clustering for MIMO NOMA via Classifier Chains and Gradient-Boosting Decision Trees
IEEE Access. Vol. 8. pp. 211411-211421 January 2020.
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Random Access Communication for Wireless Control Systems with Energy Harvesting Sensors
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 68. pp. 3961-3975 January 2020.
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Ieee Global Communications Conference. January 2020.
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Data-driven Beam Selection for mmWave Communications with Machine and Deep Learning:an Angle of Arrival-based Approach
IEEE Access. February 2019.
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Learning and Data-Driven Beam Selection for mmWave Communications: An Angle of Arrival-Based Approach
IEEE Access. Vol. 7. pp. 20404-20415 January 2019.
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Data-driven Beam Selection for mmWave Communications with Machine and Deep Learning: an Angle of Arrival-based Approach
Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops. January 2019.
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Stochastic Routing and Scheduling Policies for Energy Harvesting Networks
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Vol. 66. No. 13. pp. 3363-3376 April 2018.
M. Calvo-Fullana, C. Antón-Haro, J. Matamoros, A. Ribeiro
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Stochastic routing and scheduling policies for energy harvesting communication networks
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 66. No. 13. pp. 3363-3376 January 2018.
Calvo-Fullana M., Anton-Haro C., Matamoros J., Ribeiro A.
10.1109/TSP.2018.2833814 Google Scholar
On the impact of LTE RACH reliability on state estimation in wide-area monitoring systems
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Vol. 2018-April. pp. 1-6 January 2018.
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On the Impact of LTE, RACH Reliability on State Estimation in Wide-Area Monitoring Systems
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. January 2018.
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5G Mobile Cellular Networks: Enabling Distributed State Estimation for Smart Grids
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 55. No. 10. pp. 62-69 October 2017.
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Reconstruction of Correlated Sources With Energy Harvesting Constraints in Delay-Constrained and Delay-Tolerant Communication Scenarios
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 16. No. 3. pp. 1974-1986 March 2017.
Calvo-Fullana M., Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C.
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Stochastic backpressure in energy harvesting networks
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 3724-3728 January 2017.
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An ADMM-based Regularized State Estimation Scheme for the Distribution Grid
Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops. pp. 900-905 January 2017.
Tsitsimelis, A, Matamoros, J, Antón-Haro, C
Google Scholar
Random access policies for wireless networked control systems with energy harvesting sensors
Proceedings of the American Control Conference. pp. 3042-3047 January 2017.
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An ADMM-based regularized state estimation scheme for the distribution grid
2017 Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops (icc Workshops). pp. 900-905 January 2017.
Tsitsimelis A., Matamoros J., Anton-Haro C.
10.1109/ICCW.2017.7962773 Google Scholar
Distributed recovery of jointly sparse signals under communication constraints
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 64. No. 13. pp. 3470-3482 January 2016.
Fosson, SM, Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C, Magli, E
10.1109/TSP.2016.2548990 Google Scholar
Sparsity-promoting sensor selection with energy harvesting constraints
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 2016-May. pp. 3766-3770 January 2016.
Calvo-Fullana, M, Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C, Fosson, SM
10.1109/ICASSP.2016.7472381 Google Scholar
Multiarea State Estimation with Legacy and Synchronized Measurements
IEEE International Conference on Communications. January 2016.
Matamoros, J, Tsitsimelis, A, Gregori, M, Anton-Haro, C
Google Scholar
Sensor selection in energy harvesting wireless sensor networks
2015 Ieee Global Conference On Signal And Information Processing (globalsip). pp. 43-47 January 2016.
Calvo-Fullana M., Matamoros J., Anton-Haro C.
10.1109/GlobalSIP.2015.7418153 Google Scholar
Multiarea state estimation with legacy and synchronized measurements
2016 Ieee International Conference On Communications (icc). January 2016.
Matamoros J., Tsitsimelis A., Gregori M., Anton-Haro C.
10.1109/ICC.2016.7510935 Google Scholar
Sensor Selection and Power Allocation Strategies for Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks
IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 34. No. 12. pp. 3685-3695 January 2016.
Calvo-Fullana M., Matamoros J., Anton-Haro C.
10.1109/JSAC.2016.2611859 Google Scholar
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 582-586 January 2016.
Calvo-Fullana, M, Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
Google Scholar
Decentralized sparsity-promoting sensor selection in energy harvesting wireless sensor networks
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 2016-November. pp. 582-586 January 2016.
Calvo-Fullana M., Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C.
10.1109/EUSIPCO.2016.7760315 Google Scholar
Distributed ADMM for In-Network Reconstruction of Sparse Signals with Innovations
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks. Vol. 1. No. 4. pp. 225-234 January 2015.
Matamoros, J, Fosson, SM, Magli, E, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/TSIPN.2015.2497087 Google Scholar
Introduction to machine-to-machine (M2M) communications
Woodhead Publishing Series In Electronic And Optical Materials. Vol. 69. pp. 1-23 January 2015.
Anton-Haro, C, Dohler, M
10.1016/B978-1-78242-102-3.00001-0 Google Scholar
On the impact of correlated sampling processes in WSNs with energy-neutral operation
IEEE International Conference on Communications. Vol. 2015-September. pp. 258-263 January 2015.
Matamoros, J, Calvo-Fullana, M, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/ICC.2015.7248331 Google Scholar
Machine-to-machine (M2M) Communications Architecture, Performance and Applications
Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications: Architecture, performance and applications. January 2015.
C. Antón-Haro, M. Dohler
Google Scholar
Introduction to M2M
Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications: Architecture, performance and applications. January 2015.
C. Antón-Haro, M. Dohler
Google Scholar
Sensor Selection in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks
2015 Ieee Global Conference On Signal And Information Processing (globalsip). pp. 43-47 January 2015.
Calvo-Fullana, M, Matamoros, J, Antón-Haro, C
Google Scholar
Reconstruction of correlated sources with energy harvesting constraints
Proceedings Of 21st European Wireless Conference, European Wireless 2015. January 2015.
Calvo-Fullana M., Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C.
Google Scholar
Machine-to-machine (M2M) Communications: Architecture, Performance and Applications
Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications: Architecture, performance and applications. pp. 1-410 January 2015.
Antón-Haro C., Dohler M.
10.1016/B978-1-78242-102-3.09989-5 Google Scholar
Joint Optimization of Transmission Policies for Collaborative Beamforming With Energy Harvesting Sensors
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 13. No. 7. pp. 3496-3509 July 2014.
Berbakov, L, Anton-Haro, C, Matamoros, J
10.1109/TWC.2014.2323268 Google Scholar
Estimation of spatially-correlated random fields with compressed observations
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 13. No. 12. pp. 6542-6556 January 2014.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/TWC.2014.2362750 Google Scholar
Distributed ADMM for in-network reconstruction of sparse signals with innovations
2014 Ieee Global Conference On Signal And Information Processing (globalsip). pp. 429-433 January 2014.
Matamoros, J, Fosson, SM, Magli, E, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/GlobalSIP.2014.7032153 Google Scholar
Distributed beampattern control with one-bit of feedback
20th European Wireless Conference, Ew 2014. pp. 42-46 January 2014.
Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C., Gregoratti D., Berbakov L.
Google Scholar
Distributed support detection of jointly sparse signals
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 6434-6438 January 2014.
Fosson S.M., Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C., Magli E.
10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6854843 Google Scholar
Optimal transmission policy for cooperative transmission with energy harvesting and battery operated sensor nodes
SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 93. No. 11. pp. 3159-3170 January 2013.
Berbakov, L, Anton-Haro, C, Matamoros, J
10.1016/j.sigpro.2013.04.009 Google Scholar
Machine-to-machine: An emerging communication paradigm
Anton-Haro, C, Lestable, T, Lin, YH, Nikaein, N, Watteyne, T, Alonso-Zarate, J
10.1002/ett.2668 Google Scholar
Traffic aggregation techniques for environmental monitoring in M2M capillary networks
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings. January 2013.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/VTCSpring.2013.6692791 Google Scholar
Optimal transmission policy for collaborative beamforming with finite energy storage capacity
Ieee International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications, Pimrc. pp. 559-563 January 2013.
Berbakov L., Antón-Haro C., Matamoros J.
10.1109/PIMRC.2013.6666199 Google Scholar
Greedy transmission strategies for collaborative beamforming with energy harvesting sensors
Wsa 2013 - 17th International Itg Workshop On Smart Antennas. January 2013.
Berbakov L., Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C.
Google Scholar
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 3101-3104 January 2012.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6288571 Google Scholar
Joint pre-coder design and greedy power allocation for compressed spatial field estimation
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 784-788 January 2012.
Matamoros J., Antón-Haw C.
Google Scholar
Optimal transmission policy for distributed beamforming with energy harvesting and battery operated sensor nodes
International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems. pp. 441-445 January 2012.
Berbakov L., Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C.
10.1109/ISWCS.2012.6328406 Google Scholar
Data aggregation schemes for Machine-to-Machine gateways: Interplay with MAC protocols
2012 Future Network And Mobile Summit, Futurenetw 2012. January 2012.
Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C.
Google Scholar
Decentralized phase synchronization scheme for distributed beamforming in WSN with quantized phase feedback
2012 Future Network And Mobile Summit, Futurenetw 2012. January 2012.
Berbakov L., Antón-Haro C., Matamoros J.
Google Scholar
Robust estimation of spatial fields with compressed observations and imperfect phase estimation in M2M capillary networks
2012 3rd International Workshop On Cognitive Information Processing, Cip 2012. January 2012.
Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C.
10.1109/CIP.2012.6232928 Google Scholar
The ultimate limits of wireless networks
The Newcom++ Vision Book: Perspectives Of Research On Wireless Communications In Europe. Vol. 9788847019836. pp. 85-107 January 2012.
Antón-Haro C., Eldar Y., Galluccio L., Iosifidis G., Kountouris M., Koutsopoulos I., Matamoros J., Palazzo S., Shamai S., Belleville M., Ramakrishnan V., Masera G., Morche D.
10.1007/978-88-470-1983-6_5 Google Scholar
On the Estimation of Randomly Sampled 2D Spatial Fields under Bandwidth Constraints
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 10. No. 12. pp. 4184-4192 December 2011.
Matamoros, J, Fabbri, F, Anton-Haro, C, Dardari, D
10.1109/TWC.2011.092911.102015 Google Scholar
Optimal Network Size and Encoding Rate for Wireless Sensor Network-Based Decentralized Estimation under Power and Bandwidth Constraints
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 10. No. 4. pp. 1121-1131 April 2011.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/TWC.2011.012411.091737 Google Scholar
Scaling Law of an Opportunistic Power Allocation Scheme for Amplify-and-Forward Wireless Sensor Networks
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. Vol. 15. No. 2. pp. 169-171 February 2011.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/LCOMM.2010.120610.101364 Google Scholar
Power Allocation Schemes for Spatial Field Estimation with Compressed Observations in M2M Capillary Networks
Ieee Globecom Workshops. pp. 363-367 January 2011.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
Google Scholar
MSE-Optimal Power Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks for Field Reconstruction Based on Shift-Invariant Spaces
Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals Systems and Computers. pp. 703-707 January 2011.
Reise, G, Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C, Matz, G
10.1109/ACSSC.2011.6190094 Google Scholar
Decentralized phase synchronization scheme for collaborative beamforming in wireless sensor networks
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 1170-1174 January 2011.
Berbakov L., Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C.
Google Scholar
Distributed beamforming with sidelobe control using one bit of feedback
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings. January 2011.
Berbakov L., Antón-Haro C., Matamoros J.
10.1109/VETECS.2011.5956318 Google Scholar
Guest Editorial to the Special Issue on Signal Processing-assisted Protocols and Algorithms for Cooperating Objects and Wireless Sensor Networks
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. Vol. 2010. pp. 1-2 August 2010.
C. Antón-Haro, D. Dardari, O. Simeone, a. R. Verdone
Google Scholar
Opportunistic Power Allocation and Sensor Selection Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 9. No. 2. pp. 534-539 February 2010.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/TWC.2010.02.090215 Google Scholar
Signal Processing-Assisted Protocols and Algorithms for Cooperating Objects and Wireless Sensor Networks
Anton-Haro, C, Dardari, D, Simeone, O, Verdone, R
10.1155/2010/757546 Google Scholar
Quantize-and-Estimate Encoding Schemes for Random Field Estimation with Delay-constrained and Delay-tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks
2010 Ieee 21st International Symposium On Personal Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications (pimrc). pp. 1010-1015 January 2010.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/PIMRC.2010.5672093 Google Scholar
Random Field Estimation with Delay-tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks: Quantize-and-Estimate vs. Compress-and-Estimate Encoding
Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference (globecom). January 2010.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
Google Scholar
Random Field Estimation with Delay-Constrained and Delay-Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1155/2010/102460 Google Scholar
Delay-tolerant vs. delay-constrained estimation of spatial random fields
2010 Future Network And Mobile Summit. January 2010.
Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C.
Google Scholar
Random field estimation with delay-tolerant wireless sensor networks: Quantize-and-estimate vs. compress-and-estimate encoding
2010 Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference Globecom 2010. January 2010.
Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C.
10.1109/GLOCOM.2010.5684050 Google Scholar
2009 3rd Ieee International Workshop On Computational Advances In Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (camsap). pp. 344-347 January 2009.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/CAMSAP.2009.5413260 Google Scholar
To Sort or not to Sort: Optimal Sensor Scheduling for Successive Compress-and-Estimate Encoding
IEEE International Conference on Communications. pp. 3940-3944 January 2009.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
Google Scholar
Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks with Contention-based Multiple-Access Schemes - A PHY/MAC Cross-layer Design
Iwcld: 2009 Second International Workshop On Cross Layer Design. pp. 56-60 January 2009.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/IWCLD.2009.5156518 Google Scholar
Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications, Spawc. pp. 677-681 January 2009.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/SPAWC.2009.5161871 Google Scholar
Special Issue of European Wireless 2007: Advanced Physical Layer Schemes for Robust Wireless Communications
Sibille, A, Anton-Haro, C, Burr, A, Luise, M
10.1002/ett.1323 Google Scholar
Guest Editorial to the Special Issue on European Wireless Conference 2007
European Transactions on Telecommunications. Vol. 19. pp. 729-731 November 2008.
A. Sibille, C. Antón-Haro, A. Burr, M. Luise
Google Scholar
Beam selection strategies for orthogonal random beamforming in sparse networks
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 7. No. 9. pp. 3385-3396 September 2008.
Vicario, JL, Bosisio, R, Anton-Haro, C, Spagnolini, U
10.1109/TWC.2008.060794 Google Scholar
On the interplay of orthogonal random beamforming and CSI quantization - Strategies and robustness analysis
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 3105-3108 January 2008.
Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/ICASSP.2008.4518307 Google Scholar
Bandwidth Constraints in Wireless Sensor-based Decentralized Estimation Schemes for Gaussian Channels
Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference (globecom). January 2008.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/GLOCOM.2008.ECP.710 Google Scholar
Opportunistic Power Allocation schemes for the maximization of network lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 2273-2276 January 2008.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/ICASSP.2008.4518099 Google Scholar
Special issue on European wireless 2006
Anton-Haro, C, Klein, IA, Luise, M
10.1002/ett.1236 Google Scholar
A unified approach to the analytical assessment of multi-user diversity with imperfect channel state information: ergodic capacity and robustness analysis
Vicario, JL, Anton-Haro, C
10.1002/ett.1234 Google Scholar
Enhanced opportunistic beamforming scheme for practical broadcast systems
Bosisio, R, Vicario, JL, Spagnolini, U, Anton-Haro, C
10.1002/ett.1229 Google Scholar
Guest Editorial to the Special Issue on European Wireless Conference 2006
European Transactions on Telecommunications. Vol. 18. pp. 1-2 October 2007.
C. Antón-Haro, A. Klein, M. Luise
Google Scholar
On the impact of PDF-matched quantization on orthogonal random beamforming
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. Vol. 11. No. 4. pp. 328-330 April 2007.
Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/LCOM.2007.348290 Google Scholar
Distributed scheduling in wireless sensor networks under heterogeneity and imperfect channel state information
Ieee Workshop On Statistical Signal Processing Proceedings. pp. 373-377 January 2007.
Matamoros, J, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/SSP.2007.4301283 Google Scholar
Opportunistic random access for distributed parameter estimation in wireless sensor networks
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 2439-2443 January 2007.
Matamoros J., Anton-Haro C.
Google Scholar
Hierarchical organizations of sensors for decentralized parameter estimation
Isspit 2007 - 2007 Ieee International Symposium On Signal Processing And Information Technology. pp. 513-518 January 2007.
Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C.
10.1109/ISSPIT.2007.4458140 Google Scholar
Opportunistic power allocation schemes for wireless sensor networks
Isspit 2007 - 2007 Ieee International Symposium On Signal Processing And Information Technology. pp. 220-224 January 2007.
Matamoros J., Antón-Haro C.
10.1109/ISSPIT.2007.4458139 Google Scholar
Optimal quantization schemes for orthogonal random beamforming -A cross-layer approach
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 3. pp. 637-640 January 2007.
Antón-Haro C.
10.1109/ICASSP.2007.366760 Google Scholar
Spatial vs. multi-user diversity trade-offs for cross-layer scheduling in limited feedback systems
SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 86. No. 8. pp. 1848-1863 August 2006.
Vicario, JL, Anton-Haro, C
10.1016/j.sigpro.2005.09.028 Google Scholar
A cross-layer approach to transmit antenna selection
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 5. No. 8. pp. 1993-1997 August 2006.
Vicario, JL, Lagunas, MA, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/TWC.2006.1687710 Google Scholar
Analytical assessment of multi-user vs. spatial diversity trade-offs with delayed channel state information
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. Vol. 10. No. 8. pp. 588-590 August 2006.
Vicario, JL, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/LCOMM.2006.1665119 Google Scholar
Guest Editorial to Special Issue on Advances in Signal Processing-Assisted Cross-layer Designs
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 86. pp. 1753-1754 August 2006.
C. Antón-Haro, A. I. Pérez-Neira
Google Scholar
Analytical assessment of capacity vs. robustness trade-offs in systems with selective multi-user diversity
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 4. pp. 4203-4206 January 2006.
Vicario, JL, Anton-Haro, C
Google Scholar
A throughput analysis for opportunistic beamforming with quantized feedback
Ieee International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications, Pimrc. January 2006.
Vicario J.L., Bosisio R., Spagnolini U., Anton-Haro C.
10.1109/PIMRC.2006.253978 Google Scholar
Adaptive beam selection techniques for opportunistic beamforming
Ieee International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications, Pimrc. January 2006.
Vicario J.L., Bosisio R., Spagnolini U., Anton-Haro C.
10.1109/PIMRC.2006.254311 Google Scholar
Cross-layer interaction between spatial and multi-user diversity in selective feedback systems: Outage capacity analysis
Iwcmc 2006 - Proceedings Of The 2006 International Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing Conference. Vol. 2006. pp. 165-170 January 2006.
Vicario J.L., Antón-Haro C.
10.1145/1143549.1143584 Google Scholar
Cross-layer scheduling for multi-user MIMO systems
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 44. No. 9. pp. 39-45 January 2006.
Antón-Haro C., Svedman P., Bengtsson M., Alexiou A., Gameiro A.
10.1109/MCOM.2006.1705977 Google Scholar
Advances in signal processing-assisted cross-layer designs
SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 86. No. 8. pp. 1753-1754 January 2006.
Pérez-Neira A., Antón-Haro C.
10.1016/j.sigpro.2005.11.004 Google Scholar
A unified approach to the analytical assessment of multi-user diversity with imperfect channel state information
12th European Wireless Conference 2006 - Enabling Technologies For Wireless Multimedia Communications, European Wireless 2006. January 2006.
Vicario J.L., Antón-Haro C.
Google Scholar
Robust exploitation of spatial and multi-user diversity in limited-feedback systems
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. III. pp. 417-420 January 2005.
Vicario, JL, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/ICASSP.2005.1415735 Google Scholar
Beamforming and bit-loading strategies for multi-user SDMA with admission control
Ieee International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications, Pimrc. Vol. 2. pp. 842-846 January 2005.
Bengtsson M., Bartolomé D., Vicario J.L., Antón-Haro C.
Google Scholar
Joint exploitation of spatial and multi-user diversity via space-time block-coding and antenna selection
Conference Record - International Conference on Communications. Vol. 5. pp. 2911-2915 January 2005.
Vicario J.L., Antón-Haro C.
Google Scholar
Reduced-complexity methods for throughput maximization in MIMO channels
2004 Ieee International Conference On Communications, Vols 1-7. pp. 2678-2682 January 2004.
Lopez-Vicario, J, Mecklenbrauker, C, Anton-Haro, C
10.1109/ICC.2004.1313017 Google Scholar
Joint transmit antenna selection and adaptive modulation in cross-layer oriented designs for HSDPA systems
Proceedings Of The Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 523-527 January 2004.
Lopez-Vicario, J, Anton-Haro, C
Google Scholar
Joint transmit antenna selection and adaptive modulation in cross-layer oriented designs for HSDPA systems
2004 Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 523-527 January 2004.
López-Vicario J., Antón-Haro C.
Google Scholar
Adaptive minimum bit error rate space-time Rake receiver for the uplink of UMTS frequency division duplex mode
Proceedings Of The 3rd Ieee International Symposium On Signal Processing And Information Technology. pp. 294-297 January 2003.
Wehinger J., Anreddy V.R., Mecklenbräuker C.F., Paul S., Antón-Haro C.
10.1109/ISSPIT.2003.1341118 Google Scholar
On the Inclusion of Channel's Time Dependence in a Hidden Markov Model for Blind Channel Estimation and Data Detection
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 50. No. 3. pp. 867-873 May 2001.
C. Antón-Haro, J.A.F. Fonollosa, J.R. Fonollosa
Google Scholar
Probabilistic Algorithms for Blind Adaptive Multi-user Detection
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Vol. 46. No. 11. pp. 2953-2966 November 1998.
C. Antón-Haro, J.A.R. Fonollosa, Z. Zvonar, J.R. Fonollosa
Google Scholar
Blind Channel Estimation and Data Detection Using Hidden Markov Models Theory
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Vol. 45. No. 1. pp. 241-246 January 1997.
C. Antón-Haro, J.A.R. Fonollosa, J.R. Fonollosa
Google Scholar
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