Ricard Vilalta


Packet Optical Networks and Services (PONS)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Ricard Vilalta (Girona, 1983) (h-index 30, i10-index 101) ) graduated in telecommunications engineering in 2007 and received a Ph.D. degree in telecommunications in 2013, both from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain. He has a master degree on Audiovisual Communication at UOC (Open University of Catalonia) and a master degree on Technology-based business innovation and administration at Barcelona University (UB). He has worked at TriaGnoSys (Germany) and E2M (Spain), with special focus on software development in R&D. Ricard Vilalta joined CTTC in 2010, and he is a senior researcher in the Optical Networks and Systems Department. He is an active contributor in several standardization bodies such as ONF (OTCC), ETSI (NFV, ZSM), and IETF (CCAMP, TEAS). He is also a member of the technical steering team of Open Transport Configuration & Control in ONF. He is leading open source contributions and features in ETSI Open Source MANO (OSM) with special focus on 5G technologies.

He has been involved in several international, EU, national and industrial research projects: INSPIRE-5Gplus, 5GCroCo, 5GTANGO, 5GCAR, BlueSPACE, 5G-Crosshaul, EU-Japan STRAUSS, ICT IDEALIST, ICT COMBO, ICT STRONGEST, ICT OFELIA, FP6 E-Cab. Moreover, he lead 5GTANGO impact activities (WP leader), INSPIRE-5Gplus experimental activities (WP leader), as well as participating in several 5GPPP WG. Currently, he is Project Coordinator of 5GPPP TeraFlow project.

He has negotiated and lead many industrial projects related to standards collaborations, IPR generation and demonstrations at mayor events (including worldwide operators, telecom providers and optical SMEs, including Telefónica, Huawei, KDDI, Sedona Networks, ETSI and OSA). He has also authored and co-authored several book chapters, and more than 50 journals, 160 conference papers, +20 invited talks in most significant conferences (OFC, ECOC, OECC/PS, ONDM, ICTON), 3 US and 1 European patent.

He has supervised five Master Theses and one PhD Thesis (3 more PhD in progress). He has also acted as a reviewer of project proposals for various international funding agencies. He has also participated in short courses and training events preparations for mayor conferences, as well as for industry. He was visiting professor at La Salle (URL) during 2013-2014, teaching several graduate and under-graduate courses on optical communications. He is also a TPC member for various conferences (EuCNC, Globecom, ICC) and he has organized several workshop in various conferences (EuCnC, IEEE NFV-SDN).

He has received several awards. In June 2016, he received the Extraordinary PhD award 2013-2014 promotion at Technological University of Catalonia (UPC). In March 2016, he received the Outstanding Initiative Award of the Open Networking Foundation. He is IEEE Senior Member since 2017.

His research is focused on SDN/NFV, Network Virtualization, Network Orchestration, MEC and 5G Networks.

ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0391-9728

Dynamic control, routing, and resource assignment in multi-granular optical node topologies combining wavelength, waveband, and spatial switching for 6G transport networks [Invited]
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 17. No. 1. pp. 59-70 January 2025.
Lohani, V, Muñoz, R, Casellas, R, Renom, LG, Manso, C, Vilalta, R, Martinez, R
10.1364/JOCN.534789 Google Scholar
ZSM-Based E2E Security Slice Management for DDoS Attack Protection in MEC-Enabled V2X Environments
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology. Vol. 5. pp. 485-495 January 2024.
Asensio-Garriga R., Alemany P., Zarca A.M., Sedar R., Kalalas C., Ortiz J., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Skarmeta A.
10.1109/OJVT.2024.3375448 Google Scholar
Design Methodology for 6G End-to-End System: Hexa-X-II Perspective
Ieee Open Journal Of The Communications Society. Vol. 5. pp. 3368-3394 January 2024.
Kerboeuf S., Porambage P., Jain A., Rugeland P., Wikstrom G., Ericson M., Bui D.T., Outtagarts A., Karvonen H., Alemany P., Munoz R., Vilalta R., Botsinis P., Ramos A., Cisneros J.C., Karaca M., Karousatou C., Barmpounakis S., Demestichas P., Zafeiropoulos A., Tzanettis I., Papavassiliou S., Giardina P.G., Landi G., Han B., Nimr A., Uusitalo M.A.
10.1109/OJCOMS.2024.3398504 Google Scholar
Hierarchical Energy-aware Monitoring Framework for Sustainability of Packet-Optical Networks
2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2024 - Proceedings. January 2024.
Akbar W., Vilchez J., Muñoz R., Vilalta R., Gifre L.
Google Scholar
Providing Anomalous Behaviour Profiling by extending SmartNIC Transceiver support in Packet-Optical Networks
2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2024 - Proceedings. January 2024.
Vilalta R., Vílchez F.J., Gifre L., Manso C., Carcel-Cervera J.L., Leira R., Aracil-Rico J., Fernández-Palacios J.P., Martínez R., Casellas R., Muñoz R.
Google Scholar
TeraFlowSDN controlling SDM and wideband optical networks
2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2024 - Proceedings. January 2024.
Sgambelluri A., Sambo N., Ismaeel M., Gifre L., Manso C., Enrico M., Fabrega J.M., Vilalta R., Munoz R.
10.1364/ofc.2024.th2a.2 Google Scholar
Control of Packet over Multi-Granular Optical Networks combining Wavelength, Waveband and Spatial Switching For 6G transport
2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2024 - Proceedings. January 2024.
Muñoz R., Lohani V., Casellas R., Martínez R., Vilalta R.
10.1364/ofc.2024.th1i.4 Google Scholar
Photonic device programmability in support of autonomous optical networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 16. No. 8. pp. 53-63 January 2024.
Casellas R., Nadal L., Martinez R., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Svaluto Moreolo M.
10.1364/JOCN.521947 Google Scholar
Enabling traffic forecasting with cloud-native SDN controller in transport networks
COMPUTER NETWORKS. Vol. 250. January 2024.
Adanza D., Gifre L., Alemany P., Fernández-Palacios J.-P., González-de-Dios O., Muñoz R., Vilalta R.
10.1016/j.comnet.2024.110565 Google Scholar
Exploiting GNN and DRL for Online Service Provisioning Over Elastic Optical Networks
Proceedings Of The 2024 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling, Ondm 2024. January 2024.
Hernandez-Chulde C., Casellas R., Martinez R., Vilalta R., Munoz R.
10.23919/ONDM61578.2024.10582766 Google Scholar
Cross-border 5G Seamless Connectivity for Connected and Automated Mobility: Challenges, Network Implementation, and Lessons Learnt
Ieee Future Networks World Forum. January 2024.
Vázquez-Gallego, F, Nasreddine, J, Carmona-Cejudo, E, Murillo, Y, Vilalta, R, Veyssiere, P, Dalgitsis, M, Serrano, MA, Antonopoulos, A, Polo, J, Bastida, J, Luque, JL
10.1109/FNWF58287.2023.10520360 Google Scholar
IntentLLM: An AI Chatbot to Create, Find, and Explain Slice Intents in TeraFlowSDN
2024 Ieee 10th International Conference On Network Softwarization, Netsoft 2024. pp. 307-309 January 2024.
Adanza D., Natalino C., Gifre L., Munoz R., Alemany P., Monti P., Vilalta R.
10.1109/NetSoft60951.2024.10588917 Google Scholar
Demo: An Open-Source and Standards-Based Network-as-a-Service Platform for Cloud VR Gaming
2024 Ieee 10th International Conference On Network Softwarization, Netsoft 2024. pp. 310-312 January 2024.
Rahimi H., Gifre L., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Yu H., Wang Y., Cai R., Chen Y.
10.1109/NetSoft60951.2024.10588903 Google Scholar
Multi-Stakeholder Intent-based Service Management Automation for 6G Networks
2024 Joint European Conference On Networks And Communications And 6g Summit, Eucnc/6g Summit 2024. pp. 866-871 January 2024.
Alemany P., Munoz R., Ordonez-Lucena J.-A., Vilalta R., Lopez D., Boussard M., Tran H.Q., Porambage P., Pires R., Blue H., Malinen J., Uusitalo M., Elbamby M., Abdelaziz M., Rugeland P., Cisneros J.C., Brito F., Biyar E.D., Karaca M., Zafeiropoulos A., Tzanettis I., Giardina P.G., Landi G., Sousa X.R., Kerboueuf S.
10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit60053.2024.10597032 Google Scholar
Exploiting GNN and DRL for online service provisioning over Elastic Optical Networks
Proceedings Of The 2024 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling, Ondm 2024. January 2024.
Hernández-Chulde, C, Casellas, R, Martínez, R, Vilalta, R, Muñoz, R
Google Scholar
Network Extensions to Support Robust Secured and Efficient Connectivity Services for V2X Scenario
. January 2024.
Abishek A., Vilalta R., Gifre L., Alemany P., Manso C., Casellas R., Martínez R., Muñoz R.
10.1109/ICTON62926.2024.10647509 Google Scholar
Experimental Validation of an Efficient DRL-based Routing and Spectrum Assignment for Optical Network Automation
2024 24th International Conference On Transparent Optical Networks, Icton 2024. January 2024.
Hernández-Chulde C., Casellas R., Martínez R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R.
10.1109/ICTON62926.2024.10647671 Google Scholar
Autonomous Control Operations for Energy-Efficient Packet Optical Networks
. January 2024.
Martínez R., Casellas R., Hernández-Chulde C., Vílchez F.J., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., De Dios O.G., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
10.1109/ICTON62926.2024.10648263 Google Scholar
Security and Trust in Open and Disaggregated 6G networks
. January 2024.
Alemany P., Muñoz R., Vilalta R., Gifre L., Martínez R., Casellas R., Castro M., Ferreira P., Moreira D., García J., Cunha J., Núñez I., Gómez G., Castro S., Pastor A., López D.
10.1109/ICTON62926.2024.10647935 Google Scholar
Enabling Cloud AR/VR Gaming Services by an Open-Source and Standards-Based Network-as-a-Service Platform for Control and Management of Optical Networks
. January 2024.
Rahimi H., Gifre L., Vilaita R., Munoz R., Yu H., Wang Y., Cai R., Chen Y., Li H., Feng H., Janz C.
10.1109/ICTON62926.2024.10647884 Google Scholar
Transport DataPlane-in-a-box: Using the TeraFlowSDN Controller to Manage Packet-Optical Transport Networks
. January 2024.
Gifre L., Vilalta R., Muñoz R.
10.1109/ICTON62926.2024.10647840 Google Scholar
Multi-Domain Transparent Service Provisioning in Multi-Band Optical Networks
. January 2024.
Casellas R., Fernández E., Martínez R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Buendia-López A., Pavón-Marino P.
10.1109/ICTON62926.2024.10647553 Google Scholar
Providing Anomalous Behaviour Profiling by extending SmartNIC Transceiver support in Packet-Optical Networks
2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc. January 2024.
Vilalta, R, Vílchez, FJ, Gifre, L, Manso, C, Carcel-Cervera, JL, Leira, R, Aracil-Rico, J, Fernández-Palacios, JP, Martínez, R, Casellas, R, Muñoz, R
Google Scholar
Hierarchical Energy-aware Monitoring Framework for Sustainability of Packet-Optical Networks
2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc. January 2024.
Akbar, W, Vilchez, J, Muñoz, R, Vilalta, R, Gifre, L
Google Scholar
Control of Packet over Multi-Granular Optical Networks combining Wavelength, Waveband and Spatial Switching For 6G transport
2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc. January 2024.
Muñoz, R, Lohani, V, Casellas, R, Martínez, R, Vilalta, R
Google Scholar
TeraFlowSDN controlling SDM and wideband optical networks
2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc. January 2024.
Sgambelluri, A, Sambo, N, Ismaeel, M, Gifre, L, Manso, C, Enrico, M, Fabrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
Google Scholar
Microsegmentation of a Microservice-Based Transport Control Plane for Multitenant Optical Virtual Networks
IEEE Network. January 2024.
Choi J.S., Renom L.G., Yun K.-R., Casellas R., Martinez R., Vilalta R., Munoz R.
10.1109/MNET.2024.3518432 Google Scholar
Intent-Based Network Resource Slicing in 6G
Proceedings Of The 15th International Conference On Network Of The Future, Nof 2024. pp. 31-37 January 2024.
Ojaghi B., Vilalta R., Munoz R.
10.1109/NoF62948.2024.10741513 Google Scholar
Applying Distributed Ledger Technologies for Trusted and Secure Network Topology Management in Multi-Stakeholder Environments: A Case Study from the ADRENALINE Testbed
Proceedings Of The 15th International Conference On Network Of The Future, Nof 2024. pp. 224-228 January 2024.
Diaz Rivera J.J., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Alemany P., Renom L.G.
10.1109/NoF62948.2024.10741509 Google Scholar
Network Resource Allocation for Gaming Using MEC API and TeraFlowSDN
Proceedings Of The 15th International Conference On Network Of The Future, Nof 2024. pp. 19-21 January 2024.
Hajipour S., Hamza M., Renom L.G., Manso C., Casellas R., Martinez R., Haq I., Lopez D., Nicolicchia R., Munoz R., Vilalta R.
10.1109/NoF62948.2024.10741360 Google Scholar
Critical5G-Net: Addressing Critical Node Impact on Lifetime and Latency in IoT Networks
Proceedings Of The 15th International Conference On Network Of The Future, Nof 2024. pp. 238-244 January 2024.
Ojaghi B., Vilalta R., Munoz R.
10.1109/NoF62948.2024.10741469 Google Scholar
Experimental evaluation of a latency-aware routing and spectrum assignment mechanism based on deep reinforcement learning
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 15. No. 11. pp. 925-937 November 2023.
Hernández-Chulde, C, Casellas, R, Martínez, R, Vilalta, R, Muñoz, R
10.1364/JOCN.499343 Google Scholar
Demonstration of intent-based networking for end-to-end packet optical cloud-native SDN orchestration
ECOC 2023. October 2023.
Vilalta, Ricard, Adanza Dopazo, Daniel, Manso, Carlos, Alemany, Pol, Gifre, Lluis, Casellas, Ramon, Martínez, Ricardo, Muñoz, Raül
10.1049/icp.2024.1803 Google Scholar
Grouping intent-based packet-optical connectivity services
ECOC 2023. October 2023.
Alemany, Pol, Adanza Dopazo, Daniel, Gifre, Lluis, Vilalta, Ricard, Muñoz, Raül
10.1049/icp.2023.2323 Google Scholar
Introducing end-to-end location awareness in packet-optical networks
ECOC 2023. October 2023.
Manso, Carlos, Vilalta, Ricard, Gifre, Lluis, Casellas, Ramon, Martínez, Ricardo, Muñoz, Raül
10.1049/icp.2023.1847 Google Scholar
Flexible and scalable ML-based diagnosis module for optical networks: a security use case
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 15. No. 8. pp. 155-165 August 2023.
Natalino C., Gifre L., Moreno-Muro, FJ, Gonzalez-Diaz S., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Monti P., Furdek M.
10.1364/JOCN.482932 Google Scholar
Experimental demonstration of a metro area network with terabit-capable sliceable bit-rate-variable transceivers using directly modulated VCSELs and coherent detection
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 15. No. 3. pp. 103-113 March 2023.
Fabrega J.M., Vílchez F.J., Svaluto Moreolo M., Martínez R., Quispe A., Nadal L., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Neumeyr C., Lee S.Y., Shin J.U., Jung H.D., Mariani G., Heuvelmans R., Gatto A., Parolari P., Boffi P., Tessema N.M., Calabretta N., Larrabeiti D., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
10.1364/JOCN.470434 Google Scholar
Towards natively intelligent networks
Towards Sustainable And Trustworthy 6g: Challenges, Enablers, And Architectural Design. pp. 159-232 January 2023.
Gramaglia M., Li X., García-Aviles G., Alcaraz-Calero J.M., Antti A., Araújo M., Barbosa R., Barmpounakis S., Barrachina-Muñoz S., Bassoli R., Bernini G., Blanco L., Bosneag, A.-M., Chawla A., Christofi L., Dampahalage D., Demestichas P., Ericson M., Farhadi H., Fiore M., Fitzek, F.H.P., Flinck H., Fonseca J., Forsell M., Gabillon V., Garcia-Saavedra A., Han B., Honkala M., Kazmierowski A., Klitis C., Korpi D., Kuklinski S., Pavón I.L., Lamprousi V., Landi G., Lee H., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Khorsandi B.M., Merluzzi M., Mohammadi J., Morin C., Lucena, J.A.O., Pöyhönen P., Rajapaksha N., Rajatheva P., Rezazadeh F., Riggio R., Scheuvens L., Seimler M., Tuononen J., Vilalta R., Wang Q.
10.1561/9781638282396.ch5 Google Scholar
Slice Grouping for Transport Network Slices Using Hierarchical Multi-domain SDN Controllers
2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2023 - Proceedings. January 2023.
Gifre L., Vilalta R., Caja-Diaz J.C., De Dios O.G., Fernandez-Palacios J.P., Pedreno-Manresa, J.-J., Autenrieth A., Silvola M., Carapellese N., Milano M., Farrel A., King D., Martinez R., Casellas R., Munoz R.
10.23919/OFC49934.2023.10117382 Google Scholar
DRL for VNF placement in Inter-Data Center Elastic Optical Networks
2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2023 - Proceedings. January 2023.
Hernández-Chulde C., Casellas R., Martínez R., Vilalta R., Munoz, R
10.23919/OFC49934.2023.10116520 Google Scholar
Blockchain-based trust management collaborative system for transport multi-stakeholder scenarios
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 15. No. 8. pp. 488-496 January 2023.
Alemany P., Munoz R., Martrat J., Pastor A., Diaz R., Lopez D., Casellas R., Martinez R., Vilalta R.
10.1364/JOCN.486503 Google Scholar
Dynamic bypass of wavelength switching in SDN-enabled WDM VNTs over SDM Networks with high bit-rate optical channels
2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2023 - Proceedings. January 2023.
Munoz R., Manso C., Balasis F., Soma D., Beppu S., Casellas R., Gifre L., Vilalta R., Martinez R., Yoshikane N., Tsuritani T.
10.23919/OFC49934.2023.10117193 Google Scholar
P5: Event-driven Policy Framework for P4-based Traffic Engineering
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing. Vol. 2023-June. pp. 43-45 January 2023.
Famelis P., Katsikas G.P., Katopodis V., Natalino C., Renom L.G., Martinez R., Vilalta R., Klonidis D., Monti P., Paragraph, DK, Farrel A.
10.1109/HPSR57248.2023.10148012 Google Scholar
From Automation to Autonomous: Driving the Optical Network Management to Fixed Fifth-generation (F5G) Advanced
IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization. pp. 385-389 January 2023.
Zheng, H., Xu, Y., Busi, I., Vilalta, R., Casellas, R., Munoz, R., Zhou, J.
10.1109/NetSoft57336.2023.10175446 Google Scholar
ACROSS: Automated zero-touch cross-layer provisioning framework for 5G and beyond vertical services
European Conference On Networks And Communications. pp. 735-740 January 2023.
Giannopoulos, D, Katsikas, G, Trantzas, K, Klonidis, D, Tranoris, C, Denazis, S, Gifre, L, Vilalta, R, Alemany, P, Munoz, R, Bosneag, AM, Mozo, A, Karamchandani, A, de la Cal, L, Lopez, DR, Pastor, A, Burgaleta, A
10.1109/EUCNC/6GSUMMIT58263.2023.10188293 Google Scholar
VNF Placement Over Autonomic Elastic Optical Network via Deep Reinforcement Learning
IEEE International Conference on Communications. Vol. 2023-May. pp. 422-427 January 2023.
Hernández-Chulde C., Casellas R., Martínez R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R.
10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10278838 Google Scholar
End-to-End Inter-domain Transport Network Slice Management Using DLT-enabled Cloud -based SDN Controllers
2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2023 - Proceedings. January 2023.
Vilalta, R, Alemany, P, Gifre, L, Martínez, R, Casellas, R, Muñoz, R
10.1364/OFC.2023.Tu3D.3 Google Scholar
Scalable and Efficient Pipeline for ML -based Optical Network Monitoring
2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2023 - Proceedings. January 2023.
Natalino, C, Gifre, L, Muñoz, R, Vilalta, R, Furdek, M, Monti, P
10.1364/OFC.2023.M3Z.12 Google Scholar
Leveraging Programmability of Photonic Devices Towards Agile and Autonomous Optical Networks
20th Sbmo/ieee Mtt-S International Microwave And Optoelectronics Conference, Imoc 2023. pp. 127-129 January 2023.
Casellas R., Nadal L., Martinez R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Moreolo M.S.
10.1109/IMOC57131.2023.10379783 Google Scholar
Applying Digital Twins to Optical Networks with Cloud-Native SDN Controllers
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 61. No. 12. pp. 128-134 January 2023.
Vilalta R., Gifre L., Casellas R., Munoz R., Martinez R., Mozo A., Pastor A., Lopez D., Fernandez-Palacios J.P.
10.1109/MCOM.003.2300105 Google Scholar
Dynamic Upgrade/Downgrade of WDM Link Capacity in SDN-enabled WDM VNTs over SDM Networks
European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication 2022. September 2022.
Muñoz, R., Manso, C., Balasis, F., Wang, C., Vilalta, R., Casellas, R., Martínez, R., Yoshikane, N., Tsuritani, T.
Google Scholar
Management and enforcement of secured E2E network slices across transport domains
OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 73. September 2022.
Alemany, P, Molina, A, Dangerville, C, Asensio, R, Ayed, D, Muñoz R., Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Skarmeta, A, Vilalta, R
10.1016/j.yofte.2022.103010 Google Scholar
Evaluation of the abstraction of optical topology models in blockchain-based data center interconnection
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 14. No. 4. pp. 211-221 January 2022.
Alemany, P, Vilalta, R, Muñoz, R, Casellas, R, Martínez, R
10.1364/JOCN.447833 Google Scholar
Advances in SDN control and telemetry for beyond 100G disaggregated optical networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 14. No. 6. pp. 23-37 January 2022.
Casellas, R, Martínez, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, González-Muñiz, A, de Dios, OG, Fernández-Palacios, JP
10.1364/JOCN.451516 Google Scholar
Scalability analysis of machine learning QoT estimators for a cloud-native SDN controller on a WDM over SDM network
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 14. No. 4. pp. 257-266 January 2022.
Manso, C, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R., Yoshikane, N, Casellas, R, Martínez, R, Wang, C, Balasis, F, Tsuritani, T, Morita,
10.1364/JOCN.449009 Google Scholar
Architecture to Deploy and Operate a Digital Twin Optical Network
2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2022 - Proceedings. January 2022.
Vilalta R., Casellas R., Gifre L., Munoz R., Martinez R., Pastor A., Lopez D., Fernandez-Palacios J.P.
Google Scholar
Evaluation of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Restoration in Optical Networks
2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2022 - Proceedings. January 2022.
Hernandez-Chulde C., Casellas R., Martinez R., Vilalta R., Munoz R.
Google Scholar
An SDN Control Plane for Multiband Networks Exploiting a PLI-aware Routing Engine
2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2022 - Proceedings. January 2022.
Casellas R., Kosmatos E., Lord A., Matrakidis C., Martinez R., Uzunidis D., Vilalta R., Stavdas A., Munoz R.
Google Scholar
Experimental Demonstration of a Metro Area Network with Terabit-capable Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceiver using Direct Modulated VCSELs and Coherent Detection
2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2022 - Proceedings. January 2022.
Fabrega J.M., Vilchez F.J., Moreolo M.S., Martinez R., Quispe A., Nadal L., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Neumeyr C., Lee S.Y., Shin J.U., Jung H.D., Mariani G., Heuvelmans R., Gatto A., Parolari P., Boffi P., Tessema N.M., Calabretta N., Larrabeiti D., Fernandez-Palacios J.P.
Google Scholar
Dynamic Reconfiguration of WDM Virtual Network Topology over SDM Networks for Spatial Channel Failure Recovery with gRPC Telemetry
2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2022 - Proceedings. January 2022.
Munoz R., Manso C., Balasis F., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Martinez R., Wang C., Yoshikane N., Tsuritani T., Morita I.
Google Scholar
Microservice-Based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Loop for Optical Networks
2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2022 - Proceedings. January 2022.
Nataline C., Manso C., Gifre L., Munoz R., Vilalta R., Furdek M., Monti P.
Google Scholar
Demonstration of Zero-touch Device and L3-VPN Service Management using the TeraFlow Cloud-native SDN Controller
2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2022 - Proceedings. January 2022.
Gitre L., Natalino C., Gonzalez-Diaz S., Soldatos F., Barguil S., Aslanoglou C., Moreno-Muro F.J., Cornelio A.N.Q., Cepeda L., Martinez R., Manso C., Apostolopoulos V., Valiviita S.P., De Dios O.G., Rodriguez J., Casellas R., Monti P., Katsikas G.P., Munoz R., Vilalta R.
Google Scholar
Latency-Aware Routing and Spectrum Assignment with Deep Reinforcement Learning
International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks DRCN. January 2022.
Hernandez-Chulde, C, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
10.1109/DRCN53993.2022.9758014 Google Scholar
5GCroCo Barcelona Trial Site Results: Orchestration KPIs Measurements and Evaluation
2022 Joint European Conference On Networks And Communications And 6g Summit, Eucnc/6g Summit 2022. pp. 387-392 January 2022.
Lossi L., Alemany P., Hidalgo J.F., Moscatelli F., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Sedar R., Catalan-Cid M.
10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit54941.2022.9815648 Google Scholar
Demonstration and Evaluation of Precise Positioning for Connected and Automated Mobility Services
2022 Joint European Conference On Networks And Communications And 6g Summit, Eucnc/6g Summit 2022. pp. 267-272 January 2022.
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End-to-end Interdomain Transport Network Slice Management Using Cloud-based SDN Controllers
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Experimental Demonstration of End-to-end NFV Orchestration on Top of the ADRENALINE Testbed
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An Inter-operable and Multi-protocol V2X Collision Avoidance Service based on Edge Computing
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Experimental Demonstration of Transport Network Slicing with SLA Using the TeraFlowSDN Controller
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5GMED Architecture for Advanced Automotive and Railway Communication Services in Cross-Border Scenarios
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Experimental Demonstration of a Metro Area Network with Terabit-capable Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceiver using Direct Modulated VCSELs and Coherent Detection
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An SDN Control Plane for Multiband Networks Exploiting a PLI-aware Routing Engine
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Demonstration of Zero-touch Device and L3-VPN Service Management using the TeraFlow Cloud-native SDN Controller
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Architecture to Deploy and Operate a Digital Twin Optical Network
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2022.
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Microservice-Based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Loop for Optical Networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2022.
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Evaluation of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Restoration in Optical Networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2022.
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Dynamic Reconfiguration of WDM Virtual Network Topology over SDM Networks for Spatial Channel Failure Recovery with gRPC Telemetry
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2022.
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Experimental evaluation of control and monitoring protocols for optical SDN networks and equipment [Invited Tutorial]
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 13. No. 8. pp. 1-12 August 2021.
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Automation of Network Services for the Future Internet
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Standards-compliant multi-protocol on-board unit for the evaluation of connected and automated mobility services in multi-vendor environments†
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Architecture for integrating vertical customer’s programmability control of network functions and connectivity in a slice-as-a-service schema
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Experimental Demonstration of Dynamic Optical Beamforming for beyond 5G Spatially Multiplexed Fronthaul Networks
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Packet optical transport network slicing with hard and soft isolation
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Blockchain-Based Connectivity Provisioning in Multiple Transport SDN Domains
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TeraFlow: Secured autonomic traffic management for a tera of SDN flows
2021 Joint European Conference On Networks And Communications And 6g Summit, Eucnc/6g Summit 2021. pp. 377-382 January 2021.
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Programmable disaggregated multi-dimensional S-BVT as an enabler for high capacity optical metro networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 13. No. 6. pp. 31-40 January 2021.
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5G Vehicle-to-Everything Services in Cross-Border Environments: Standardization and Challenges
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine. Vol. 5. No. 1. pp. 22-30 January 2021.
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End-to-end SDN/NFV orchestration of multi-domain transport networks and distributed computing infrastructure for beyond-5G services
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Programmable VCSEL-based photonic system architecture for future agile Tb/s metro networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 13. No. 2. pp. 187-199 January 2021.
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TAPI-enabled SDN control for partially disaggregated multi-domain (OLS) and multi-layer (WDM over SDM) optical networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 13. No. 1. pp. 21-33 January 2021.
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Experimental Demonstration of Extended 5G Digital Fronthaul over a Partially-Disaggregated WDM/SDM Network
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Field Trial of Programmable L3 VPN Service Deployment Using SDN-Based Multi-domain Service Provisioning over IP/Optical Networks
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First Scalable Machine Learning Based Architecture for Cloud-native Transport SDN Controller
2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). January 2021.
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Autonomous SDN-based Global Concurrent Restoration for High-Capacity Optical Metro Networks
2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). January 2021.
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Scalable for Cloud-native Transport SDN Controller Using GNPy and Machine Learning techniques for QoT estimation
2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). January 2021.
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End-to-End Network Slice Stitching using Blockchain-based Peer-to-Peer Network Slice Managers and Transport SDN Controllers
2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). January 2021.
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Demonstration of an SDN-enabled VCSEL-based Photonic System for Spectral/Spatial Connectivity in Disaggregated Optical Metro Networks
2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). January 2021.
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Multi-layer Transport Network Slicing with Hard and Soft Isolation
2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). January 2021.
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Scalable and Resilient Network Traffic Engineering Using Erlang-based Path Computation Element
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Scalable Physical Layer Security Components for Microservice-Based Optical SDN Controllers
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Advances in SDN control for beyond 100G disaggregated optical networks
2021 European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc 2021. January 2021.
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Optical Network Telemetry with Streaming Mechanisms using Transport API and Kafka
2021 European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc 2021. January 2021.
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First Demonstration of Dynamic Deployment of SDN-enabled WDM Virtual Network Topologies (VNTs) over SDM networks
2021 European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc 2021. January 2021.
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Assessment of a Latency-aware Routing and Spectrum Assignment Mechanism Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
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SDN Control Architectures for WDM over SDM (WDMoSDM) Networks
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SDN-controlled photonic system architectures for Tb/s MAN connectivity
Photonische Netze - 22. Itg-Fachtagung. pp. 30-34 January 2021.
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A KPI-Enabled NFV MANO Architecture for Network Slicing with QoS
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 59. No. 7. pp. 44-50 January 2021.
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Network Enhancements
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Scalable for cloud-native transport SDN controller using GNPy and machine learning techniques for QoT estimation
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2021.
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End-to-End network slice stitching using Blockchain-based peer-to-peer Network Slice managers and transport SDN controllers
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First scalable machine learning based architecture for cloud-native transport SDN controller
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Multi-layer transport network slicing with hard and soft isolation
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2021.
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Optical network virtualization
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A network slicing architecture for SDM and ARoF-based 5G fronthaul networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 12. No. 4. pp. 33-43 February 2020.
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Network slicing architecture for SDM and analog-radio-over-fiber-based 5G fronthaul networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 12. No. 4. pp. 33-43 January 2020.
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Hybrid network slicing: Composing network slices based on VNFs, CNFs network services
Proceedings Of The 2020 6th Ieee Conference On Network Softwarization (netsoft 2020): Bridging The Gap Between Ai And Network Softwarization. pp. 232-236 January 2020.
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Abstraction and Control of Multi-Domain Disaggregated Optical Networks with OpenROADM Device Models
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Virtualization of disaggregated optical networks with open data models in support of network slicing
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 12. No. 2. pp. 144-154 January 2020.
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Comparison of Real-Time Communications Service KPI in Edge and Cloud Domains Through Multi-Domain Transport Networks
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Adaptive software defined networking control of space division multiplexing super-channels exploiting the spatial-mode dimension
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 12. No. 1. pp. 58-69 January 2020.
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Managing Network Slicing Resources Using Blockchain in a Multi-Domain Software Defined Optical Network Scenario
2020 European Conference On Optical Communications, Ecoc 2020. January 2020.
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Controlling and Monitoring Optical Network Equipment in Optical SDN Networks
2020 European Conference On Optical Communications, Ecoc 2020. January 2020.
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SDN/NFV Control and Orchestration of Dynamic Optical Beamforming Services for beyond 5G Fronthaul Networks
2020 European Conference On Optical Communications, Ecoc 2020. January 2020.
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Telemetry-enabled Cloud-native Transport SDN Controller for Real-time Monitoring of Optical Transponders Using gNMI
2020 European Conference On Optical Communications, Ecoc 2020. January 2020.
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Experimental evaluation of dynamic resource orchestration in multi-layer (packet over flexi-grid optical) networks
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Applying Security Service Level Agreements in V2X Network Slices
2020 Ieee Conference On Network Function Virtualization And Software Defined Networks, Nfv-Sdn 2020 - Proceedings. pp. 114-115 January 2020.
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Experimental validation of L3 VPN Network Model for improving VPN service design and provisioning
2020 16th International Conference On Network And Service Management (cnsm). January 2020.
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Poster: An Experimental Vehicular On-Board Unit for the Execution of Anticipated Cooperative Collision Avoidance Services in Cross-Border Scenarios
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Vehicular Message Exchange in Cross-border Scenarios Using Public Cloud Infrastructure
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Peer-to-Peer Blockchain-based NFV Service Platform for End-to-End Network Slice Orchestration across Multiple NFVI Domains
2020 Ieee 3rd 5g World Forum, 5gwf 2020 - Conference Proceedings. pp. 151-156 January 2020.
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Transport network slices with security service level agreements
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2020-July. January 2020.
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Design and deployment of an SDN programmable optical metro network with VCSEL-Based S-BVTs
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2020-July. January 2020.
Martinez, R., Casellas, R., Moreolo, M.S., Fabrega, J.M., Vilalta, R., Munoz, R., Nadal, L.
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5GCroCo barcelona trial site for cross-border anticipated cooperative collision avoidance
2020 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc 2020). pp. 34-39 January 2020.
Munoz R., Vazquez-Gallego F., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Sedar R., Alemany P., Martinez R., Alonso-Zarate J., Papageorgiou A., Catalan-Cid M., Moscatelli F., Landi G., Vilajosana X., Bartoli A., Guilhot D., Datta S.K., Harri J., Silva R., Dizambourg L., Fernandez A., Muehleisen M.
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Cloud-native SDN controller based on micro-services for transport networks
Proceedings Of The 2020 6th Ieee Conference On Network Softwarization (netsoft 2020): Bridging The Gap Between Ai And Network Softwarization. pp. 365-367 January 2020.
Manso, Carlos, Vilalta, Ricard, Casellas, Ramon, Martinez, Ricardo, Munoz, Raul
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SDN-Enabled S-BVT for Disaggregated Networks: Design, Implementation and Cost Analysis
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 38. No. 11. pp. 3037-3043 January 2020.
Nadal, L, Svaluto Moreolo, M., Hernández, JA, Fabrega, JM, Casellas, R, Munoz, R., Vilalta, R, Rodríguez, L, Vilchez, EJ, Martínez, R
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SDN-enabled S-BVT for SDM Optical Metro/Regional Networks
2020 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm). January 2020.
Nadal, Laia, Fabrega, Josep M., Svaluto Moreolo, Michela, Vilchez F.J., Casellas, Ramon, Munoz, Raul, Vilalta, Ricard, Martinez, Ricardo
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UABNO: A Cloud-Native Architecture for Optical SDN Controllers
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. January 2020.
Vilalta, Ricard, de la Cruz J.L., López-De-Lerma A.M., Lopez, Victor, Martinez, Ricardo, Casellas, Ramon, Muñoz R.
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Network Control and Orchestration in SDM and WDM Optical Networks
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. January 2020.
Muñoz R., Yoshikane, Noboru, Vilalta, Ricard, Casellas, Ramon, Martinez, Ricardo, Tsuritani, Takehiro, Morita, Itsuro
10.1364/OFC.2020.T3J.2 Google Scholar
Network Programmability and Automation in Optical Networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 11616 LNCS. pp. 223-234 January 2020.
Vilalta R., Casellas R., Martínez R., Muñoz R.
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Experimental Evaluation of Dynamic Resource Orchestration in Multi-layer (Packet over Flexi-Grid Optical) Networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 11616 LNCS. pp. 261-273 January 2020.
Fichera S., Martini B., Martínez R., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Castoldi P.
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An OLS Controller for Hybrid Fixed / Flexi Grid Disaggregated Networks with Open Interfaces
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. January 2020.
Casellas, R, Vilchez, FJ, Rodriguez, L, Vilalta, R, Fabrega, JM, Martinez, R, Nadal, L, Moreolo, MS, Munoz, R
Google Scholar
Two-Level Abstraction Approach for SDN-based Service Provisioning in Open Line Systems Featuring TAPI Externalized Path Computation
2020 European Conference On Optical Communications, Ecoc 2020. January 2020.
Ishii, K, Casellas, R, Vilchez, FJ, Vilalta, R, Martinez, R, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Moreolo, MS, Munoz, R, Namiki, S
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Adaptive SDN control of SDM super-Channels exploiting the spatial-mode dimension
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 12. No. 1. January 2020.
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Google Scholar
Experimental validation of resource allocation in transport network slicing using the ADRENALINE testbed
PHOTONIC NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 40. No. 2. pp. 82-93 January 2020.
Vilalta, R, Muñoz, R, Casellas, R, Martínez, R, Li, F, Tang, PC
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Y Peer-to-Peer Blockchain-based NFV Service Platform for End-to-End Network Slice Orchestration Across Multiple NFVI Domains
2020 Ieee 3rd 5g World Forum, 5gwf 2020 - Conference Proceedings. pp. 151-156 January 2020.
Alemany, P, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R
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Experimental Evaluation of an On-line RSA Algorithm for SDN-Controlled Optical Metro Networks with VCSEL-based S-BVTs
2020 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm). January 2020.
Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Nadal, L, Lopez, V, Fernandez-Palacios, JP, Larrabeiti, D, Otero, G
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Experimental Assessment of a Programmable VCSEL-Based Photonic System Architecture over a Multi-Hop Path with 19-Core MCF for Future Agile Tb/s Metro Networks
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. January 2020.
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Google Scholar
SDN Control of Disaggregated Optical Networks with OpenConfig and OpenROADM
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 11616 LNCS. pp. 452-464 January 2020.
Casellas R., Vilalta R., Martínez R., Muñoz R.
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Experimental assessment of a programmable VCSEL-based photonic system architecture over a multi-hop path with 19-Core MCF for future agile Tb/s metro networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F174-OFC 2020. January 2020.
Svaluto Moreolo M., Fabrega J.M., Nadal L., Martínez R., Casellas R., Vílchez J., Muñoz R., Vilalta R., Gatto A., Parolari P., Boffi P., Neumeyr C., Larrabeiti D., Otero G., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
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Introducing Automated Verification and Validation for Virtualized Network Functions and Services
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 57. No. 5. pp. 96-102 January 2019.
Peuster, M, Schneider, S, Zhao, MX, Xilouris, G, Trakadas, P, Vicens, F, Tavernier, W, Soenen, T, Vilalta, R, Andreou, G, Kyriazis, D, Karl, H
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SDN-Enabled Sliceable Transceivers in Disaggregated Optical Networks
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 37. No. 24. pp. 6054-6062 January 2019.
Nadal, L, Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Rodriguez, L, Vilalta, R, Vilchez, FJ, Martinez, R
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A control and management architecture supporting autonomic NFV services
PHOTONIC NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 37. No. 1. pp. 24-37 January 2019.
Velasco, L, Casellas, R, Llana, S, Gifre, L, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Ruiz, M
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Enabling Network Slicing Across a Disaggregated Optical Transport Network
2019 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2019.
Casellas, R, Giorgetti, A, Morro, R, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
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SDN-Enabled Scaling Up/Down of SDM Super-Channels Exploiting Spatial Modes with Adaptive MIMO Equalization and Modulation Format Assignment
2019 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2019.
Munoz, R, Yoshikane, N, Fabrega, JM, Rodriguez, L, Vilalta, R, Soma, D, Beppu, S, Sumita, S, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I
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Advanced NFV features applied to multimedia real-time communications use case
2019 Ieee 2nd 5g World Forum (5gwf). pp. 323-328 January 2019.
Pol, A, Roman, A, Trakadas, P, Karkazis, P, Kapassa, E, Touloupou, M, Kyriazis, D, de la Cruz, JL, Alemany, P, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Vicens, F, Carrillo, SC
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SLA-controlled Proxy Service Through Customisable MANO Supporting Operator Policies
2019 Ifip/ieee Symposium On Integrated Network And Service Management (im). pp. 707-708 January 2019.
Soenen, T, Vicens, F, Bonnet, J, Parada, C, Kapassa, E, Touloupou, M, Fotopoulou, E, Zafeiropoulos, A, Pol, A, Kolometsos, S, Xilouris, G, Alemany, P, Vilalta, R, Trakadas, P, Karkazis, P, Peuster, M, Tavernier, W
Google Scholar
Transport API Extensions for the Interconnection of Multiple NFV Infrastructure Points of Presence
2019 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2019.
Vilalta, R, Lopez-de-Lerma, AM, Lopez, V, Mrowka, K, Szwedowski, R, Neidlinger, S, Felix, A, Stevkovski, Z, Tancevski, L, Singh, A, Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Munoz, R
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Experimental validation of network slicing management for vertical applications on multimedia real-time communications over a packet/optical network
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2019-July. January 2019.
Alemany P., Vilalta R., de la Cruz J.L., Pol A., Román A., Casellas R., Martínez R., Muñoz R.
10.1109/ICTON.2019.8840187 Google Scholar
Extended ACTN architecture to enable end-to-end 5G transport service assurance
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2019-July. January 2019.
Lee Y., John K., Vilalta R.
10.1109/ICTON.2019.8840270 Google Scholar
End-to-end network service deployment over multiple VIMs using a disaggregated transport optical network
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2019-July. January 2019.
Vilalta R., de la Cruz J.L., Alemany P., Casellas R., Martinez R., Muqaddas A., Nejabati R., Simeonidou D.
10.1109/ICTON.2019.8840222 Google Scholar
Orchestration of Optical Networks and Cloud/Edge Computing for IoT Services
Oecc/psc 2019 - 24th Optoelectronics And Communications Conference/international Conference Photonics In Switching And Computing 2019. January 2019.
Munoz R., Vilalta R., Casellas R., Martinez R., Yoshikane N., Tsuritani T., Morita I.
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SDN/NFV Control and Orchestration for SDM Networks
Oecc/psc 2019 - 24th Optoelectronics And Communications Conference/international Conference Photonics In Switching And Computing 2019. January 2019.
Munoz R., Vilalta R., Fabrega J.M., Casellas R., Martinez R., Yoshikane N., Tsuritani T., Morita I.
10.23919/PS.2019.8817985 Google Scholar
SDN/NFV 5G Fronthaul Networks Integrating Analog/Digital RoF, Optical Beamforming, Power over Fiber and Optical SDM Technologies
2019 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 459-463 January 2019.
Munoz R., Fabrega J.M., Vilalta R., Casellas R., Nadal L., Martinez R., Svaluto Moreolo M., Capitani M., Landi G., Rommel S., Monroy I.T., Otero G., Lopez J.D., Vazquez C., Larrabeiti D., Sanchez D., Grivas E.
10.1109/EuCNC.2019.8802045 Google Scholar
Proof-of-Concept Validation of SDN-Controlled VCSEL-Based S-BVTs in Flexi-Grid Optical Metro Networks
2019 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2019.
Martínez R., Casellas R., Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Nadal L., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
10.1364/ofc.2019.w1g.5 Google Scholar
Demo: A Mobile Edge Computing-based Collision Avoidance System for Future Vehicular Networks
Ieee Conference On Computer Communications Workshops (ieee Infocom 2019 Wkshps). pp. 904-905 January 2019.
Vazquez-Gallego F., Vilalta R., Garcia A., Mira F., Via S., Munoz R., Alonso-Zarate J., Catalan-Cid M.
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Latency-aware resource orchestration in SDN-based packet over optical flexi-grid transport networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 11. No. 4. pp. 83-96 January 2019.
Fichera, S, Martinez, R, Martini, B, Gharbaoui, M, Casellas, R, Vilalta D.R., Munoz, R, Castoldi, P
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SDN control of sliceable multidimensional (spectral and spatial) transceivers with YANG/NETCONF
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 11. No. 2. pp. 123-133 January 2019.
Munoz, R, Yoshikane, N, Vilalta, R, Fabrega, JM, Rodriguez, L, Casellas, R, Moreolo D.M.S., Martinez, R, Nadal, L, Soma, D, Wakayama, Y, Beppu, S, Sumita, S, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I
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Network Slicing over A Packet/Optical Network for Vertical Applications Applied to Multimedia Real-Time Communications
Ieee Conference On Network Function Virtualization And Software Defined Networks, Nfv-Sdn 2019 - Proceedings. January 2019.
Alemany, P, de la Cruz, JL, Pol, A, Roman, A, Trakadas, P, Karkazis, P, Touloupou, M, Kapassa, E, Kyriazis, D, Soenen, T, Parada, C, Bonnet, J, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
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SDN/NFV 5G Fronthaul Networks Integrating Analog/Digital RoF, Optical Beamforming, Power over Fiber and Optical SDM Technologies
European Conference On Networks And Communications. pp. 459-463 January 2019.
Muñoz, R, Fàbrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Nadal, L, Martínez, R, Moreolo, MS, Capitani, M, Landi, G, Rommel, S, Monroy, IT, Otero, G, López, JD, Vázquez, C, Larrabeiti, D, Sánchez, D, Grivas, E
Google Scholar
Transport API extensions for the interconnection of multiple NFV infrastructure points of presence
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F160-OFC 2019. January 2019.
Vilalta R., López-De-Lerma A.M., López V., Mrówka K., Szwedowski R., Neidlinger S., Felix A., Stevkovski Z., Tancevski L., Singh A., Martínez R., Casellas R., Muñoz R.
Google Scholar
SDN-enabled Scaling up/down of SDM Super-Channels Exploiting Spatial Modes with Adaptive MIMO Equalization and Modulation Format Assignment
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F160-OFC 2019. January 2019.
Muñoz R., Yoshikane N., Fàbrega J.M., Rodríguez L., Vilalta R., Soma D., Beppu S., Sumita S., Casellas R., Martínez R., Tsuritani T., Morita I.
Google Scholar
GRPC-based SDN control and telemetry for soft-failure detection of spectral/spacial superchannels
Iet Conference Publications. Vol. 2019. January 2019.
Vilalta R., Yoshikane N., Casellas R., Martínez R., Beppu S., Soma D., Sumita S., Tsuritani T., Morita I., Muñoz R.
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Multi-vendor sliceable transceivers in partial disaggregated metro networks
Iet Conference Publications. Vol. 2019. January 2019.
Nadal L., Casellas R., Fàbrega J.M., Muñoz R., Moreolo M.S., Rodríguez L., Vilalta R., Javier Vílchez F., Martínez R.
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Autonomic SDN control of multi-adaptive OFDM-based BVTs in fully-disaggregated SDM/WDM fronthaul networks
Iet Conference Publications. Vol. 2019. January 2019.
Muñoz R., Fabrega J.M., Vilalta R., Rodríguez L., Nadal L., Casellas R., Martínez R.
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Proof-of-concept validation of SDN-controlled VCSEL-based S-BVTs in flexi-grid optical metro networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F160-OFC 2019. January 2019.
Martínez R., Casellas R., Svaluto Moreolo M., Fabrega J.M., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Nadal L., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
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Abstraction and control of multi-domain disaggregated openroADM optical networks
Iet Conference Publications. Vol. 2019. January 2019.
Casellas R., Martinez R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R.
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Fifth-generation technologies for the connected car: Capable systems for vehicle-To-Anything communications
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. Vol. 13. No. 3. pp. 28-38 January 2018.
Fallgren, M, Dillinger, M, Alonso-Zarate, J, Boban, M, Abbas, T, Manolakis, K, Mahmoodi, T, Svensson, T, Laya, A, Vilalta, R
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Programmable SDN-enabled S-BVT based on hybrid electro-optical MCM
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 10. No. 6. pp. 593-602 January 2018.
Nadal, L, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Casellas, R, Vilchez, FJ, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
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Control, Management, and Orchestration of Optical Networks: Evolution, Trends, and Challenges
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 36. No. 7. pp. 1390-1402 January 2018.
Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
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Integration of IoT, Transport SDN, and Edge/Cloud Computing for Dynamic Distribution of IoT Analytics and Efficient Use of Network Resources
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 36. No. 7. pp. 1420-1428 January 2018.
Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Yoshikane, N, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I
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Metro-Haul: SDN Control and Orchestration of Disaggregated Optical Networks with Model-Driven Development
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2018-July. January 2018.
Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473858 Google Scholar
Enabling Data Analytics and Machine Learning for 5G Services within Disaggregated Multi-Layer Transport Networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2018-July. January 2018.
Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Velasco, L, Vilalta, R, Pavon, P, King, D, Munoz, R
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Hybrid WDM/SDM Mobile Fronthaul Traffic Delivery Using SDN-Enabled Sliceable Bandwidth/Bitrate Variable Transceivers
IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting. Vol. 2018-June. January 2018.
Fabrega, JM, Munoz, R, Moreolo, MS, Nadal, RCL, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Vilchez, FJ
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Experimental Validation of Hybrid WDM/SDM Signal Delivery for Mobile Fronthaul over PONs Using SDN-Enabled Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceivers
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2018-July. January 2018.
Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Casellas, R, Moreolo, MS, Vilchez, FJ, Vilalta, R, Martinez, R, Munoz, R, Sales, S, Gasulla, I, Capmany, J
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Integrated OAM and Transport SDN Architecture for Automatic and Dynamic Restoration of Signal-Degraded Connections within Flexi-Grid Optical Networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2018-July. January 2018.
Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Fabrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Vilchez, FJ, Nadal, L, Svaluto-Moreolo, M, Villafranca, A, Sevillano, P
10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473758 Google Scholar
Network slicing resource allocation and monitoring over multiple clouds and networks
2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). pp. 1-2 January 2018.
Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Fei, L, Tang, PC, Lopez, V
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Experimental SDN control solutions for automatic operations and management of 5G services in a fixed mobile converged packet-optical network
22nd International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm 2018). pp. 214-219 January 2018.
Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Requena, M, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Mangues, J
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SDN Control and Monitoring of SDM/WDM and Packet Transport Networks for 5G Fronthaul/Backhaul
2018 Ieee Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (sum). pp. 151-152 January 2018.
Munoz, R, Fabrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Moreolo, MS, Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Yoshikane, N, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I
10.1109/PHOSST.2018.8456748 Google Scholar
Hierarchical and Recursive NFV Service Platform for End-to-End Network Service Orchestration Across Multiple NFVI Domains
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2018-July. January 2018.
Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Vicens, F, Martrat, J, Lopez, V, Lopez, D
10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473616 Google Scholar
5GTANGO: A Beyond-MANO Service Platform
European Conference On Networks And Communications. pp. 26-30 January 2018.
Parada, C, Bonnet, J, Fotopoulou, E, Zafeiropoulos, A, Kapassa, E, Touloupou, M, Kyriazis, D, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Xilouris, G
Google Scholar
Control and Management of a Connected Car Using SDN/NFV, Fog Computing and YANG data models
2018 4th Ieee Conference On Network Softwarization And Workshops (netsoft). pp. 344-346 January 2018.
Vilalta, R, Via, S, Mira, F, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Alonso-Zarate, J, Kousaridas, A, Dillinger, M
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Towards IP & Transport Network Transformation Using Standardized Transport NorthBound Interfaces
2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). January 2018.
Vilalta, R, Lopez, V, Lee, Y, Zheng, HM, Lin, Y, Casellas, R, Gonzalez-de-Dios, O, Martinez, R, Munoz, R
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Optical networks virtualization and slicing in the 5G era
2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). pp. 1-3 January 2018.
Vilalta, R, Lopez-de-Lerma, AM, Munoz, R, Martinez, R, Casellas, R
Google Scholar
Towards Autonomic Policy-based Network Service Deployment with SLA and Monitoring
2018 Ieee Conference On Network Function Virtualization And Software Defined Networks (nfv-Sdn). January 2018.
Xilouris, G, Kolometsos, S, Parada, C, Bonnet, J, Stavrianos, P, Kapassa, E, Touloupou, M, Kyriazis, D, Gouvas, P, Fotopoulou, E, Zafeiropoulos, A, Vicens, F, Martrat, J, Alemany, P, Munoz, R, Vilalta, R
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Enabling Vertical Industries Adoption of 5G Technologies: a Cartography of evolving solutions
European Conference On Networks And Communications. pp. 130-135 January 2018.
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Elastic Networks Thematic Network Results I: Planning and Control of Flex-Grid/SDM
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2018-July. January 2018.
Moreno-Muro, FJ, Rumipamba-Zambrano, R, Perello, J, Pavon-Marino, P, Sole-Pareta, J, Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Mata, J, Ruiz, L, Merayo, N, de Miguel, I, Duran, RJ
10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473822 Google Scholar
Orchestration of end-to-end network services in the 5G-Crosshaul multi-domain multi-technology transport network
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 56. No. 7. pp. 184-191 January 2018.
Baranda, J, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Pascual, I, Nunez-Martinez, J, De la Cruz, JL, Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Salvat, JX, Turyagyenda, C
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Experimental Evaluation of Orchestrating Inter-DC Quality-Enabled VNFFG Services in Packet/Flexi-Grid Optical Networks
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. Vol. 2018-September. January 2018.
Fichera S., Martinez R., Casellas R., Martini B., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Castoldi P., Manzalini A.
10.1109/ECOC.2018.8535231 Google Scholar
SDN Control and Monitoring System for Soft-Failure Detection and Optical Restoration of Spectral/Spatial Superchannels
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. Vol. 2018-September. January 2018.
Muñoz R., Yoshikane N., Fàbrega J.M., Vilalta R., Rodríguez L., Moreolo M.S., Casellas R., Martínez R., Beppu S., Soma D., Tsuritani T., Morita I.
10.1109/ECOC.2018.8535244 Google Scholar
Experimental Demonstration of the BlueSPACE's NFV MANO Framework for the Control of SDM/WDM-Enabled Fronthaul and Packet-Based Transport Networks by Extending the TAPI
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. Vol. 2018-September. January 2018.
Vilalta R., Munoz R., Landi G., Rodriguez L., Capitani M., Casellas R., Martinez R.
10.1109/ECOC.2018.8535514 Google Scholar
Latency-Aware Network Service Orchestration over an SDN-Controlled Multi-Layer Transport Infrastructure
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2018-July. January 2018.
Fichera S., Martinez R., Martini B., Gharbaoui M., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Castoldi P.
10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473817 Google Scholar
Zero-Touch Network Slicing Through Multi-Domain Transport Networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2018-July. January 2018.
Vilalta R., Alemany P., Casellas R., Martinez R., Parada C., Bonnet J., Vicens F., Munoz R.
10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473898 Google Scholar
Enabling Vertical Industries Adoption of 5G Technologies: A Cartography of Evolving Solutions
2018 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 130-135 January 2018.
Zafeiropoulos A., Gouvas P., Fotopoulou E., Tsiolis G., Xirofotos T., Bonnet J., Carrozzo G., Rizou S., Gavras A., Barros M.J., Costa-Perez X., Prasad A., Gramaglia M., Tzanakaki A., Simeonidou D., Cosmas J., Fallgren M., Munoz R., Vilalta R.
10.1109/EuCNC.2018.8442656 Google Scholar
BlueSPACE's SDN/NFV Architecture for 5G SDM/WDM-Enabled Fronthaul with Edge Computing
2018 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 403-407 January 2018.
Munoz R., Vilalta R., Fabrega J.M., Rodriguez L., Martinez R., Casellas R., Landi G., Capitani M.
10.1109/EuCNC.2018.8443224 Google Scholar
Fully automated peer service orchestration of cloud and network resources using ACTN and CSO
22nd International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm 2018). pp. 124-129 January 2018.
Vilalta R., Casellas R., Martinez R., Munoz R., Lee Y., Zheng H., Lin Y., Lopez V., Contreras L.M.
10.23919/ONDM.2018.8396118 Google Scholar
Experimental Validation of a Converged Metro Architecture for Transparent Mobile Front-/Back-Haul Traffic Delivery Using SDN-Enabled Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceivers
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 36. No. 7. pp. 1429-1434 January 2018.
Fabrega J.M., Moreolo M.S., Reixats L.N., Vílchez F.J., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Martínez R., Muñoz R., Fernández-Palacios J.P., Contreras L.M.
10.1109/JLT.2018.2793353 Google Scholar
Experimental validation of transport SDN restoration of signal-degraded connections in flexi-grid networks
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F84-OFC 2018. January 2018.
Marti´nez R., Casellas R., Fabrega J.M., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Nadal L., Svaluto Moreolo M., Villafranca A., Sevillano P.
10.1364/OFC.2018.M3A.6 Google Scholar
SDN-enabled sliceable multi-dimensional (Spectral and Spatial) transceiver controlled with YANG/NETCONF
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F84-OFC 2018. January 2018.
Muñoz R., Yoshikane N., Casellas R., Fàbrega J.M., Vilalta R., Svaluto Moreolo M., Nadal L., Marti´nez R., Soma D., Wakayama Y., Beppu S., Sumita S., Tsuritani T., Morita I.
10.1364/OFC.2018.M2A.5 Google Scholar
SDN-Based Multi-Core Power-Over-Fiber (PoF) System for 5G Fronthaul: Towards PoF Pooling
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. Vol. 2018-September. January 2018.
Otero, G, Lopez-Cardona, JD, Munoz, R, Vazquez, C, Larrabeiti, D, Vilalta, R, Hernandez, JA, Fabrega, JM
10.1109/ECOC.2018.8535543 Google Scholar
Network Management and Orchestration
5G System Design: Architectural and Functional Considerations and Long Term Research. January 2018.
L. M. Contreras, V. López, R. Vilalta, R. Casellas, R. Muñoz, W. Jiang, H. Schotten, J. Alcaraz-Calero, Q. Wang, B. Sonkoly, L. Toka
Google Scholar
Experimental Demonstration of the BIueSPACE's NFV MANO Framework for the Control of SDM/WDM-enabled Fronthaul and Packet-based Transport Networks by Extending the TAPI
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. January 2018.
Vilalta, R, Muñoz, R, Landi, G, Rodríguez, L, Capitani, M, Casellas, R, Martínez, R
Google Scholar
BlueSPACE's SDN/NFV Architecture for 5G SDM/WDM-enabled Fronthaul with Edge Computing
European Conference On Networks And Communications. pp. 403-407 January 2018.
Muñoz, R, Vilalta, R, Fàbrega, JM, Rodríguez, L, Martínez, R, Casellas, R, Landi, G, Capitani, M
Google Scholar
Towards IP transport network transformation using standardized transport northbound interfaces
2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). pp. 1-2 January 2018.
Vilalta R., Lopez V., Lee Y., Zheng H., Lin Y., Casellas R., Gonzalez-De-Dios O., Martinez R., Munoz R.
Google Scholar
5Gtango: A Beyond-Mano Service Platform
2018 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 26-30 January 2018.
Parada C., Bonnet J., Fotopoulou E., Zafeiropoulos A., Kapassa E., Touloupou M., Kyriazis D., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Casellas R., Martinez R., Xilouris G.
10.1109/EuCNC.2018.8443232 Google Scholar
Optical Networks Virtualization and Slicing in the 5G era
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F84-OFC 2018. January 2018.
Vilalta R., López-de-Lerma A.M., Muñoz R., Martínez R., Casellas R.
10.1364/OFC.2018.M2A.4 Google Scholar
Towards IP & transport network transformation using standardized transport northbound interfaces
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F84-OFC 2018. January 2018.
Vilalta R., López V., Lee Y., Zheng H., Lin Y., Casellas R., González-de-Dios O., Martínez R., Muñoz R.
10.1364/OFC.2018.TU3D.8 Google Scholar
Network slicing resource allocation and monitoring over multiple clouds and networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F84-OFC 2018. January 2018.
Martínez R., Vilalta R., Casellas R., Muñoz R., Fei L., Tang P., López V.
10.1364/OFC.2018.TU3D.11 Google Scholar
SDN orchestration architectures and their integration with Cloud Computing applications
Optical Switching and Networking. Vol. 26. pp. 2-13 November 2017.
Mayoral, A, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martínez, R
10.1016/j.osn.2015.09.007 Google Scholar
5G-Crosshaul Network Slicing: Enabling Multi-Tenancy in Mobile Transport Networks
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 55. No. 8. pp. 128-137 August 2017.
Li, X, Casellas, R, Landi, G, de la Oliva, A, Costa-Pérez, X, Garcia-Saavedra, A, Deiss, T, Cominardi, L, Vilalta, R
10.1109/MCOM.2017.1600921 Google Scholar
TelcoFog: A Unified Flexible Fog and Cloud Computing Architecture for 5G Networks
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 55. No. 8. pp. 36-43 August 2017.
Vilalta, R, López, V, Giorgetti, A, Peng, SP, Orsini, V, Velasco, L, Serral-Graciá, R, Morris, D, De Fina, S, Cugini, F, Castoldi, P, Mayoral, A, Casellas, R, Martínez, R, Verikoukis, C, Munoz, R
10.1109/MCOM.2017.1600838 Google Scholar
End-to-End Service Orchestration From Access to Backbone
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 9. No. 6. pp. 137-147 June 2017.
Lopez V., Gran Josa J.M., Uceda V., Slyne F., Ruffini M., Vilalta R., Mayoral A., Muñoz R., Casellas R., Martínez R.
10.1364/JOCN.9.00B137 Google Scholar
Demonstration of Adaptive SDN Orchestration: A Real-Time Congestion-Aware Services Provisioning Over OFDM-Based 400G OPS and Flexi-WDM OCS
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 35. No. 3. pp. 506-512 February 2017.
Fabrega J.M., Svaluto Moreolo M., Mayoral A., Vilalta R., Casellas R., Martinez R., Munoz R., Yoshida Y., Kitayama K., Kai Y., Nishihara M., Okabe R., Tanaka T., Takahara T., Rasmussen J.C., Yoshikane N., Cao X., Tsuritani T., Morita I., Habel K., Freund R., Lopez V., Aguado A., Yan S., Simeonidou D., Szyrkowiec T., Autenrieth A., Shiraiwa M., Awaji Y., Wada N.
10.1109/JLT.2017.2655418 Google Scholar
Integrated SDN/NFV Orchestration for the Dynamic Deployment of Mobile Virtual Backhaul Networks Over a Multilayer (Packet/Optical) Aggregation Infrastructure
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 9. No. 2. pp. 135-142 February 2017.
Martinez R., Mayoral A., Vilalta R., Casellas R., Munoz R., Pachnicke S., Szyrkowiec T., Autenrieth A.
10.1364/JOCN.9.00A135 Google Scholar
Highly Available SDN Control of Flexi-Grid Networks With Network Function Virtualization-Enabled Replication
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 9. No. 2. pp. 207-215 February 2017.
Casellas R., Vilalta R., Martinez R., Munoz R.
10.1364/JOCN.9.00A207 Google Scholar
Experimental validation of the ACTN architecture for flexi-grid optical networks using Active Stateful Hierarchical PCEs
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2017.
Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Martinez, R, Munoz, R, Zheng, HM, Lee, Y
10.1109/ICTON.2017.8025182 Google Scholar
Control, Management and Orchestration of Optical Networks: An Introduction, Challenges and Current Trends
43rd European Conference On Optical Communication (ecoc 2017). Vol. 2017-September. pp. 1-3 January 2017.
Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
10.1109/ECOC.2017.8346131 Google Scholar
Experimental Validation of a Converged Metro Architecture for Transparent Mobile Front-/Back-Haul Traffic Delivery Using SDN-Enabled Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceivers
43rd European Conference On Optical Communication (ecoc 2017). Vol. 2017-September. pp. 1-3 January 2017.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Nadal, L, Vilchez, FJ, Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Martinez, R, Munoz, R, Fernandez-Palacios, JP, Contreras, LM
10.1109/ECOC.2017.8345859 Google Scholar
Scalable telemetry and network autonomics in ACTN SDN controller hierarchy
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2017.
Lee, Y, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Munoz, R
10.1109/ICTON.2017.8025036 Google Scholar
Experimental Evaluation of a PCE Transport SDN Controller for Dynamic Grooming in Packet over Flexi-Grid Optical Networks
43rd European Conference On Optical Communication (ecoc 2017). Vol. 2017-September. pp. 1-3 January 2017.
Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
10.1109/ECOC.2017.8345999 Google Scholar
IoT-aware Multi-layer Transport SDN and Cloud Architecture for Traffic Congestion Avoidance Through Dynamic Distribution of IoT Analytics
43rd European Conference On Optical Communication (ecoc 2017). Vol. 2017-September. pp. 1-3 January 2017.
Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Yoshikane, N, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I
10.1109/ECOC.2017.8346192 Google Scholar
Network Slicing Using Dynamic Flex Ethernet over Transport Networks
43rd European Conference On Optical Communication (ecoc 2017). Vol. 2017-September. pp. 1-3 January 2017.
Vilalta, R, Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Lee, Y, Fei, L, Tang, P, Lopez, V
10.1109/ECOC.2017.8346065 Google Scholar
Verification and validation framework for 5g network services and apps
2017 Ieee Conference On Network Function Virtualization And Software Defined Networks (nfv-Sdn). Vol. 2017-January. pp. 321-326 January 2017.
Zhao, MX, Le Gall, F, Cousin, P, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Castro, S, Peuster, M, Schneider, S, Siapera, M, Kapassa, E, Kyriazis, D, Hasselmeyer, P, Xilouris, G, Tranoris, C, Denazis, S, Martrat, J
10.1109/NFV-SDN.2017.8169878 Google Scholar
Control plane architectures enabling transport network adaptive and autonomic operation
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2017.
Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Mayoral, A, Martinez, R, Munoz, R, Contreras, LM
10.1109/ICTON.2017.8025013 Google Scholar
Novel Resource and Energy Management for 5G Integrated BackhaulIFronthaul (5G-Crosshaul)
Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops. pp. 778-784 January 2017.
Li, X, Ferdous, R, Chiasserini, CF, Casetti, CE, Moscatelli, F, Landi, G, Casellas, R, Sakaguchi, K, Chundrigar, SB, Vilalta, R, Mangues, J, Garcia-Saavedra, A, Costa-Pérez, X, Goratti, L, Siracusa, D
Google Scholar
Integrating optical transport network testbeds and cloud platforms to enable end-to-end 5G and IoT services
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2017.
Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Mayoral, A, Martinez, R
10.1109/ICTON.2017.8025035 Google Scholar
Resource management in a hierarchically controlled multi-domain wireless/optical integrated fronthaul and backhaul network
2017 Ieee Conference On Network Function Virtualization And Software Defined Networks (nfv-Sdn). Vol. 2017-January. pp. 1-2 January 2017.
Baranda J., Núñez-Martínez J., Pascual I., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Mayoral A., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Martínez R., Muñoz R., Salvat J.X., Garcia-Saavedra A., Li X., Kocur J.
10.1109/NFV-SDN.2017.8169848 Google Scholar
Elastic optical technologies and SDN/NFV control for 5G mobile x-haul
Summer Topicals Meeting Series, Sum 2017. pp. 9-10 January 2017.
Muñoz R., Fabrega J.M., Casellas R., Moreolo M.S., Vilalta R., Nadal L., Martínez R.
10.1109/PHOSST.2017.8012625 Google Scholar
The ADRENALINE testbed: An SDN/NFV packet/optical transport network and edge/core cloud platform for end-to-end 5G and IoT services
2017 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). January 2017.
Munoz R., Nadal L., Casellas R., Moreolo M.S., Vilalta R., Fabrega J.M., Martinez R., Mayoral A., Vilchez F.J.
10.1109/EuCNC.2017.7980775 Google Scholar
Control orchestration protocol: Unified transport API for distributed cloud and network orchestration
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 9. No. 2. pp. 216-222 January 2017.
Mayoral A., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Casellas R., Martinez R., Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Aguado A., Yan S., Simeonidou D., Gran J.M., Lopez V., Kaczmarek P., Szwedowski R., Szyrkowiec T., Autenrieth A., Yoshikane N., Tsuritani T., Morita I., Shiraiwa M., Wada N., Nishihara M., Tanaka T., Takahara T., Rasmussen J.C., Yoshida Y., Kitayama K.-I.
10.1364/JOCN.9.00A216 Google Scholar
Cascading of tenant SDN and cloud controllers for 5G network slicing using Transport API and Openstack API
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. January 2017.
Mayoral A., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Casellas R., Martínez R., López V.
10.1364/OFC.2017.M2H.3 Google Scholar
Distributed vs. Centralized PCE-based transport SDN controller for flexi-grid optical networks
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. January 2017.
Martínez R., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R.
10.1364/OFC.2017.M2H.2 Google Scholar
E2E transport API demonstration in hierarchical scenarios
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. January 2017.
Lopez, V, Maor, I, Sethuraman, K, Mayoral, A, Ong, L, Szwedowski, R, Marques, F, Sharma, A, Bosisio, F, de Dios, OG, Gerstel, O, Druesedau, F, Vilalta, R, Silva, H, Autenrieth, A, Borges, N, Liou, C, Cazzaniga, G, Fernandez-Palacios, JP
Google Scholar
Experimental Evaluation of Hierarchical Control over Multi-Domain Wireless/Optical Networks
European Conference On Networks And Communications. January 2017.
Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Nunez-Martinez, J, Casellas, R, Mayoral, A, Baranda, J, Salvat, JX, Garcia-Saavedra, A, Vilalta, R, Pascual, I, Li, X, Martinez, R, Munoz, R
Google Scholar
Need for a Transport API in 5G for Global Orchestration of Cloud and Networks Through a Virtualized Infrastructure Manager and Planner [Invited]
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 9. No. 1. pp. 55-62 January 2017.
Mayoral, A, Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Martínez, R, López, V
10.1364/JOCN.9.000A55 Google Scholar
The ADRENALINE Testbed: An SDN/NFV Packet/Optical Transport Network and Edge/Core Cloud Platform for End-to-End 5G and IoT Services
European Conference On Networks And Communications. January 2017.
Muñoz, R, Nadal, L, Casellas, R, Moreolo, MS, Vilalta, R, Fàbrega, JM, Martínez, R, Mayoral, A, Vílchez, FJ
Google Scholar
Elastic optical technologies and SDN/NFV control for 5G mobile x-haul
2017 Ieee Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (sum). pp. 9-10 January 2017.
Muñoz, R, Fábrega, JM, Casellas, R, Moreolo, MS, Vilalta, R, Nadal, L, Martínez, R
Google Scholar
Control and Management of a Connected Car Using YANG/RESTCONF and Cloud Computing
International Conference On The Network Of The Future. pp. 120-122 January 2017.
Vilalta, R, Via, S, Mira, F, Sanabria, L, Martínez, R, Casellas, R, Muñoz, R, Alonso-Zarate, J
Google Scholar
End-to-end SDN/NFV orchestration of video analytics using edge and cloud computing over programmable optical networks
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. January 2017.
Vilalta, R, Popescu, I, Mayoral, A, Cao, XY, Casellas, R, Yoshikane, N, Martinez, R, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I, Muñoz, R
Google Scholar
A Cloud Optical Access Network for Virtualized GNSS Receivers
Fernández-Prades, C, Pomar, C, Arribas, J, Fabrega, JM, Vilá-Valls, J, Moreolo, MS, Casellas, R, Martínez, R, Navarro, M, Vílchez, FJ, Muñoz, R, Vilalta, R, Nadal, L, Mayoral, A
Google Scholar
Fully automated peer service orchestration of cloud and network resources using ACTN and CSO
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. January 2017.
Vilalta, R, Lee, Y, Zhang, H, Lin, Y, Casellas, R, Mayoral, A, Martínez, R, Muñoz, R, Contreras, LM, López, V
Google Scholar
Experimental evaluation of hierarchical control over multi-domain wireless/optical networks
2017 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). January 2017.
Mangues-Bafalluy J., Nunez-Martinez J., Casellas R., Mayoral A., Baranda J., Salvat J.X., Garcia-Saavedra A., Vilalta R., Pascual I., Li X., Martinez R., Munoz R.
10.1109/EuCNC.2017.7980665 Google Scholar
A cloud optical access network for virtualized GNSS receivers
30th International Technical Meeting Of The Satellite Division Of The Institute Of Navigation, Ion Gnss 2017. Vol. 6. pp. 3796-3815 January 2017.
Fernández-Prades C., Pomar C., Arribas J., Fabrega J.M., Vilà-Valls J., Svaluto Moreolo M., Casellas R., Martínez R., Navarro M., Vílchez F.J., Muñoz R., Vilalta R., Nadal L., Mayoral A.
Google Scholar
Control and management of a connected car using YANG/RESTCONF and cloud computing
Proceedings Of The 2017 8th International Conference On The Network Of The Future (nof). Vol. 2018-January. pp. 120-122 January 2017.
Vilalta R., Via S., Mira F., Sanabria L., Martínez R., Casellas R., Muñoz R., Alonso-Zarate J.
10.1109/NOF.2017.8251230 Google Scholar
Novel Resource and Energy Management for 5G integrated backhaul/fronthaul (5G-Crosshaul)
2017 Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops (icc Workshops). pp. 778-784 January 2017.
Li X., Ferdous R., Chiasserini C.F., Casetti C.E., Moscatelli F., Landi G., Casellas R., Sakaguchi K., Chundrigar S.B., Vilalta R., Mangues J., Garcia-Saavedra A., Costa-Perez X., Goratti L., Siracusa D.
10.1109/ICCW.2017.7962753 Google Scholar
Fully automated peer service orchestration of cloud and network resources using ACTN and CSO
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F40-OFC 2017. January 2017.
Vilalta R., Lee Y., Zhang H., Lin Y., Casellas R., Mayoral A., Martínez R., Muñoz R., Contreras L.M., López V.
10.1364/OFC.2017.Tu3L.2 Google Scholar
Control plane solutions for sliceable bandwidth transceiver configuration in flexi-grid optical networks
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 54. No. 8. pp. 126-135 January 2016.
Martinez, R, Cugini, F, Casellas, R, Paolucci, F, Vilalta, R, Castoldi, P, Munoz, R
10.1109/MCOM.2016.7537187 Google Scholar
Orchestration of IT/cloud and networks: From Inter-DC interconnection to SDN/NFV 5G services
20th International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm 2016). January 2016.
Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Martinez, R
10.1109/ONDM.2016.7494060 Google Scholar
Active stateful PCE high-availability for the control of flexi-grid networks with network function virtualization enabled replication
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2016.
Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Martinez, R, Munoz, R
10.1364/ofc.2016.th4g.6 Google Scholar
A control plane architecture for multi-domain elastic optical networks: The view of the IDEALIST project
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 54. No. 8. pp. 136-143 January 2016.
Casellas, R, Gonzalez, O, Paolucci, F, Morro, R, Lopez, V, King, D, Martinez, R, Cugini, F, Munoz, R, Farrel, A, Vilalta, R, Fernandez-Palacios, JP
10.1109/MCOM.2016.7537188 Google Scholar
Dynamic virtual network reconfiguration over SDN orchestrated multitechnology optical transport domains
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 34. No. 8. pp. 1933-1938 January 2016.
Aguado, A, Davis, M, Peng, SP, Alvarez, MV, Lopez, V, Szyrkowiec, T, Autenrieth, A, Vilalta, R, Mayoral, A, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Yoshikane, N, Tsuritani, T, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D
10.1109/JLT.2016.2522823 Google Scholar
SDN-Enabled Sliceable BVT Based on Multicarrier Technology for Multiflow Rate/Distance and Grid Adaptation
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 34. No. 6. pp. 1516-1522 January 2016.
Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Vilchez, FJ, Mayoral, A, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Nishihara, M, Tanaka, T, Takahara, T, Rasmussen, JC, Kottke, C, Schlosser, M, Freund, R, Meng, FC, Yan, SY, Zervas, G, Simeonidou, D, Yoshida, Y, Kitayama, KI
10.1109/JLT.2015.2510082 Google Scholar
Multitenant Transport Networks with SDN/NFV
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 34. No. 6. pp. 1509-1515 January 2016.
Vilalta, R, Mayoral, A, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R
10.1109/JLT.2015.2508044 Google Scholar
The CTTC 5G End-to-End Experimental Platform: Integrating Heterogeneous Wireless/Optical Networks, Distributed Cloud, and IoT Devices
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. Vol. 11. No. 1. pp. 50-63 January 2016.
Munoz, R, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Vilalta, R, Verikoukis, C, Alonso-Zarate, J, Bartzoudis, N, Georgiadis, A, Payaro, M, Perez-Neira, A, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Nunez-Martnez, J, Esteso, MR, Pubill, D, Font-Bach, O, Henarejos, P, Serra, J, Vazquez-Gallego, F
10.1109/MVT.2015.2508320 Google Scholar
End-to-end service orchestration from access to backbone
20th International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm 2016). January 2016.
Josa, JMG, Lopez, V, Slyne, F, Ruffini, M, Vilalta, R, Mayoral, A, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R
10.1109/ONDM.2016.7494064 Google Scholar
On-demand virtual infrastructure composition over multi-domain and multi-technology networks
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2016.
Hammad, A, Aguado, A, Peng, SP, Vilalta, R, Mayoral, A, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Munoz, R, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D
10.1364/ofc.2016.th1a.4 Google Scholar
Integrated SDN/NFV orchestration for the dynamic deployment of mobile virtual backhaul networks over a multi-layer (Packet/Optical) aggregation infrastructure
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2016.
Martinez, R, Mayoral, A, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Pachnicke, S, Szyrkowiec, T, Autenrieth, A
10.1364/ofc.2016.th1a.1 Google Scholar
First experimental demonstration of a distributed cloud and heterogeneous network orchestration with a common Transport API for E2E services with QoS
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2016.
Mayoral, A, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, M, Yan, S, Aguado, A, Hugues-Salas, E, Peng, S, Meng, F, Shu, Y, Zervas, G, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D, Gran, JM, Lopez, V, de Dios, OG, Fernandez-Palacios, P, Kaczmarek, P, Szwedowski, R, Szyrkowiec, T, Autenrieth, A, Yoshikane, N, Cao, X, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I, Shiraiwa, M, Wada, N, Nishihara, M, Tanaka, T, Takahara, T, Rasmussen, JC, Yoshida, Y, Kitayama, K
10.1364/ofc.2016.th1a.2 Google Scholar
The need for a transport API in 5G networks: The control orchestration protocol
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2016.
Munoz, R, Mayoral, A, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Lopez, V
10.1364/ofc.2016.th3k.4 Google Scholar
Experimental demonstration of distributed multi-tenant cloud/fog and heterogeneous SDN/NFV orchestration for 5G services
2016 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 52-56 January 2016.
Vilalta, R, Mayoral, A, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Munoz, R
10.1109/EuCNC.2016.7561003 Google Scholar
End-to-end SDN orchestration of IoT services using an SDN/NFV-enabled edge node
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2016.
Vilalta, R, Mayoral, A, Pubill, D, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Serra, J, Verikoukis, C, Munoz, R
10.1364/ofc.2016.w2a.42 Google Scholar
First demonstration of cognitive SDN orchestration: A real-time congestion-aware services provisioning over OFDM-based 400G OPS and Flexi-WDM OCS networks
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2016.
Yoshida, Y, Kitayama, K, Kai, Y, Nishihara, M, Okabe, R, Tanaka, T, Takahara, T, Rasmussen, JC, Yoshikane, N, Cao, X, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I, Mayoral, A, Fabrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Moreolo, MS, Munoz, R, Habel, K, Freund, R, Lopez, V, Aguado, A, Yan, S, Simeonidou, D, Szyrkowiec, T, Autenrieth, A, Shiraiwa, M, Awaji, Y, Wada, N
Google Scholar
Hierarchical SDN orchestration of wireless and optical networks with E2E provisioning and recovery for future 5G networks
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2016.
Vilalta R., Mayoral A., Baranda J., Nunez J., Casellas R., Martinez R., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Munoz R.
10.1364/ofc.2016.w2a.43 Google Scholar
Improving Security in Internet of Things with Software Defined Networking
Ieee Global Communications Conference. January 2016.
Vilalta, R, Ciungu, R, Mayoral, A, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Pubill, D, Serra, J, Munoz, R, Verikoukis, C
Google Scholar
SDN/NFV orchestration of multi-technology and multi-domain networks in cloud/fog architectures for 5g services
2016 21st Optoelectronics And Communications Conference, Oecc 2016 - Held Jointly With 2016 International Conference On Photonics In Switching, Ps 2016. January 2016.
Vilalta R., Mayoral A., Casellas R., Martinez R., Munoz R.
Google Scholar
On-demand allocation of control plane functions via SDN/NFV for monitoring-enabled flexi-grid optical networks with programmable BVTs
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. pp. 515-517 January 2016.
Casellas R., Fabrega J.M., Munoz R., Nadal L., Vilalta R., Moreolo M.S., Martinez R.
Google Scholar
An SDN Control Plane for Multiband Networks Exploiting a PLI-aware Routing Engine
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2016.
Casellas R., Kosmatos E., Lord A., Matrakidis C., Martínez R., Uzunidis D., Vilalta R., Stavdas A., Muñoz R.
Google Scholar
Transport api: A solution for SDN in carriers networks
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. pp. 1220-1222 January 2016.
Lopez V., Vilalta R., Uceda V., Mayoral A., Casellas R., Martínez R., Muñoz R., Palacios J.P.F.
Google Scholar
Demonstration of Zero-touch Device and L3-VPN Service Management using the TeraFlow Cloud-native SDN Controller
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2016.
Gifre Ll., Natalino C., Gonzalez-Diaz S., Soldatos F., Barguil S., Aslanoglou C., Moreno-Muro F.J., Quispe Cornelio A.N., Cepeda L., Martinez R., Manso C., Apostolopoulos V., Valiviita S.P., de Dios O.G., Rodriguez J., Casellas R., Monti P., Katsikas G.P., Muñoz R., Vilalta R.
Google Scholar
Architecture to Deploy and Operate a Digital Twin Optical Network
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2016.
Vilalta R., Casellas R., Gifre Ll., Muñoz R., Martínez R., Pastor A., López D., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
Google Scholar
Experimental Demonstration of a Metro Area Network with Terabit-capable Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceiver using Direct Modulated VCSELs and Coherent Detection
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2016.
Fabrega J.M., Vílchez F.J., Moreolo M.S., Martínez R., Quispe A., Nadal L., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Neumeyr C., Lee S.Y., Shin J.U., Jung H.D., Mariani G., Heuvelmans R., Gatto A., Parolari P., Boffi P., Tessema N.M., Calabretta N., Larrabeiti D., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
Google Scholar
Evaluation of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Restoration in Optical Networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2016.
Hernández-Chulde C., Casellas R., Martínez R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R.
Google Scholar
Peer SDN orchestration: End-to-end connectivity service provisioning through multiple administrative domains
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. pp. 184-186 January 2016.
Vilalta R., Mayoral A., López V., Uceda V., Casellas R., Martinez R., Muñoz R., Aguado A., Marhuenda J., Nejabati R., Simeonidou D., Yoshikane N., Tsuritani T., Morita I., Szyrkowiec T., Autenrieth A.
Google Scholar
Dynamic Reconfiguration of WDM Virtual Network Topology over SDM Networks for Spatial Channel Failure Recovery with gRPC Telemetry
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2016.
Muñoz R., Manso C., Balasis F., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Martínez R., Wang C., Yoshikane N., Tsuritani T., Morita I.
Google Scholar
Microservice-Based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Loop for Optical Networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2016.
Natalino C., Manso C., Gifre L., Muñoz R., Vilalta R., Furdek M., Monti P.
Google Scholar
Multi-tenant 5G network slicing architecture with dynamic deployment of virtualized tenant management and orchestration (MANO) instances
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. pp. 509-511 January 2016.
Mayoral A., Vilalta R., Casellas R., Martínez R., Muñoz R.
Google Scholar
Improving security in internet of things with software defined networking
2016 Ieee Global Communications Conference (globecom). January 2016.
Vilalta R., Ciungu R., Mayoral A., Casellas R., Martinez R., Pubill D., Serra J., Munoz R., Verikoukis C.
10.1109/GLOCOM.2016.7841889 Google Scholar
GMPLS/PCE-Controlled Multi-Flow Optical Transponders in Elastic Optical Networks [Invited]
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 7. No. 11. pp. 71-80 November 2015.
Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
10.1364/JOCN.7.000B71 Google Scholar
Multidomain Network Hypervisor for Abstraction and Control of OpenFlow-Enabled Multitenant Multitechnology Transport Networks [Invited]
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 7. No. 11. pp. 55-61 November 2015.
Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Peng, S, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D, Yoshikane, N, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I, Lopez, V, Szyrkowiec, T, Autenrieth, A
10.1364/JOCN.7.000B55 Google Scholar
GMPLS/PCE-controlled Multi-Flow Optical Transponders in Elastic Optical Networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 7. No. 11. November 2015.
R. Martínez, R. Casellas, R. Vilalta, R. Muñoz
Google Scholar
Multidomain Network Hypervisor for Abstraction and Control of OpenFlow-Enabled Multitenant Multitechnology Transport Networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 7. No. 11. November 2015.
R. Vilalta, R. Muñoz, R. Casellas, R. Martínez, S. Peng, R. Nejabati, D. Simeonidou, N. Yoshikane, T. Tsuritani, I. Morita, V. Lopez, T. Szyrkowiec, A. Autenrieth
Google Scholar
Multipartner demonstration of BGP-LS-enabled multidomain EON control and instantiation with H-PCE
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 7. No. 12. pp. 153-162 January 2015.
de Dios, OG, Casellas, R, Morro, R, Paolucci, F, Lopez, V, Martinez, R, Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Castoldi, P
10.1364/JOCN.7.00B153 Google Scholar
Control and orchestration of multidomain optical networks with GMPLS as inter-SDM controller communication
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 7. No. 11. pp. 46-54 January 2015.
Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Liu, L
10.1364/JOCN.7.000B46 Google Scholar
Integrated SDN/NFV management and orchestration architecture for dynamic deployment of virtual SDN control instances for virtual tenant networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 7. No. 11. pp. 62-70 January 2015.
Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Szyrkowiec, T, Autenrieth, A, Lopez, V, Lopez, D
10.1364/JOCN.7.000B62 Google Scholar
Transport network orchestration for end-to-end multilayer provisioning across heterogeneous SDN/OpenFlow and GMPLS/PCE control domains
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 33. No. 8. pp. 1540-1548 January 2015.
Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Francois, F, Channegowda, M, Hammad, A, Peng, S, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D, Yoshikane, N, Tsuritani, T, Lopez, V, Autenrieth, A
10.1109/JLT.2015.2393634 Google Scholar
Transport network function virtualization
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 33. No. 8. pp. 1557-1564 January 2015.
Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Mayoral, A, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Lopez, V, Lopez, D
10.1109/JLT.2015.2390655 Google Scholar
SDN-based network orchestration of variable-capacity optical packet switching network over programmable flexi-grid elastic optical path network
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 33. No. 3. pp. 609-617 January 2015.
Yoshida, Y, Maruta, A, Kitayama, K, Nishihara, M, Tanaka, T, Takahara, T, Rasmussen, JC, Yoshikane, N, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I, Yan, SY, Shu, Y, Yan, Y, Nejabati, R, Zervas, G, Simeonidou, D, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Aguado, A, Lopez, V, Marhuenda, J
10.1109/JLT.2014.2351852 Google Scholar
Dynamic virtual network reconfiguration over SDN orchestrated multi-technology optical transport domains
Ecoc 2015 41st European Conference On Optical Communication. Vol. 2015-November. January 2015.
Aguado, A, Peng, S, Alvarez, MV, Lopez, V, Szyrkowiec, T, Autenrieth, A, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Yoshikane, N, Tsuritani, T, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D
10.1109/ECOC.2015.7341834 Google Scholar
Dynamic and virtualized stackable active stateful PCEs with BGP-LS for optical network virtualization and multi tenancy
Ecoc 2015 41st European Conference On Optical Communication. Vol. 2015-November. January 2015.
Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Martinez, R
10.1109/ECOC.2015.7341928 Google Scholar
Control plane solutions for sliceable bandwidth variable transceivers in Elastic Optical Networks
2015 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 345-349 January 2015.
Casellas, R, Cugini, F, Martinez, R, Paolucci, F, Munoz, R, Castoldi, P, Vilalta, R
10.1109/EuCNC.2015.7194096 Google Scholar
SDN orchestration of OpenFlow and GMPLS flexi-grid networks with a stateful hierarchical PCE
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 7. No. 1. pp. 106-117 January 2015.
Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Liu, L, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I, Lopez, V, de Dios, OG, Fernandez-Palacios, JP
10.1364/JOCN.7.00A106 Google Scholar
Modulation format-aware re-optimization in flexgrid optical networks: Concept and experimental assessment
Ecoc 2015 41st European Conference On Optical Communication. Vol. 2015-November. January 2015.
Gifre, L, Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Velasco, L
10.1109/ECOC.2015.7342003 Google Scholar
First multi-partner demonstration of BGP-LS enabled inter-domain EON control with H-PCE
2015 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). Vol. 2015-June. January 2015.
de Dios, OG, Casellas, R, Morro, R, Paolucci, F, Lopez, V, Martinez, R, Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Castoldi, P
Google Scholar
First demonstration of multi-vendor and multi-domain EON with S-BVT and control interoperability over Pan-European testbed
Ecoc 2015 41st European Conference On Optical Communication. Vol. 2015-November. January 2015.
de Dios, OG, Casellas, R, Paolucci, F, Napoli, A, Gifre, L, Annoni, S, Belotti, S, Feiste, U, Rafique, D, Bohn, M, Bigo, S, Dupas, A, Dutisseuil, E, Fresi, F, Guo, B, Hugues, E, Layec, P, Lopez, V, Meloni, G, Misto, S, Morro, R, Rahman, T, Khanna, G, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Cugini, F, Poti, L, D'Errico, A, Munoz, R, Shu, Y, Yan, S, Yan, Y, Zervas, G, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D, Velasco, L, Fernandez-Palacios, J
10.1109/ECOC.2015.7341689 Google Scholar
Multi-domain overarching control of flexi-grid networks with GMPLS as inter-SDN controller communication
2015 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). Vol. 2015-June. January 2015.
Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Liu, L
10.1364/ofc.2015.tu2b.5 Google Scholar
Experimental assessment of GMPLS/PCE-controlled Multi-Flow Optical Transponders in flexgrid networks
2015 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). Vol. 2015-June. January 2015.
Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
10.1364/ofc.2015.tu2b.4 Google Scholar
SDN/NFV orchestration for dynamic deployment of virtual SDN controllers as VNF for multi-tenant optical networks
2015 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). Vol. 2015-June. January 2015.
Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Szyrkowiec, T, Autenrieth, A, Lopez, V, Lopez, D
10.1364/ofc.2015.w4j.5 Google Scholar
Towards a control orchestration protocol for multi-tenant multi-domain SDN/PCE transport networks
2015 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2015.
Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R
10.1364/ofc.2015.m2h.4 Google Scholar
SDN orchestration and virtualization of heterogeneous multi-domain and multi-layer transport networks: The STRAUSS approach
International Black Sea Conference On Communications And Networking. pp. 142-146 January 2015.
Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R
Google Scholar
Network virtualization controller for abstraction and control of OpenFlow-enabled multi-tenant multi-technology transport networks
2015 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). Vol. 2015-June. January 2015.
Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Francois, F, Peng, S, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D, Yoshikane, N, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I, Lopez, V, Szyrkowiec, T, Autenrieth, A
10.1364/ofc.2015.th3j.6 Google Scholar
Dynamic multi-domain virtual optical network deployment with heterogeneous control domains
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 7. No. 1. pp. 135-141 January 2015.
Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Peng, SP, Channegowda, M, Vlachogiannis, T, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D, Cao, XY, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I
10.1364/JOCN.7.00A135 Google Scholar
Experimental demonstration of Virtual Network Controller for abstraction and control of multi-Tenant multi-Technology transport networks
1st Ieee Conference On Network Softwarization: Software-Defined Infrastructures For Networks, Clouds, Iot And Services, Netsoft 2015. January 2015.
Vilalta R., Mayoral A., Munoz R., Casellas R., Martinez R.
10.1109/NETSOFT.2015.7116172 Google Scholar
The SDN/NFV Cloud Computing platform and transport network of the ADRENALINE testbed
1st Ieee Conference On Network Softwarization: Software-Defined Infrastructures For Networks, Clouds, Iot And Services, Netsoft 2015. January 2015.
Vilalta R., Mayoral A., Munoz R., Casellas R., Martinez R.
10.1109/NETSOFT.2015.7116150 Google Scholar
Experimental seamless Virtual Machine migration using an integrated SDN IT and Network Orchestrator
2015 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). Vol. 2015-June. January 2015.
Mayoral A., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Casellas R., Martínez R.
10.1364/ofc.2015.th2a.40 Google Scholar
Overarching control of flexi grid optical networks: Interworking of GMPLS and openflow domains
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 33. No. 5. pp. 1054-1062 January 2015.
Casellas R., Munoz R., Martinez R., Vilalta R., Mayoral A., Liu L., Tsuritani T., Morita I.
10.1109/JLT.2015.2390656 Google Scholar
SDN orchestration and virtualization of heterogeneous multi-domain and multi-layer transport networks: The STRAUSS approach
2015 Ieee International Black Sea Conference On Communications And Networking (blackseacom). pp. 142-146 January 2015.
Muñoz R., Vilalta R., Casellas R., Martínez R.
10.1109/BlackSeaCom.2015.7185103 Google Scholar
Experimental validation of a SDN orchestrator for the automatic provisioning of fixed and mobile services
Ecoc 2015 41st European Conference On Optical Communication. Vol. 2015-November. January 2015.
Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Mayoral, A, Casellas, R, Munoz, R
10.1109/ECOC.2015.7342019 Google Scholar
Performance analysis of SDN orchestration in the cloud computing platform and transport network of the ADRENALINE testbed
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2015-August. January 2015.
Mayoral, A, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R
10.1109/ICTON.2015.7193449 Google Scholar
Traffic engineering enforcement in multi-domain SDN orchestration of multi-layer (packet/optical) networks
Ecoc 2015 41st European Conference On Optical Communication. Vol. 2015-November. January 2015.
Mayoral, A, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Martinez, R
10.1109/ECOC.2015.7341810 Google Scholar
SDN-enabled sliceable BVT based on multicarrier technology for multi-flow rate/distance and grid adaptation
Ecoc 2015 41st European Conference On Optical Communication. Vol. 2015-November. January 2015.
Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Vilchez, FJ, Mayoral, A, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Nishihara, M, Tanaka, T, Takahara, T, Rasmussen, JC, Kottke, C, Schlosser, M, Freund, R, Meng, F, Yan, S, Zervas, G, Simeonidou, D, Yoshida, Y, Kitayama, K
10.1109/ECOC.2015.7341867 Google Scholar
The need for a Control Orchestration Protocol in research projects on optical networking
2015 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 340-344 January 2015.
Vilalta, R, Lopez, V, Mayoral, A, Yoshikane, N, Ruffini, M, Siracusa, D, Martinez, R, Szyrkowiec, T, Autenrieth, A, Peng, S, Casellas, R, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D, Cao, X, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I, Fernandez-Palacios, JP, Munoz, R
10.1109/EuCNC.2015.7194095 Google Scholar
Multi-tenant transport networks with SDN/NFV
Ecoc 2015 41st European Conference On Optical Communication. Vol. 2015-November. January 2015.
Vilalta, R, Mayoral, A, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R
10.1109/ECOC.2015.7341931 Google Scholar
Hierarchical SDN orchestration for multi-technology multi-domain networks with hierarchical ABNO
Ecoc 2015 41st European Conference On Optical Communication. Vol. 2015-November. January 2015.
Vilalta, R, Mayoral, A, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R
10.1109/ECOC.2015.7341835 Google Scholar
Dynamic and adaptive control plane solutions for flexi-grid optical networks based on stateful PCE
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 32. No. 16. pp. 2703-2715 January 2014.
Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Martinez, R
10.1109/JLT.2014.2331698 Google Scholar
PCE: What is it, how does it work and what are its limitations?
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 32. No. 4. pp. 528-543 January 2014.
Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R
10.1109/JLT.2013.2276911 Google Scholar
SDN based Provisioning orchestration of OpenFlow/GMPLS flexi-grid networks with a stateful hierarchical PCE
2014 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2014.
Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Liu, L, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I, Lopez, V, de Dios, OG, Fernandez-Palacios, JP
10.1109/OFC.2014.6886802 Google Scholar
IDEALIST control plane architecture for multi-domain flexi-grid optical networks
2014 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). January 2014.
Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Cugini, F, Paolucci, F, Gonzalez, O, Lopez, V, Fernandez-Palacios, JP, Morro, R, Di Giglio, A, King, D, Farrel, A
10.1109/EuCNC.2014.6882653 Google Scholar
Experimental assessment of bulk path restoration in multi-layer networks using PCE-based global concurrent optimization
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 32. No. 1. pp. 81-90 January 2014.
Castro, A, Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Velasco, L, Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Comellas, J
10.1109/JLT.2013.2290588 Google Scholar
Network virtualization, control plane and service orchestration of the ICT STRAUSS project
2014 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). January 2014.
Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Cao, X, Yoshikane, N, Tsuritani, T, Contreras, LM, Lopez, V, Fernandez-Palacios, JP, de Dios, OG, Autenrieth, A, Peng, S, Channegowda, M, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D, Schlosser, M
10.1109/EuCNC.2014.6882667 Google Scholar
Performance evaluation of novel resource allocation algorithms for virtual elastic optical networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2014.
Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R
10.1109/ICTON.2014.6876320 Google Scholar
First international SDN-based network orchestration of variable-capacity OPS over programmable flexi-grid EON
2014 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2014.
Yoshida, Y, Maruta, A, Kitayama, K, Nishihara, M, Tanaka, T, Takahara, T, Rasmussen, JC, Yoshikane, N, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I, Yan, S, Shu, Y, Channegowda, M, Yan, Y, Rofoee, BR, Hugues-Salas, E, Saridis, G, Zervas, G, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Svaluto, M, Fabrega, JM, Aguado, A, Lopez, V, Marhuenda, J, de Dios, OG, Fernandez-Palacios, JP
10.1109/OFC.2014.6887213 Google Scholar
Dynamic multi-domain virtual optical networks deployment with heterogeneous control domains
2014 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2014.
Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Peng, S, Channegowda, M, Vlachogiannis, T, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D, Cao, X, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I
10.1109/OFC.2014.6886616 Google Scholar
Demonstration of SDN Based Optical Network Virtualization and Multidomain Service Orchestration
Proceedings - 2014 3rd European Workshop On Software-Defined Networks, Ewsdn 2014. pp. 137-138 January 2014.
Szyrkowiec T., Autenrieth A., Elbers J.-P., Kellerer W., Kaczmarek P., Lopez V., Contreras L., Dios O.G.D., Fernandez-Palacios J.P., Munoz R., Vilalta R., Casellas R., Martinez R., Mayoral A., Channegowda M., Peng S., Nejabati R., Simeonidou D.
10.1109/EWSDN.2014.31 Google Scholar
A testbed for Fixed Mobile Convergence experimentation: ADRENALINE-LENA integration
20th European Wireless Conference, Ew 2014. pp. 431-436 January 2014.
Baldo N., Martínez R., Dini P., Vilalta R., Miozzo M., Casellas R., Muñoz R.
Google Scholar
Dynamic differential delay aware RMSA for elastic multi-path provisioning in GMPLS Flexi-grid DWDM networks
2014 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2014.
Munoz R., Vilalta R., Svaluto Moreolo M., Fabrega J.M., Casellas R., Vilchez F.J., Martinez R., Frigerio S., Lometti A.
10.1109/OFC.2014.6887104 Google Scholar
SDN based provisioning orchestration of OpenFlow/GMPLS flexi-grid networks with a stateful hierarchical PCE
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2014.
Casellas R., Muñoz R., Martínez R., Vilalta R., Liu L., Tsuritani T., Morita I., López V., González de Dios O., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
Google Scholar
Experimental validation of automatic lightpath establishment integrating OpenDayLight SDN controller and active stateful PCE within the adrenaline testbed
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2014.
Mayoral, A, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R
10.1109/ICTON.2014.6876334 Google Scholar
Dynamic differential delay aware RMSA for elastic multipath provisioning in GMPLS Flexi-grid DWDM Networks
2014 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2014.
Muñoz, R, Vilalta, R, Moreolo, MS, Fàbrega, JM, Casellas, R, Vílchez, FJ, Martínez, R, Frigerio, S, Lometti, A
Google Scholar
Integrated IT and network orchestration using OpenStack, OpenDaylight and active stateful PCE for intra and inter data center connectivity
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. January 2014.
Mayoral A., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Casellas R., Martinez R., Vilchez J.
10.1109/ECOC.2014.6963881 Google Scholar
Interworking of GMPLS and OpenFlow domains: Overarching control of flexi grid optical networks
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. January 2014.
Casellas R., Muñoz R., Martínez R., Vilalta R., Liu L., Tsuritani T., Morita I.
10.1109/ECOC.2014.6964228 Google Scholar
Experimental assessment of ABNO-based network orchestration of end-to-end multi-layer (OPS/OCS) provisioning across SDN/OpenFlow and GMPLS/PCE control domains
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. January 2014.
Muñoz R., Vilalta R., Casellas R., Martinez R., Francois F., Channegowda M., Hammad A., Peng S., Nejabati R., Simeonidou D., Yoshikane N., Tsuritani T., López V., Autenrieth A.
10.1109/ECOC.2014.6964092 Google Scholar
Experimental validation of active frontend - Backend stateful PCE operations in flexgrid optical network re-optimization
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. January 2014.
Martínez R., Gifre Ll., Casellas R., Velasco L., Muñoz R., Vilalta R.
10.1109/ECOC.2014.6963969 Google Scholar
Transport PCE network function virtualization
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. January 2014.
Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Casellas R., Martinez R., López V., López D.
10.1109/ECOC.2014.6963849 Google Scholar
Dynamic differential delay aware RMSA for elastic multipath provisioning in GMPLS flexi-grid DWDM networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2014.
Muñoz R., Vilalta R., Svaluto Moreolo M., Fàbrega J.M., Casellas R., Vílchez F.J., Martínez R., Frigerio S., Lometti A.
10.1364/ofc.2014.w3a.2 Google Scholar
Control and Management of Flexi-Grid Optical Networks