Michela Svaluto Moreolo

Michela Svaluto | CTTC

Packet Optical Networks and Services (PONS)

Director of Quality Programs

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Michela Svaluto Moreolo received the M.Sc. degree with honours in electronics engineering and the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications engineering from University Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, in May 2003 and April 2007, respectively. She was awarded (first in the ranking) with a PhD grant (Oct. 2003–Oct. 2006) at the Applied Electronics Department to pursue the PhD. From January 2007 to December 2008 she held a Postdoctoral position at the Applied Electronics Department of University Roma Tre. Since 2004 until December 2008, she was teaching assistant at the Engineering Faculty of University Roma Tre for the courses of Photonics, Photonics for Telecommunications, Optical Communications and Signals. From January 2004 to July 2004, she was a visiting researcher at the ‘Christian Doppler Laboratory of Surface Optics’, Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.

In January 2009, she joined the Optical Networking Group of CTTC as Postdoctoral Researcher starting a new research line on Optical Transmission and Subsystems and, in December 2009, she got a permanent position as CTTC Researcher. Since then, she is the Coordinator of the “Optical Transmission and Subsystems” research line, aligned with the CTTC Strategic Plan. Since July 2013, she is a CTTC Senior Researcher of the Communication Networks Division.

Her research interest areas include optical/digital signal processing and advanced transmission technologies for high-capacity optical networks. Her research activity has been focused on the design and modelling of planar lightwave circuits, multiplexer/demultiplexers, encoder/decoders, and slow-light devices. Her research also included all optical regeneration, Radio over Fiber and Free Space Optics systems in collaboration with ISCOM, at Italian Communications Ministry. Currently, her studies are directed towards advanced (programmable) multi-dimensional transmission systems, software-defined multi-Tb/s photonic transceivers and photonic technologies for future optical networks.

She promoted the CTTC participation to the European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC), and since 2018, she is the CTTC contact point for EPIC.

Institutional Responsibilities

Since September 2016, she is a member of the Management Team of the CTTC, with the role of Project Management Coordinator and since December 2019 as Director of Quality Programs. She is the designated contact person with the role of HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) Organisation Administrator, as interface with the European Commission on behalf of CTTC regarding the HRS4R process. Within this framework, she is also responsible of the CTTC Gender Equality Plan.

Internal, Public-funded and Industrial Projects

Between January 2011 and December 2012, she was the principal investigator (PI) of an internal project (EOS) funded by CTTC to develop a novel experimental platform for transmission systems, which has been then included into the ADRENALINE testbed®. A Postdoc Researcher position was also assigned to the project and funded in its framework, fostering the growth of the “Optical Transmission and Subsystems” research line, currently including four Researchers (three of them Senior) and one PhD Student.

She participated overall in more than 20 research projects, including several National and EC-funded (H2020, FP7 and FP6) R&D projects, with leading roles as Co-IP, CTTC Principal Investigator (PI), task leader and coordinating the activities related to the research line of CTTC Strategic Plan, that she leads.

In particular, for the Spanish National projects, she is the Co-IP of the AURORAS project and she was also leading tasks and coordinating activities related to optical transmission and subsystems in DESTELLO, FARO and DORADO; she also participated in the thematic network PIC4TB.

With respect to EC-funded projects, she is the CTTC principal investigator (PI) of the H2020 ICT-30-2017 (Photonics KET) PASSION, acting also as task leader. Moreover, in many of the EC-funded projects she participated, she coordinated the CTTC activities on transmission and subsystems. She participates in ONFIRE H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017, also in the role of supervisor of one of the ESR of the Industrial Doctorate, in H2020-ICT-2016-2 METRO-HAUL and H2020 BLUESPACE. She participated in H2020 XHAUL, FP7 EU/JP STRAUSS, with the role of task leader, FP7 IDEALIST, FP7 BONE and FP6 N2T2 project.

She also participated in industrial projects and contracts for technology transfer with National and International Industrial Institutions (DIMAT, Spain, KDDI R&D Labs, Japan and AST & Science, USA).

Scientific Publications and Dissemination

She has co-authored two book chapters and over 170 scientific publications, including 38 journals (34 JCR articles of which 23 within Q1) and international conference papers (including several invited talks) and 1 patent. Her h-index is 20 (i10 index 42) with above 1700 citations (as for July 2020, source: Google Scholar). She has been invited speaker in more than 20 conferences and workshops/symposia relevant to her research field (CLEO 2019, OSA APC 2018, Photonics West 2017 and 2019, ONDM 2018 and 2014, ECOC 2015, ICTON 2009-2019, ONFIRE Symposium 2020, ONFIRE Workshop 2019, 2nd PIC4TB Workshop 2017). She has been also invited to give a talk in the S. Nagel Louge space at OFC 2020. She also led joint activities/works (e.g. with Industrial and Academic partners in the framework of R&D projects) with results published in high impact journals (such as IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking) and conference proceedings (ECOC, OFC, Photonics West, PSC, …).

Thesis advisor

In her role of mentor during her career, she has been advisor of 3 Ph.D theses (1 ongoing in the framework of the ONFIRE project) and 18 M.Sc/B.Sc theses.

Events organization, TPC, Reviewer and Editorial Board

Member of the Organizing Committee of scientific international conferences: ONDM 2020 and ECOC 2015.

Organizer/Chair of workshops/symposia:

– Upcoming symposium at next Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition (OFC) 2021.
– 1st workshop on “Photonic Technologies for future sustainable high-capacity metro networks,” International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 19-23 July 2020.
– Workshop “Photonic technologies and programmability for scalable efficient optical networks: actual enablers or next challenges towards supporting future connectivity?” International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM), 18-21 May 2020.
– Workshop “Does Disaggregation Support Data Center Evolution?” Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition (OFC), 8-12 March 2020, San Diego, California (USA).
– 2nd Workshop on Photonic Integrated Circuits for Telecommunication Bio / Life Sciences (PIC4TB), Castelldefels (Spain), Oct. 2017.
– Workshop “Fibre access and core network evolution: what are the next steps towards an integrated end-to-end network?” ECOC 2015, 27 Sept. – 1 Oct., Valencia, Spain.

Technical Programme Committee (TPC) member of international conferences in the field of optical communications and photonics:

– Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition (OFC 2020-2021)
– Int. Conf. on Photonics in Switching and Computing (OECC/PSC 2019, PSC 2020)
– SPIE Photonics West, OPTO, Metro and Data Center Optical Networks and Short-Reach Links I-IV (2018-2021)
– OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (2015-2016, 2019-2020)
– EuCNC 2014
– OPTICS (2013-2020)

Session Chair at several conferences (ONDM 2020, OFC 2020, OECC/PSC 2019, OSA APC 2018, ECOC 2012, ICTON 2010-2014).

She also promoted and organized (for the first time) at ONDM 2020, the Special Event “Women in Photonics and Diversity Dimensions in Research,” with the support of IEEE Photonics Society in the framework of IEEE Women in Photonics. She chaired the event and also provided a talk as invited speaker.

During 2018, she participated in the activities prior to the 5th Congrés de les Dones del Baix Llobregat “100% Feminista” within the Women Tech Working Committee, contributing to the material/article on the presence of women in vocations and occupations related to science and technology (http://www.elbaixllobregat.cat/5congresdones/materials/donestech).

She served as Editorial Advisory Board Member of the journal “Recent Advances in Communications and Networking Technology”.

She serves as regular reviewer for high impact journals (such as IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, OSA Optics Express, OSA Optics Letters, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Transactions on Communications).

Memberships of scientific societies and other merits

IEEE Senior Member since 2013 (S’04-A’08-SM’13) and OSA Member. In this role, she also serves as referee for Senior Membership applications evaluation.

Recipient of a grant (funds supported by OSA and OSAF’s grant) supporting her participation in the “Networks meeting” and the Advanced Photonics Congress (OSA APC, Zurich, Switzerland, 2-5 July 2018) as women Invited Speaker selected by the “Networks” TPC chairs.

“Best Student paper Award” for the paper L. Martín González, J.M. Fàbrega, L. Nadal, M. Svaluto Moreolo, “Performance analysis of CO-OFDM schemes based on multidimensional constellations for long-haul transmission,” 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2017, Girona (Spain), July 2017.

Certification of coaching and leadership training:

– “Effective Communication” 16 and 23 July 2019 (10 hours), issued by CRITERIA.
– “A team with attitude,” 18 July 2018 (4 hours), issued by CRITERIA.
– “The best of me,” Oct.-May 2018 (60 hours), issued by Thomas Morgan International

Certification of training on “Gender diversity management” for intermediate positions (4 hours) issued by CRITERIA, 22 July 2016.

Participation in the workshop “Prevention of gender violence from an intersectional perspective,” organized by CERCA, Dec. 2019.


ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6859-2573


Researcher R3
Researcher R2
Researcher PO
Researcher R2
Researcher R3