Ricard Vilalta


Packet Optical Networks and Services (PONS)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Ricard Vilalta (Girona, 1983) (h-index 30, i10-index 101) ) graduated in telecommunications engineering in 2007 and received a Ph.D. degree in telecommunications in 2013, both from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain. He has a master degree on Audiovisual Communication at UOC (Open University of Catalonia) and a master degree on Technology-based business innovation and administration at Barcelona University (UB). He has worked at TriaGnoSys (Germany) and E2M (Spain), with special focus on software development in R&D. Ricard Vilalta joined CTTC in 2010, and he is a senior researcher in the Optical Networks and Systems Department. He is an active contributor in several standardization bodies such as ONF (OTCC), ETSI (NFV, ZSM), and IETF (CCAMP, TEAS). He is also a member of the technical steering team of Open Transport Configuration & Control in ONF. He is leading open source contributions and features in ETSI Open Source MANO (OSM) with special focus on 5G technologies.

He has been involved in several international, EU, national and industrial research projects: INSPIRE-5Gplus, 5GCroCo, 5GTANGO, 5GCAR, BlueSPACE, 5G-Crosshaul, EU-Japan STRAUSS, ICT IDEALIST, ICT COMBO, ICT STRONGEST, ICT OFELIA, FP6 E-Cab. Moreover, he lead 5GTANGO impact activities (WP leader), INSPIRE-5Gplus experimental activities (WP leader), as well as participating in several 5GPPP WG. Currently, he is Project Coordinator of 5GPPP TeraFlow project.

He has negotiated and lead many industrial projects related to standards collaborations, IPR generation and demonstrations at mayor events (including worldwide operators, telecom providers and optical SMEs, including Telefónica, Huawei, KDDI, Sedona Networks, ETSI and OSA). He has also authored and co-authored several book chapters, and more than 50 journals, 160 conference papers, +20 invited talks in most significant conferences (OFC, ECOC, OECC/PS, ONDM, ICTON), 3 US and 1 European patent.

He has supervised five Master Theses and one PhD Thesis (3 more PhD in progress). He has also acted as a reviewer of project proposals for various international funding agencies. He has also participated in short courses and training events preparations for mayor conferences, as well as for industry. He was visiting professor at La Salle (URL) during 2013-2014, teaching several graduate and under-graduate courses on optical communications. He is also a TPC member for various conferences (EuCNC, Globecom, ICC) and he has organized several workshop in various conferences (EuCnC, IEEE NFV-SDN).

He has received several awards. In June 2016, he received the Extraordinary PhD award 2013-2014 promotion at Technological University of Catalonia (UPC). In March 2016, he received the Outstanding Initiative Award of the Open Networking Foundation. He is IEEE Senior Member since 2017.

His research is focused on SDN/NFV, Network Virtualization, Network Orchestration, MEC and 5G Networks.

ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0391-9728

Researcher R3
Researcher R2
Researcher PO
Researcher R2
Researcher R3