Michela Svaluto Moreolo

Michela Svaluto | CTTC

Packet Optical Networks and Services (PONS)

Director of Quality Programs

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Michela Svaluto Moreolo received the M.Sc. degree with honours in electronics engineering and the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications engineering from University Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, in May 2003 and April 2007, respectively. She was awarded (first in the ranking) with a PhD grant (Oct. 2003–Oct. 2006) at the Applied Electronics Department to pursue the PhD. From January 2007 to December 2008 she held a Postdoctoral position at the Applied Electronics Department of University Roma Tre. Since 2004 until December 2008, she was teaching assistant at the Engineering Faculty of University Roma Tre for the courses of Photonics, Photonics for Telecommunications, Optical Communications and Signals. From January 2004 to July 2004, she was a visiting researcher at the ‘Christian Doppler Laboratory of Surface Optics’, Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.

In January 2009, she joined the Optical Networking Group of CTTC as Postdoctoral Researcher starting a new research line on Optical Transmission and Subsystems and, in December 2009, she got a permanent position as CTTC Researcher. Since then, she is the Coordinator of the “Optical Transmission and Subsystems” research line, aligned with the CTTC Strategic Plan. Since July 2013, she is a CTTC Senior Researcher of the Communication Networks Division.

Her research interest areas include optical/digital signal processing and advanced transmission technologies for high-capacity optical networks. Her research activity has been focused on the design and modelling of planar lightwave circuits, multiplexer/demultiplexers, encoder/decoders, and slow-light devices. Her research also included all optical regeneration, Radio over Fiber and Free Space Optics systems in collaboration with ISCOM, at Italian Communications Ministry. Currently, her studies are directed towards advanced (programmable) multi-dimensional transmission systems, software-defined multi-Tb/s photonic transceivers and photonic technologies for future optical networks.

She promoted the CTTC participation to the European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC), and since 2018, she is the CTTC contact point for EPIC.

Institutional Responsibilities

Since September 2016, she is a member of the Management Team of the CTTC, with the role of Project Management Coordinator and since December 2019 as Director of Quality Programs. She is the designated contact person with the role of HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) Organisation Administrator, as interface with the European Commission on behalf of CTTC regarding the HRS4R process. Within this framework, she is also responsible of the CTTC Gender Equality Plan.

Internal, Public-funded and Industrial Projects

Between January 2011 and December 2012, she was the principal investigator (PI) of an internal project (EOS) funded by CTTC to develop a novel experimental platform for transmission systems, which has been then included into the ADRENALINE testbed®. A Postdoc Researcher position was also assigned to the project and funded in its framework, fostering the growth of the “Optical Transmission and Subsystems” research line, currently including four Researchers (three of them Senior) and one PhD Student.

She participated overall in more than 20 research projects, including several National and EC-funded (H2020, FP7 and FP6) R&D projects, with leading roles as Co-IP, CTTC Principal Investigator (PI), task leader and coordinating the activities related to the research line of CTTC Strategic Plan, that she leads.

In particular, for the Spanish National projects, she is the Co-IP of the AURORAS project and she was also leading tasks and coordinating activities related to optical transmission and subsystems in DESTELLO, FARO and DORADO; she also participated in the thematic network PIC4TB.

With respect to EC-funded projects, she is the CTTC principal investigator (PI) of the H2020 ICT-30-2017 (Photonics KET) PASSION, acting also as task leader. Moreover, in many of the EC-funded projects she participated, she coordinated the CTTC activities on transmission and subsystems. She participates in ONFIRE H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017, also in the role of supervisor of one of the ESR of the Industrial Doctorate, in H2020-ICT-2016-2 METRO-HAUL and H2020 BLUESPACE. She participated in H2020 XHAUL, FP7 EU/JP STRAUSS, with the role of task leader, FP7 IDEALIST, FP7 BONE and FP6 N2T2 project.

She also participated in industrial projects and contracts for technology transfer with National and International Industrial Institutions (DIMAT, Spain, KDDI R&D Labs, Japan and AST & Science, USA).

Scientific Publications and Dissemination

She has co-authored two book chapters and over 170 scientific publications, including 38 journals (34 JCR articles of which 23 within Q1) and international conference papers (including several invited talks) and 1 patent. Her h-index is 20 (i10 index 42) with above 1700 citations (as for July 2020, source: Google Scholar). She has been invited speaker in more than 20 conferences and workshops/symposia relevant to her research field (CLEO 2019, OSA APC 2018, Photonics West 2017 and 2019, ONDM 2018 and 2014, ECOC 2015, ICTON 2009-2019, ONFIRE Symposium 2020, ONFIRE Workshop 2019, 2nd PIC4TB Workshop 2017). She has been also invited to give a talk in the S. Nagel Louge space at OFC 2020. She also led joint activities/works (e.g. with Industrial and Academic partners in the framework of R&D projects) with results published in high impact journals (such as IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking) and conference proceedings (ECOC, OFC, Photonics West, PSC, …).

Thesis advisor

In her role of mentor during her career, she has been advisor of 3 Ph.D theses (1 ongoing in the framework of the ONFIRE project) and 18 M.Sc/B.Sc theses.

Events organization, TPC, Reviewer and Editorial Board

Member of the Organizing Committee of scientific international conferences: ONDM 2020 and ECOC 2015.

Organizer/Chair of workshops/symposia:

– Upcoming symposium at next Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition (OFC) 2021.
– 1st workshop on “Photonic Technologies for future sustainable high-capacity metro networks,” International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 19-23 July 2020.
– Workshop “Photonic technologies and programmability for scalable efficient optical networks: actual enablers or next challenges towards supporting future connectivity?” International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM), 18-21 May 2020.
– Workshop “Does Disaggregation Support Data Center Evolution?” Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition (OFC), 8-12 March 2020, San Diego, California (USA).
– 2nd Workshop on Photonic Integrated Circuits for Telecommunication Bio / Life Sciences (PIC4TB), Castelldefels (Spain), Oct. 2017.
– Workshop “Fibre access and core network evolution: what are the next steps towards an integrated end-to-end network?” ECOC 2015, 27 Sept. – 1 Oct., Valencia, Spain.

Technical Programme Committee (TPC) member of international conferences in the field of optical communications and photonics:

– Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition (OFC 2020-2021)
– Int. Conf. on Photonics in Switching and Computing (OECC/PSC 2019, PSC 2020)
– SPIE Photonics West, OPTO, Metro and Data Center Optical Networks and Short-Reach Links I-IV (2018-2021)
– OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (2015-2016, 2019-2020)
– EuCNC 2014
– OPTICS (2013-2020)

Session Chair at several conferences (ONDM 2020, OFC 2020, OECC/PSC 2019, OSA APC 2018, ECOC 2012, ICTON 2010-2014).

She also promoted and organized (for the first time) at ONDM 2020, the Special Event “Women in Photonics and Diversity Dimensions in Research,” with the support of IEEE Photonics Society in the framework of IEEE Women in Photonics. She chaired the event and also provided a talk as invited speaker.

During 2018, she participated in the activities prior to the 5th Congrés de les Dones del Baix Llobregat “100% Feminista” within the Women Tech Working Committee, contributing to the material/article on the presence of women in vocations and occupations related to science and technology (http://www.elbaixllobregat.cat/5congresdones/materials/donestech).

She served as Editorial Advisory Board Member of the journal “Recent Advances in Communications and Networking Technology”.

She serves as regular reviewer for high impact journals (such as IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, OSA Optics Express, OSA Optics Letters, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Transactions on Communications).

Memberships of scientific societies and other merits

IEEE Senior Member since 2013 (S’04-A’08-SM’13) and OSA Member. In this role, she also serves as referee for Senior Membership applications evaluation.

Recipient of a grant (funds supported by OSA and OSAF’s grant) supporting her participation in the “Networks meeting” and the Advanced Photonics Congress (OSA APC, Zurich, Switzerland, 2-5 July 2018) as women Invited Speaker selected by the “Networks” TPC chairs.

“Best Student paper Award” for the paper L. Martín González, J.M. Fàbrega, L. Nadal, M. Svaluto Moreolo, “Performance analysis of CO-OFDM schemes based on multidimensional constellations for long-haul transmission,” 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2017, Girona (Spain), July 2017.

Certification of coaching and leadership training:

– “Effective Communication” 16 and 23 July 2019 (10 hours), issued by CRITERIA.
– “A team with attitude,” 18 July 2018 (4 hours), issued by CRITERIA.
– “The best of me,” Oct.-May 2018 (60 hours), issued by Thomas Morgan International

Certification of training on “Gender diversity management” for intermediate positions (4 hours) issued by CRITERIA, 22 July 2016.

Participation in the workshop “Prevention of gender violence from an intersectional perspective,” organized by CERCA, Dec. 2019.


ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6859-2573


Feedback-Based Channel Frequency Optimization in Superchannels
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 42. No. 13. pp. 4467-4475 January 2024.
Locatelli F., Christodoulopoulos K., Delezoide C., Fabrega J.M., Moreolo M.S., Nadal L., Mahajan A., Spadaro S.
10.1109/JLT.2024.3372376 Google Scholar
Enabling Capacity Scaling in Metro Networks with Multi Band Sliceable Transceiver Architectures
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 12894. January 2024.
Nadal, L, Moreolo, MS, Fàbrega, JM, Vílchez, FJ, Casellas, R
10.1117/12.3000888 Google Scholar
SDN-enabled CV-QKD for Quantum Secure Communication in Open and Disaggregated 6G Networks
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 12894. January 2024.
Moreolo, MS, Iqbal, M, Nadal, L, Muñoz, R, Morales, J, Pastor, A, Canto, R, Etcheverry, S, Villanueva, B, Núñez, I, Cunha, J
10.1117/12.3002510 Google Scholar
Photonic device programmability in support of autonomous optical networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 16. No. 8. pp. 53-63 January 2024.
Casellas R., Nadal L., Martinez R., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Svaluto Moreolo M.
10.1364/JOCN.521947 Google Scholar
Advanced optical transceiver and switching solutions for next-generation optical networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 16. No. 8. pp. 64-75 January 2024.
Nadal, L, Martínez, R, Ali, M, Vílchez, FJ, Fàbrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Casellas, R
10.1364/JOCN.522102 Google Scholar
SDN-Enabled Continuous-Variable QKD in Coexistence with 8×200 Gb/s 16-QAM Classical Channels
Proceedings Of The 2024 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling, Ondm 2024. January 2024.
Iqbal M., Villegas A., Moreolo M.S., Nadal L., Munoz R., Adillon P., Sarmiento S., Tabares J., Etcheverry S.
10.23919/ONDM61578.2024.10582669 Google Scholar
Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution for Enabling Sustainable Secure 6G Networks
Proceedings Of The 2024 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling, Ondm 2024. January 2024.
Moreolo M.S., Iqbal M., Villegas A., Nadal L., Casellas R., Munoz R.
10.23919/ONDM61578.2024.10582608 Google Scholar
Introduction to the JOCN Special Issue on the Impact of Photonic Technologies on Future Optical Networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 16. No. 8. pp. 1-3 January 2024.
Moreolo, MS, Martins, JF
10.1364/JOCN.536639 Google Scholar
Capacity scaling in metro-regional aggregation networks: the multiband S-BVT
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 15. No. 11. pp. 13-21 November 2023.
Nadal L., Casellas R., Fàbrega J.M., Vilchez F.J., Moreolo, MS
10.1364/JOCN.491598 Google Scholar
SDN-enabled path computation element for autonomous multi-band optical transport networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 15. No. 11. pp. 48-62 November 2023.
Kosmatos E., Casellas R., Nikolaou K., Nadal L., Uzunidis D., Matrakidis C., Fabrega J.M., Moreolo, MS, Stavdas A.
10.1364/JOCN.492244 Google Scholar
Experimental demonstration of a metro area network with terabit-capable sliceable bit-rate-variable transceivers using directly modulated VCSELs and coherent detection
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 15. No. 3. pp. 103-113 March 2023.
Fabrega J.M., Vílchez F.J., Svaluto Moreolo M., Martínez R., Quispe A., Nadal L., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Neumeyr C., Lee S.Y., Shin J.U., Jung H.D., Mariani G., Heuvelmans R., Gatto A., Parolari P., Boffi P., Tessema N.M., Calabretta N., Larrabeiti D., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
10.1364/JOCN.470434 Google Scholar
Enabling Multiband Transmission and Programmability in Disaggregated Optical Metro Networks
2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2023 - Proceedings. January 2023.
Nadal L., Casellas R., Fabrega J.M., Vílchez F.J., Moreolo M.S.
10.23919/OFC49934.2023.10116569 Google Scholar
Photonic and Quantum Communication Technologies for Optical Networks Evolution
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2023-July. January 2023.
Moreolo M.S., Nadal L., Fabrega J.M., Vilchez J.
10.1109/ICTON59386.2023.10207227 Google Scholar
Efficient Solutions for Quantum Secure Communications in Future Optical Networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2023-July. January 2023.
Moreolo M.S., Iqbal M., Nadal L., Munoz R.
10.1109/ICTON59386.2023.10207347 Google Scholar
Tb/s Transmission in Sustainable and Flexible Beyond-5G Metro Access Networks
IEEE International Conference on Communications. Vol. 2023-May. pp. 1970-1975 January 2023.
Parolari P., Gatto A., Lipparini F., Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Neumeyr C., Delrosso G., Puttnam B., Severi M., Boffi P.
10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10278925 Google Scholar
The Multiband over Spatial Division Multiplexing Sliceable Transceiver for Future Optical Networks
FUTURE INTERNET. Vol. 15. No. 12. January 2023.
Nadal L., Ali M., Vílchez F.J., Fàbrega J.M., Svaluto Moreolo M.
10.3390/fi15120381 Google Scholar
Next-Generation Optical Transceiver and Switching Solutions Exploiting MB and SDM
20th Sbmo/ieee Mtt-S International Microwave And Optoelectronics Conference, Imoc 2023. pp. 13-15 January 2023.
Nadal L., Fàbrega J.M., Vílchez F.J., Moreolo M.S.
10.1109/IMOC57131.2023.10379777 Google Scholar
Leveraging Programmability of Photonic Devices Towards Agile and Autonomous Optical Networks
20th Sbmo/ieee Mtt-S International Microwave And Optoelectronics Conference, Imoc 2023. pp. 127-129 January 2023.
Casellas R., Nadal L., Martinez R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Moreolo M.S.
10.1109/IMOC57131.2023.10379783 Google Scholar
Optical Switching Systems and Flex-Grid Technologies
Handbook of Radio and Optical networks Convergente. January 2023.
Svaluto Moreolo, Michela, Spadaro, S., Calabretta, N.
10.1007/978-981-33-4999-5_39-1 Google Scholar
All-optical aggregation and distribution of traffic in large metropolitan area networks using multi-Tb/s S-BVTs
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 14. No. 5. pp. 316-326 January 2022.
Rapisarda, Mariangela, Alberto Hernández, José, GATTO, ALBERTO, PAROLARI, PAOLA, BOFFI, PIERPAOLO, Svaluto Moreolo, M., Fàbrega, J., Nadal, L., Martínez, R., LÓPEZ, VÍCTOR, FERNÁNDEZ-PALACIOS, JUAN-PEDRO, OTERO, GABRIEL, LARRABEITI, DAVID
10.1364/JOCN.448115 Google Scholar
Experimental Demonstration of a Metro Area Network with Terabit-capable Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceiver using Direct Modulated VCSELs and Coherent Detection
2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2022 - Proceedings. January 2022.
Fabrega J.M., Vilchez F.J., Moreolo M.S., Martinez R., Quispe A., Nadal L., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Neumeyr C., Lee S.Y., Shin J.U., Jung H.D., Mariani G., Heuvelmans R., Gatto A., Parolari P., Boffi P., Tessema N.M., Calabretta N., Larrabeiti D., Fernandez-Palacios J.P.
Google Scholar
SDN-Enabled Multi-Band S-BVT Within Disaggregated Optical Networks
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 40. No. 11. pp. 3479-3485 January 2022.
Nadal, L., Moreolo, M.S., Fabrega, J.M., Vilchez, F.J.
10.1109/JLT.2022.3158388 Google Scholar
Enabling Programmable Multiband High-Capacity Optical Transceivers
Oecc/psc 2022 - 27th Optoelectronics And Communications Conference/international Conference On Photonics In Switching And Computing 2022. January 2022.
Nadal L., Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Vilchez F.J.
10.23919/OECC/PSC53152.2022.9850140 Google Scholar
Experimental Demonstration of a Metro Area Network with Terabit-capable Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceiver using Direct Modulated VCSELs and Coherent Detection
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2022.
Fabrega J.M., Vílchez F.J., Moreolo M.S., Martínez R., Quispe A., Nadal L., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Neumeyr C., Lee S.Y., Shin J.U., Jung H.D., Mariani G., Heuvelmans R., Gatto A., Parolari P., Boffi P., Tessema N.M., Calabretta N., Larrabeiti D., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
Google Scholar
Spectral processing techniques for efficient monitoring in optical networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 13. No. 7. pp. 158-168 July 2021.
Locatelli, F., Christodoulopoulos, K., Svaluto Moreolo, M., Fabrega, J.M., Nadal, L., Spadaro, S.
10.1364/JOCN.418800 Google Scholar
Programmable disaggregated multi-dimensional S-BVT as an enabler for high capacity optical metro networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 13. No. 6. pp. 31-40 January 2021.
Nadal, L., Fabrega, J.M., Moreolo, M.S., Vilchez, F.J., Casellas, R., Munoz, R., Vilalta, R., Martinez, R.
10.1364/JOCN.417766 Google Scholar
Programmable VCSEL-based photonic system architecture for future agile Tb/s metro networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 13. No. 2. pp. 187-199 January 2021.
Moreolo, M.S., Fabrega, J.M., Nadal, L., Martinez, R., Casellas, R., Vilchez, J., Munoz, R., Vilalta, R., Gatto, A., Parolari, P., Boffi, P., Neumeyr, C., Larrabeiti, D., Otero, G., Fernandez-Palacios, J.P.
10.1364/JOCN.411964 Google Scholar
Multi-Tb/s photonic transceivers for metro optical network connectivity evolution
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 11712. January 2021.
Svaluto Moreolo M., Nadal, L, Fabrega, JM, Vilchez, FJ, Neumeyr, C, Gatto, A, Parolari, P, Boffi, P
10.1117/12.2577521 Google Scholar
Transmitter and receiver solutions for VCSEL exploitation in access and metro networks
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 11712. January 2021.
Parolari, P, Gatto, A, Rapisarda, M, Lipparini, F, Neumeyr, C, Svaluto Moreolo M., Boffi, P
10.1117/12.2579757 Google Scholar
Experimental Evaluation of RSA Algorithms for SDN-Programmable VCSEL-Based S-BVT in High-Capacity and Cost-Efficient Optical Metro Networks
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. Vol. 355. pp. 131-142 January 2021.
Martinez R., Casellas R., Svaluto Moreolo M., Fabrega J.M., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Nadal L., Fernández Palacios J.P., López V., Larrabeiti D., Otero G.
10.1007/978-3-030-68737-3_8 Google Scholar
Enabling dynamic all optical IP off-loading at Tb/s rates in large Metro Networks
2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). January 2021.
Hernandez, JA, Rapisarda, M, Gatto, A, Parolari, P, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Martinez, R, Lopez, V, Fernandez-Palacios, JP, Boffi, P, Otero, G, Larrabeiti, D
Google Scholar
Experimental Demonstration of Extended 5G Digital Fronthaul over a Partially-Disaggregated WDM/SDM Network
IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 39. No. 9. pp. 2804-2815 January 2021.
Fàbrega, J., Muñoz, R., Nadal, L, Manso, C, Svaluto Moreolo, M., Vilalta, R, Martinez, R, Vilchez, FJ, Pérez, Diego, Sales, S, Grivas, E, Turkiewicz, JP, Rommel, S
10.1109/JSAC.2021.3064645 Google Scholar
Load-aware Optimal Association for 5G Mobile Users in HetNets with S-BVT Backhaul
25th International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modelling, Ondm 2021. January 2021.
Otero, G., Larrabeiti, D., Hernandez, J.A., Fernandez-Palacios, J.P., Martinez, R., Svaluto Moreolo, M.
10.23919/ONDM51796.2021.9492487 Google Scholar
Autonomous SDN-based Global Concurrent Restoration for High-Capacity Optical Metro Networks
2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). January 2021.
Martinez R., Casellas R., Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Nadal L., Fernandez-Palacios J.P., Lopez V., Larrabeiti D., Otero G., Hernandez J.A.
Google Scholar
Demonstration of an SDN-enabled VCSEL-based Photonic System for Spectral/Spatial Connectivity in Disaggregated Optical Metro Networks
2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). January 2021.
Moreolo M.S., Martinez R., Fabrega J.M., Casellas R., Vilchez J., Nadal L., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Neumeyr C., Jung H.D., Shin J.U., Gatto A., Parolari P., Boffi P., Larrabeiti D., Fernandez-Palacios J.P.
Google Scholar
Tb/s Transmission in Sustainable and Flexible Metro Networks using Long-Wavelength VCSELs
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition. Vol. 2021-October. January 2021.
Boffi, P., Parolari, P., Gatto, A., Rapisarda, M., Lipparini, F., Moreolo, M.S., Fabrega, J.M., Neumeyr, C., Delrosso, G., Puttnam, B., Severi, M., Parladori, G.
Google Scholar
SDN-controlled photonic system architectures for Tb/s MAN connectivity
Photonische Netze - 22. Itg-Fachtagung. pp. 30-34 January 2021.
Moreolo M.S., Martínez R., Fabrega J.M., Casellas R., Nadal L., Vílchez F.J., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Neumeyr C., Gatto A., Parolari P., Boffi P., Larrabeiti D., Hernandez J.A., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
Google Scholar
Long-wavelength InP VCSEL exploitation for innovative sustainable high-capacity transmitter
Photonische Netze - 22. Itg-Fachtagung. pp. 84-87 January 2021.
Gatto A., Parolari P., Neumeyr C., Delrosso G., Bhat S., Moreolo M.S., Parladori G., Boffi P.
Google Scholar
Load-aware Optimal Association for 50 Mobile Users in HetNets with S-BVT Backhaul
25th International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modelling, Ondm 2021. January 2021.
Otero, G, Larrabeiti, D, Hernandez, JA, Fernandez-Palacios, JP, Martinez, R, Moreolo, MS
Google Scholar
Enabling dynamic all optical IP off-loading at Tb/s rates in large metro networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2021.
Hernández J.A., Rapisarda M., Gatto A., Parolari P., Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Nadal L., Martínez R., López V., Fernandez-Palacios J.P., Boffi P., Otero G., Larrabeiti D.
Google Scholar
Scaling edge computing through S-BVT and Pb/s switching devices in large dense urban metro networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2020-July. January 2020.
Otero, G., Fernandez-Palacios, J.P., Moreolo, M.S., Larrabeiti, D., Hernandez, J.A., Fabrega, J.M., Lopez, V., Nadal, L., Martinez, R.
10.1109/ICTON51198.2020.9203512 Google Scholar
Multi-Tb/s sustainable MAN scenario enabled by VCSEL-based innovative technological solutions
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 11308. January 2020.
Boffi, Pierpaolo, Parolari, Paola, Gatto, Alberto, Rapisarda, Mariangela, Moreolo, MS, Nadal, Laia, Fabrega, Josep M., Calabretta, Nicola, Stabile, Ripalta, Tessema, Netsanet, Larrabeiti, David, Fernandez-Palacios, JP, Otero, Gabriel, Neumeyr, Christian, Delrosso, Giovanni, Bhat, S., Solis-Trapala, Karen, Parladori, Giorgio
10.1117/12.2544931 Google Scholar
Programmable transmission systems using coherent detection enabling multi-Tb/s interfaces for IT-communications convergence in optical networks
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 11308. January 2020.
Fabrega, Josep M., Moreolo, Michela Svaluto, Nadal, Laia, Martinez, Ricardo, Neumeyr, Christian, Gatto, Alberto, Parolari, Paola, Rapisarda, Mariangela, Boffi, Pierpaolo
10.1117/12.2546612 Google Scholar
Filter Features Extraction from Optical Spectra
2020 European Conference On Optical Communications, Ecoc 2020. January 2020.
Locatelli, Fabiano, Christodoulopoulos, Konstantinos, Fabrega, Josep M., Moreolo M.S., Nadal, Laia, Spadaro, Salvatore
10.1109/ECOC48923.2020.9333342 Google Scholar
Preliminary assessment of photonic solutions based on C-Band VCSELs for multi-Tb/s metro networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2020-July. January 2020.
Parolari, P., Gatto, A., Rapisarda, M., Lipparini, F., Neumeyr, C., Moreolo, M.S., Boffi, P.
10.1109/ICTON51198.2020.9203396 Google Scholar
Design and deployment of an SDN programmable optical metro network with VCSEL-Based S-BVTs
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2020-July. January 2020.
Martinez, R., Casellas, R., Moreolo, M.S., Fabrega, J.M., Vilalta, R., Munoz, R., Nadal, L.
10.1109/ICTON51198.2020.9203199 Google Scholar
SDN-Enabled S-BVT for Disaggregated Networks: Design, Implementation and Cost Analysis
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 38. No. 11. pp. 3037-3043 January 2020.
Nadal, L., Svaluto Moreolo, M., Hernandez, J.A., Fabrega, J.M., Casellas, R., Munoz, R., Vilalta, R., Rodriguez, L., Vilchez, F.J., Martinez, R.
10.1109/JLT.2020.2969457 Google Scholar
Experimental Demonstration of a Machine Learning-Based in-band OSNR Estimator from Optical Spectra
2020 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm). January 2020.
Locatelli, Fabiano, Christodoulopoulos, Konstantinos, Fabrega, Josep M., Svaluto Moreolo, Michela, Nadal, Laia, Spadaro, Salvatore
10.23919/ONDM48393.2020.9133001 Google Scholar
SDN-enabled S-BVT for SDM Optical Metro/Regional Networks
2020 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm). January 2020.
Nadal, Laia, Fabrega, Josep M., Svaluto Moreolo, Michela, Vilchez F.J., Casellas, Ramon, Munoz, Raul, Vilalta, Ricard, Martinez, Ricardo
10.23919/ONDM48393.2020.9133000 Google Scholar
Tradeoffs in optical packet and circuit transport of fronthaul traffic: The time for SBVT?
2020 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm). January 2020.
Larrabeiti D., Otero G., Hernandez J.A., Reviriego P., Femandez-Palacios J., Lopez V., Moreolo M.S., Martinez R., Fabrega J.M.
10.23919/ONDM48393.2020.9133009 Google Scholar
Cost-effective Coherent Systems for Metropolitan Networks
2020 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm). January 2020.
Fabrega, Josep M., Nadal, Laia, Moreolo M.S.
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Upcoming applications driving the design of next-generation metro area networks: Dealing with 5G backhaul/fronthaul and edge-cloud computing
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 11308. January 2020.
Larrabeiti D., Fernández-Palacios J.P., Otero G., Svaluto Moreolo M., Nadal L., Fabrega J.M., Boffi P., Gatto A., Parolari P., Tessema N., Calabretta N., Stabile P., Parladori G., Sestito V.
10.1117/12.2545751 Google Scholar
An OLS Controller for Hybrid Fixed / Flexi Grid Disaggregated Networks with Open Interfaces
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. January 2020.
Casellas, R, Vilchez, FJ, Rodriguez, L, Vilalta, R, Fabrega, JM, Martinez, R, Nadal, L, Moreolo, MS, Munoz, R
Google Scholar
Two-Level Abstraction Approach for SDN-based Service Provisioning in Open Line Systems Featuring TAPI Externalized Path Computation
2020 European Conference On Optical Communications, Ecoc 2020. January 2020.
Ishii, K, Casellas, R, Vilchez, FJ, Vilalta, R, Martinez, R, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Moreolo, MS, Munoz, R, Namiki, S
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Experimental Evaluation of an On-line RSA Algorithm for SDN-Controlled Optical Metro Networks with VCSEL-based S-BVTs
2020 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm). January 2020.
Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Nadal, L, Lopez, V, Fernandez-Palacios, JP, Larrabeiti, D, Otero, G
10.23919/ONDM48393.2020.9133014 Google Scholar
Data plane elements for optical performance monitoring agnostic to the modulation format for disaggregated optical networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2020-July. January 2020.
Fabrega, J.M., Locatelli, F., Nadal, L., Christodoloupoulos, K., Moreolo, M.S., Spadaro, S.
10.1109/ICTON51198.2020.9203369 Google Scholar
Experimental Assessment of a Programmable VCSEL-Based Photonic System Architecture over a Multi-Hop Path with 19-Core MCF for Future Agile Tb/s Metro Networks
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. January 2020.
Svaluto Moreolo, M., Fabrega, J. M., Nadal, L., Martinez, R., Casellas, R., Vilchez, J., Munoz, R., Vilalta, R., Gatto, A., Parolari, P., Boffi, P., Neumeyr, C., Larrabeiti, D., Otero, G., Fernandez-Palacios, J. P.
Google Scholar
Tradeoffs in optical packet and circuit transport of fronthaul traffic: the time for SBVT ?
2020 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm). January 2020.
Larrabeiti, David, Otero, Gabriel, Hernandez, Jose A., Reviriego, Pedro, Fernandez-Palacios, Juan, Lopez, Victor, Svaluto Moreolo, Michela, Martinez, Ricardo, Fabrega, Josep M.
Google Scholar
Characterization of Multi-Core Fiber Group Delay with Correlation OTDR and Modulation Phase Shift Methods
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. January 2020.
Azendorf, Florian, Dochhan, Annika, Wilczynski, Krzysztof, Szostkiewicz, Lukasz, Urban, Patryk, Schmauss, Bernhard, Vilchez, Francisco Javier, Nadal, Laia, Moreolo, Michela Svaluto, Fabrega, Josep M., Eiselt, Michael
Google Scholar
Experimental assessment of a programmable VCSEL-based photonic system architecture over a multi-hop path with 19-Core MCF for future agile Tb/s metro networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F174-OFC 2020. January 2020.
Svaluto Moreolo M., Fabrega J.M., Nadal L., Martínez R., Casellas R., Vílchez J., Muñoz R., Vilalta R., Gatto A., Parolari P., Boffi P., Neumeyr C., Larrabeiti D., Otero G., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
Google Scholar
Discrete multitone transmission in the presence of optical noise, chromatic dispersion and narrow-band optical filtering
Photonische Netze - 15. Itg-Fachtagung. pp. 95-99 January 2020.
Dochhan A., Grießer H., Nadal L., Eiselt M., Moreolo M.S., Elbers J.-P.
Google Scholar
Characterization of multi-core fiber group delay with correlation OtDR and modulation phase shift methods
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F174-OFC 2020. January 2020.
Azendorf F., Dochhan A., Wilczynski K., Szostkiewicz L., Urban P., Schmauss B., Vilchez F.J., Nadal L., Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Eiselt M.
Google Scholar
Machine Learning-Based in-Band OSNR Estimation from Optical Spectra
IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. Vol. 31. No. 24. pp. 1929-1932 January 2019.
Locatelli, F, Christodoulopoulos, K, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Spadaro, S
10.1109/LPT.2019.2950058 Google Scholar
SDN-Enabled Sliceable Transceivers in Disaggregated Optical Networks
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 37. No. 24. pp. 6054-6062 January 2019.
Nadal, L, Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Rodriguez, L, Vilalta, R, Vilchez, FJ, Martinez, R
10.1109/JLT.2019.2945967 Google Scholar
Synergy of photonic technologies and software-defined networking in the hyperconnectivity era
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 37. No. 16. pp. 3902-3910 January 2019.
Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Martinez, R, Casellas, R
10.1109/JLT.2019.2918958 Google Scholar
Experimental Characterization of Back-Scattering Interference Limits for Fronthaul Employing Bitrate Variable Transceivers Based on OFDM and Direct Detection
2019 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2019.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Nadal, L
10.1364/ofc.2019.w2a.29 Google Scholar
All-optical paths across multiple hierarchical levels in large metropolitan area networks
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition. Vol. 2019-November. January 2019.
Larrabeiti, D, Fernandez-Palacios, J, Otero, G, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Martinez, R, Reviriego, P, Lopez, V
Google Scholar
VCSEL-based sliceable bandwidth/bitrate variable transceivers
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 10946. January 2019.
Moreolo, MS, Nadal, L, Fabrega, JM, Vilchez, FJ, Neumeyr, C, Gatto, A, Parolari, P, Boffi, P
10.1117/12.2509316 Google Scholar
Optical Interconnection of CDN Caches with Tb/s Sliceable Bandwidth-Variable Transceivers featuring Dynamic Restoration
European Conference On Networks And Communications. pp. 69-72 January 2019.
Otero, G, Larrabeiti, D, Hernandez, JA, Reviriego, P, Fernandez-Palacios, JP, Lopez, V, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Martinez, R
Google Scholar
Sliceable BVT evolution towards programmable multi-Tb/s networking
ELECTRONICS. Vol. 8. No. 12. January 2019.
Moreolo, MS, Fàbrega J.M., Nadal, L
10.3390/electronics8121476 Google Scholar
Programmable sliceable transceivers based on multicarrier modulation in disaggregated optical metro networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2019-July. January 2019.
Nadal L., Fabrega J.M., Svaluto Moreolo M.
10.1109/ICTON.2019.8840009 Google Scholar
Disruptive photonic technologies for the future sustainable high-capacity metro network
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2019-July. January 2019.
Gatto A., Parolari P., Rapisarda M., Neumeyr C., Bhat S., Delrosso G., Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Nadal L., Boffi P.
10.1109/ICTON.2019.8840237 Google Scholar
Effect of filtering in dense WDM metro networks adopting VCSEL-based multi-Tb/s transmitters
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2019-July. January 2019.
Parolari P., Gatto A., Rapisarda M., Neumeyr C., Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Nadal L., Boffi P.
10.1109/ICTON.2019.8840401 Google Scholar
Spectrum/Space Switching and Multi-Terabit Transmission in Agile Optical Metro Networks
Oecc/psc 2019 - 24th Optoelectronics And Communications Conference/international Conference Photonics In Switching And Computing 2019. January 2019.
Moreolo M.S., Martinez R., Nadal L., Fabrega J.M., Tessema N., Calabretta N., Stabile R., Parolari P., Gatto A., Boffi P., Otero G., Larrabeiti D., Hernandez J.A., Reviriego P., Fernandez-Palacios J.P., Lopez V., Delrosso G., Neumeyr C., Solis-Trapala K., Parladori G., Gasparini G.
10.23919/PS.2019.8818018 Google Scholar
VCSEL technologies for high-capacity dense WDM networks
2019 Conference On Lasers And Electro-Optics Europe And European Quantum Electronics Conference, Cleo/europe-Eqec 2019. January 2019.
Rapisarda M., Gatto A., Martelli P., Parolari P., Neumeyr C., Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Nadal L., Boffi P.
10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8872483 Google Scholar
SDN/NFV 5G Fronthaul Networks Integrating Analog/Digital RoF, Optical Beamforming, Power over Fiber and Optical SDM Technologies
2019 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 459-463 January 2019.
Munoz R., Fabrega J.M., Vilalta R., Casellas R., Nadal L., Martinez R., Svaluto Moreolo M., Capitani M., Landi G., Rommel S., Monroy I.T., Otero G., Lopez J.D., Vazquez C., Larrabeiti D., Sanchez D., Grivas E.
10.1109/EuCNC.2019.8802045 Google Scholar
Proof-of-Concept Validation of SDN-Controlled VCSEL-Based S-BVTs in Flexi-Grid Optical Metro Networks
2019 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2019.
Martínez R., Casellas R., Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Nadal L., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
10.1364/ofc.2019.w1g.5 Google Scholar
SDN control of sliceable multidimensional (spectral and spatial) transceivers with YANG/NETCONF
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 11. No. 2. pp. 123-133 January 2019.
Munoz, R, Yoshikane, N, Vilalta, R, Fabrega, JM, Rodriguez, L, Casellas, R, Moreolo D.M.S., Martinez, R, Nadal, L, Soma, D, Wakayama, Y, Beppu, S, Sumita, S, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I
10.1364/JOCN.11.00A123 Google Scholar
Programmable VCSEL-Based Transceivers for Multi-Terabit Capacity Networking
2019 Conference On Lasers And Electro-Optics (cleo). January 2019.
Svaluto Moreolo M., Nadal L., Fabrega J.M., Martínez R., Casellas R.
10.23919/CLEO.2019.8750655 Google Scholar
Programmable VCSEL-based Transceivers for Multi-terabit Capacity Networking
Conference On Lasers And Electro-Optics. January 2019.
Moreolo, MS, Nadal, L, Fabrega, JM, Martínez, R, Casellas, R
Google Scholar
SDN/NFV 5G Fronthaul Networks Integrating Analog/Digital RoF, Optical Beamforming, Power over Fiber and Optical SDM Technologies
European Conference On Networks And Communications. pp. 459-463 January 2019.
Muñoz, R, Fàbrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Nadal, L, Martínez, R, Moreolo, MS, Capitani, M, Landi, G, Rommel, S, Monroy, IT, Otero, G, López, JD, Vázquez, C, Larrabeiti, D, Sánchez, D, Grivas, E
Google Scholar
Digitized radio-over-fiber transceivers for SDM/WDM back-/front-haul
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2019-July. January 2019.
Fabrega J.M., Munoz R., Moreolo M.S., Nadal L., Eiselt M., Azendorf F., Turkiewicz J.P., Van Dijk P.W.L., Rommel S., Monroy I.T.
10.1109/ICTON.2019.8840508 Google Scholar
Experimental characterization of back-scattering interference limits for fronthaul employing bitrate variable transceivers based on OFDM and direct detection
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F160-OFC 2019. January 2019.
Fabrega J.M., Moreolo M.S., Nadal L.
Google Scholar
Programmable VCSEL-based Transceivers for Multi-terabit Capacity Networking
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F129-CLEO_SI 2019. January 2019.
Svaluto Moreolo M., Nadal L., Fabrega J.M., Martínez R., Casellas R.
10.1364/CLEO_SI.2019.SW4O.5 Google Scholar
Optical Interconnection of CDN Caches with Tb/s Sliceable Bandwidth-Variable Transceivers featuring Dynamic Restoration
2019 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 69-72 January 2019.
Otero G., Larrabeiti D., Hernandez J.A., Reviriego P., Fernandez-Palacios J.P., Lopez V., Svaluto Moreolo M., Fabrega J.M., Nadal L., Martinez R.
10.1109/EuCNC.2019.8802065 Google Scholar
Multi-vendor sliceable transceivers in partial disaggregated metro networks
Iet Conference Publications. Vol. 2019. January 2019.
Nadal L., Casellas R., Fàbrega J.M., Muñoz R., Moreolo M.S., Rodríguez L., Vilalta R., Javier Vílchez F., Martínez R.
Google Scholar
Proof-of-concept validation of SDN-controlled VCSEL-based S-BVTs in flexi-grid optical metro networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F160-OFC 2019. January 2019.
Martínez R., Casellas R., Svaluto Moreolo M., Fabrega J.M., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Nadal L., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
Google Scholar
Impact of chirp in high-capacity optical metro networks employing directly-modulated VCSELs
Photonics. Vol. 5. No. 4. January 2018.
Rapisarda, M, Gatto, A, Martelli, P, Parolari, P, Neumeyr, C, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Boffi, P
10.3390/photonics5040051 Google Scholar
Programmable SDN-enabled S-BVT based on hybrid electro-optical MCM
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 10. No. 6. pp. 593-602 January 2018.
Nadal, L, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Casellas, R, Vilchez, FJ, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
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Hybrid WDM/SDM Mobile Fronthaul Traffic Delivery Using SDN-Enabled Sliceable Bandwidth/Bitrate Variable Transceivers
IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting. Vol. 2018-June. January 2018.
Fabrega, JM, Munoz, R, Moreolo, MS, Nadal, RCL, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Vilchez, FJ
10.1109/BMSB.2018.8436815 Google Scholar
Experimental Validation of Hybrid WDM/SDM Signal Delivery for Mobile Fronthaul over PONs Using SDN-Enabled Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceivers
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2018-July. January 2018.
Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Casellas, R, Moreolo, MS, Vilchez, FJ, Vilalta, R, Martinez, R, Munoz, R, Sales, S, Gasulla, I, Capmany, J
10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473719 Google Scholar
Optical Performance Monitoring Systems in Disaggregated Optical Networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2018-July. January 2018.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Nadal, L
10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473776 Google Scholar
Integrated OAM and Transport SDN Architecture for Automatic and Dynamic Restoration of Signal-Degraded Connections within Flexi-Grid Optical Networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2018-July. January 2018.
Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Fabrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Vilchez, FJ, Nadal, L, Svaluto-Moreolo, M, Villafranca, A, Sevillano, P
10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473758 Google Scholar
SDN Control and Monitoring of SDM/WDM and Packet Transport Networks for 5G Fronthaul/Backhaul
2018 Ieee Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (sum). pp. 151-152 January 2018.
Munoz, R, Fabrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Moreolo, MS, Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Yoshikane, N, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I
10.1109/PHOSST.2018.8456748 Google Scholar
Modular SDN-enabled S-BVT Adopting Widely Tunable MEMS VCSEL for Flexible/Elastic Optical Metro Networks
2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). January 2018.
Moreolo, MS, Nadal, L, Fabrega, JM, Vilchez, FJ, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Neumeyr, C, Gatto, A, Parolari, P, Boffi, P
Google Scholar
Exploring the potential of VCSEL technology for agile and high capacity optical metro networks
22nd International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm 2018). pp. 254-259 January 2018.
Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Vilchez, FJ
10.23919/ONDM.2018.8396141 Google Scholar
SDN Control and Monitoring System for Soft-Failure Detection and Optical Restoration of Spectral/Spatial Superchannels
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. Vol. 2018-September. January 2018.
Muñoz R., Yoshikane N., Fàbrega J.M., Vilalta R., Rodríguez L., Moreolo M.S., Casellas R., Martínez R., Beppu S., Soma D., Tsuritani T., Morita I.
10.1109/ECOC.2018.8535244 Google Scholar
Optical Technology Options for Programmable S-BVT
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2018-July. January 2018.
Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Nadal L., Martin L.
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Programmable adaptive BVT for future optical metro networks adopting SOA-based switching nodes
Photonics. Vol. 5. No. 3. January 2018.
González L.M., van der Heide S., Xue X., van Weerdenburg J., Calabretta N., Okonkwo C., Fàbrega J.M., Moreolo M.S.
10.3390/photonics5030024 Google Scholar
Experimental Validation of a Converged Metro Architecture for Transparent Mobile Front-/Back-Haul Traffic Delivery Using SDN-Enabled Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceivers
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 36. No. 7. pp. 1429-1434 January 2018.
Fabrega J.M., Moreolo M.S., Reixats L.N., Vílchez F.J., Casellas R., Vilalta R., Martínez R., Muñoz R., Fernández-Palacios J.P., Contreras L.M.
10.1109/JLT.2018.2793353 Google Scholar
Programmable optical transmission systems in the hyperconnectivity era: A synergy of photonic technologies and software-defined networking
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F106-Networks 2018. January 2018.
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Experimental validation of transport SDN restoration of signal-degraded connections in flexi-grid networks
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F84-OFC 2018. January 2018.
Marti´nez R., Casellas R., Fabrega J.M., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Nadal L., Svaluto Moreolo M., Villafranca A., Sevillano P.
10.1364/OFC.2018.M3A.6 Google Scholar
SDN-enabled sliceable multi-dimensional (Spectral and Spatial) transceiver controlled with YANG/NETCONF
Optics Infobase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F84-OFC 2018. January 2018.
Muñoz R., Yoshikane N., Casellas R., Fàbrega J.M., Vilalta R., Svaluto Moreolo M., Nadal L., Marti´nez R., Soma D., Wakayama Y., Beppu S., Sumita S., Tsuritani T., Morita I.
10.1364/OFC.2018.M2A.5 Google Scholar
Modular SDN-enabled S-BVT adopting widely tunable MEMS VCSEL for flexible/elastic optical metro networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F84-OFC 2018. January 2018.
Svaluto Moreolo M., Nadal L., Fabrega J.M., Vilchez F.J., Casellas R., Muñoz R., Neumeyr C., Gatto A., Parolari P., Boffi P.
10.1364/OFC.2018.M1A.7 Google Scholar
Experimental Assessment of Filter Narrowing Effect for Low Bandwidth Connections in EON
IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. Vol. 29. No. 23. pp. 2027-2030 December 2017.
L. Martin, J. M. Fabrega, M. Svaluto Moreolo, L. Nadal, F. J. Vilchez
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Demonstration of Adaptive SDN Orchestration: A Real-Time Congestion-Aware Services Provisioning Over OFDM-Based 400G OPS and Flexi-WDM OCS
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 35. No. 3. pp. 506-512 February 2017.
Fabrega J.M., Svaluto Moreolo M., Mayoral A., Vilalta R., Casellas R., Martinez R., Munoz R., Yoshida Y., Kitayama K., Kai Y., Nishihara M., Okabe R., Tanaka T., Takahara T., Rasmussen J.C., Yoshikane N., Cao X., Tsuritani T., Morita I., Habel K., Freund R., Lopez V., Aguado A., Yan S., Simeonidou D., Szyrkowiec T., Autenrieth A., Shiraiwa M., Awaji Y., Wada N.
10.1109/JLT.2017.2655418 Google Scholar
All-optical in-band OSNR estimation in coherent optical OFDM systems
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2017.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Nadal, L, Sevillano, P, Villafranca, A, Yoshida, Y, Shiraiwa, M, Awaji, Y, Wada, N, Kitayama, KI
10.1109/ICTON.2017.8025113 Google Scholar
Experimental Validation of a Converged Metro Architecture for Transparent Mobile Front-/Back-Haul Traffic Delivery Using SDN-Enabled Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceivers
43rd European Conference On Optical Communication (ecoc 2017). Vol. 2017-September. pp. 1-3 January 2017.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Nadal, L, Vilchez, FJ, Casellas, R, Vilalta, R, Martinez, R, Munoz, R, Fernandez-Palacios, JP, Contreras, LM
10.1109/ECOC.2017.8345859 Google Scholar
Mobile front-/back-haul delivery in elastic metro/access networks with sliceable transceivers based on OFDM transmission and direct detection
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2017.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Nadal, L, Vilchez, FJ, Fernandez-Palacios, JP, Contreras, LM
10.1109/ICTON.2017.8024886 Google Scholar
Towards advanced high capacity and highly scalable software defined optical transmission
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2017.
Moreolo, MS, Nadal, L, Fabrega, JM
10.1109/ICTON.2017.8024879 Google Scholar
Transparent service delivery in elastic metro/access networks with cost-effective programmable transceivers
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2017.
Nadal, L, Fabrega, JM, Altabas, JA, Izquierdo, D, Vilchez, FJ, Moreolo, MS, Lazaro, JA, Garces, I
10.1109/ICTON.2017.8024888 Google Scholar
Elastic optical technologies and SDN/NFV control for 5G mobile x-haul
Summer Topicals Meeting Series, Sum 2017. pp. 9-10 January 2017.
Muñoz R., Fabrega J.M., Casellas R., Moreolo M.S., Vilalta R., Nadal L., Martínez R.
10.1109/PHOSST.2017.8012625 Google Scholar
The ADRENALINE testbed: An SDN/NFV packet/optical transport network and edge/core cloud platform for end-to-end 5G and IoT services
2017 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). January 2017.
Munoz R., Nadal L., Casellas R., Moreolo M.S., Vilalta R., Fabrega J.M., Martinez R., Mayoral A., Vilchez F.J.
10.1109/EuCNC.2017.7980775 Google Scholar
Meeting the future metro network challenges and requirements by adopting programmable S-BVT with direct-detection and PDM functionality
OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 36. pp. 344-352 January 2017.
Nadal L., Svaluto Moreolo M., Fàbrega J.M., Vílchez F.J.
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Control orchestration protocol: Unified transport API for distributed cloud and network orchestration
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 9. No. 2. pp. 216-222 January 2017.
Mayoral A., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Casellas R., Martinez R., Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Aguado A., Yan S., Simeonidou D., Gran J.M., Lopez V., Kaczmarek P., Szwedowski R., Szyrkowiec T., Autenrieth A., Yoshikane N., Tsuritani T., Morita I., Shiraiwa M., Wada N., Nishihara M., Tanaka T., Takahara T., Rasmussen J.C., Yoshida Y., Kitayama K.-I.
10.1364/JOCN.9.00A216 Google Scholar
S-BVT for next-generation optical metro networks: benefits, design and key enabling technologies
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 10129. January 2017.
Svaluto Moreolo M., Fabrega J.M., Nadal L.
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The ADRENALINE Testbed: An SDN/NFV Packet/Optical Transport Network and Edge/Core Cloud Platform for End-to-End 5G and IoT Services
European Conference On Networks And Communications. January 2017.
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Google Scholar
Elastic optical technologies and SDN/NFV control for 5G mobile x-haul
2017 Ieee Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (sum). pp. 9-10 January 2017.
Muñoz, R, Fábrega, JM, Casellas, R, Moreolo, MS, Vilalta, R, Nadal, L, Martínez, R
Google Scholar
Performance analysis of CO-OFDM schemes based on multidimensional constellations for long-haul transmission
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2017.
González, LM, Fàbrega, JM, Nadal, L, Moreolo, MS
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A Cloud Optical Access Network for Virtualized GNSS Receivers
Fernández-Prades, C, Pomar, C, Arribas, J, Fabrega, JM, Vilá-Valls, J, Moreolo, MS, Casellas, R, Martínez, R, Navarro, M, Vílchez, FJ, Muñoz, R, Vilalta, R, Nadal, L, Mayoral, A
Google Scholar
Hybrid electro-optical MCM as multi-flow generation enabler for elastic optical networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F82-CLEO_Europe 2017. January 2017.
Nadal L., Svaluto Moreolo M., Fàbrega J.M., Vílchez F.J.
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A cloud optical access network for virtualized GNSS receivers
30th International Technical Meeting Of The Satellite Division Of The Institute Of Navigation, Ion Gnss 2017. Vol. 6. pp. 3796-3815 January 2017.
Fernández-Prades C., Pomar C., Arribas J., Fabrega J.M., Vilà-Valls J., Svaluto Moreolo M., Casellas R., Martínez R., Navarro M., Vílchez F.J., Muñoz R., Vilalta R., Nadal L., Mayoral A.
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Experimental Analysis of 8-QAM Constellations for Adaptive Optical OFDM Systems
IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. Vol. 28. No. 4. pp. 445-448 January 2016.
Nadal, L, Fabrega, JM, Vilchez, J, Moreolo, MS
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Experimental study of adaptive loading in IM/DD OFDM using in-band optical sub-carrier SNR monitoring
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2016.
Fabrega, JM, M. Svaluto, Nadal, L, Vilchez, FJ, Villafranca, A, Sevillano, P
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Multidimensional OFDM for programmable optical transceivers
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2016-August. January 2016.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS
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On the filter narrowing issues in elastic optical networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 8. No. 7. pp. 23-33 January 2016.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Martin, L, Piat, AC, Riccardi, E, Roccato, D, Sambo, N, Cugini, F, Poti, L, Yan, S, Hugues-Salas, E, Simeonidou, D, Gunkel, M, Palmer, R, Fedderwitz, S, Rafique, D, Rahman, T, de Waardt, H, Napoli, A
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Flexgrid technologies enabling BRAS centralization in MANs
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 8. No. 7. pp. 64-75 January 2016.
Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Martin, L, Christodoulopoulos, K, Varvarigos, E, Fernandez-Palacios, JP
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SDN-Enabled Sliceable BVT Based on Multicarrier Technology for Multiflow Rate/Distance and Grid Adaptation
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 34. No. 6. pp. 1516-1522 January 2016.
Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Vilchez, FJ, Mayoral, A, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Nishihara, M, Tanaka, T, Takahara, T, Rasmussen, JC, Kottke, C, Schlosser, M, Freund, R, Meng, FC, Yan, SY, Zervas, G, Simeonidou, D, Yoshida, Y, Kitayama, KI
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First experimental demonstration of a distributed cloud and heterogeneous network orchestration with a common Transport API for E2E services with QoS
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2016.
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Multi-adaptive S-BVT for software defined optical networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2016-August. January 2016.
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First demonstration of cognitive SDN orchestration: A real-time congestion-aware services provisioning over OFDM-based 400G OPS and Flexi-WDM OCS networks
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2016.
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SDN-enabled optical transmission systems: Programmability and advanced features
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Experimental demonstration of a programmable 400-Gbps DMT transceiver with policy-based control
2016 21st Optoelectronics And Communications Conference, Oecc 2016 - Held Jointly With 2016 International Conference On Photonics In Switching, Ps 2016. January 2016.
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On-demand allocation of control plane functions via SDN/NFV for monitoring-enabled flexi-grid optical networks with programmable BVTs
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. pp. 515-517 January 2016.
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Experimental Demonstration of a Metro Area Network with Terabit-capable Sliceable Bitrate Variable Transceiver using Direct Modulated VCSELs and Coherent Detection
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2016.
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Experimental demonstration of a programmable S-BVT with PDM capability for flexible optical metro networks
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. pp. 1217-1219 January 2016.
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Next generation sliceable bandwidth variable transponder
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 53. No. 2. pp. 163-171 February 2015.
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Attribute-based authorization for structured Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks
COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES. Vol. 42. pp. 71-83 January 2015.
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OFDM subcarrier monitoring using high resolution optical spectrum analysis
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 342. pp. 144-151 January 2015.
Fabrega, JM, Sevillano, P, Moreolo, MS, Villafranca, A, Vilchez, FJ, Subias, JM
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Next generation elastic optical networks: The vision of the European research project IDEALIST
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 53. No. 2. pp. 152-162 January 2015.
Napoli, A, Bohn, M, Rafique, D, Stavdas, A, Sambo, N, Poti, L, Nolle, M, Fischer, JK, Riccardi, E, Pagano, A, Di Giglio, A, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Hugues-Salas, E, Zervas, G, Simeonidou, D, Layec, P, D'Errico, A, Rahman, T, Gimenez, JPFP
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Next generation sliceable bandwidth variable transponders
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 53. No. 2. pp. 163-171 January 2015.
Sambo, N, Castoldi, P, D'Errico, A, Riccardi, E, Pagano, A, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Rafique, D, Napoli, A, Frigerio, S, Salas, EH, Zervas, G, Nolle, M, Fischer, JK, Lord, A, Gimenez, JPFP
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Experimental validation of MTU-BRAS connectivity with DMT transmission and coherent detection in flexgrid metro networks using sliceable transceivers
2015 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2015.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Vilchez, FJ, Christodoulopoulos, K, Varvarigos, E, Fernandez-Palacios, JP
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Data Plane alternatives based on sliceable transceivers for optical aggregation networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2015-August. January 2015.
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IDEALIST data plane solutions for elastic optical networks
2015 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 355-359 January 2015.
Layec, P, Dupas, A, Nolle, M, Fischer, JK, Schubert, C, Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Sambo, N, Meloni, G, Fresi, F, Napoli, A, Rafique, D, Bohn, M, D'Errico, A, Rahman, T, Hugues-Salas, E, Yan, Y, Yan, S, Zervas, G, Simeonidou, D, Stavdas, A, Matrakidis, C, Orphanoudakis, T
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Recent trends and considerations for high speed data in chips and system interconnects
2015 Sbmo/ieee Mtt-S International Microwave And Optoelectronics Conference (imoc). Vol. 2015-December. January 2015.
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Sliceable bandwidth variable transponder: The IDEALIST vision
2015 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 330-334 January 2015.
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DSP-enabled optical OFDM for multiple-format and multi-rate/distance transmission
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol. 2015-August. January 2015.
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100G beyond Ethernet transport for inter- and intra-DCN communication with solutions and optical enabling technologies in the ICT STRAUSS project
2015 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 350-354 January 2015.
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SDN-enabled sliceable BVT based on multicarrier technology for multi-flow rate/distance and grid adaptation
Ecoc 2015 41st European Conference On Optical Communication. Vol. 2015-November. January 2015.
Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Vilchez, FJ, Mayoral, A, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Nishihara, M, Tanaka, T, Takahara, T, Rasmussen, JC, Kottke, C, Schlosser, M, Freund, R, Meng, F, Yan, S, Zervas, G, Simeonidou, D, Yoshida, Y, Kitayama, K
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Sliceable bandwidth variable transponders for elastic optical networks: The idealist vision
Iet Conference Publications. Vol. 2015. January 2015.
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Low complexity PAPR reduction techniques for clipping and quantization noise mitigation in direct-detection O-OFDM systems
OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 20. No. 3. pp. 208-216 June 2014.
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DMT modulation with adaptive loading for high bit rate transmission over directly detected optical channels
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 32. No. 21. pp. 3541-3551 January 2014.
Nadal, L, Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Dochhan, A, Griesser, H, Eiselt, M, Elbers, JP
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Experimental investigation of discrete multitone transmission in the presence of optical noise and chromatic dispersion
2014 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2014.
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Discrete multitone transmission for next generation 400G data center inter-connections
2014 Optoelectronics And Communications Conference And Australian Conference On Optical Fibre Technology (oecc/acoft 2014). pp. 1-3 January 2014.
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Experimental demonstration of elastic optical networking utilizing time-sliceable bitrate variable OFDM transceiver
2014 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2014.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Vilchez, FJ, Rofoee, BR, Ou, Y, Amaya, N, Zervas, G, Simeonidou, D, Yoshida, Y, Kitayama, K
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Constant envelope coherent optical OFDM transceiver for elastic upgrade of transport network
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2014.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Jimenez, F, Chochol, M, Junyent, G
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Cooperative Detection of PUE Attacks in CRNs
Signals and Communication Technology. pp. 287-316 January 2014.
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Reconciling privacy and efficient utility management in smart cities
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. Vol. 25. No. 1. pp. 94-108 January 2014.
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Flexible Optical Infrastructure for Ethernet Transport: Solutions and Enabling Technologies in the ICT STRAUSS Project
2014 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). January 2014.
Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Nishihara, M, Tanaka, T, Takahara, T, Rasmussen, JC, Yan, S, Rofoee, BR, Yan, Y, Hugues-Salas, E, Shu, Y, Zervas, G, Simeonidou, D, del Rosal, LF, Schlosser, M, Kitayama, K, Ortiz, AM, Lopez, V, Fernandez-Palacios, JP
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Optical transceiver technologies for inter-data center connectivity
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2014.
Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Vilchez, FJ
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First international SDN-based network orchestration of variable-capacity OPS over programmable flexi-grid EON
2014 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2014.
Yoshida, Y, Maruta, A, Kitayama, K, Nishihara, M, Tanaka, T, Takahara, T, Rasmussen, JC, Yoshikane, N, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I, Yan, S, Shu, Y, Channegowda, M, Yan, Y, Rofoee, BR, Hugues-Salas, E, Saridis, G, Zervas, G, Nejabati, R, Simeonidou, D, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Svaluto, M, Fabrega, JM, Aguado, A, Lopez, V, Marhuenda, J, de Dios, OG, Fernandez-Palacios, JP
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Dynamic differential delay aware RMSA for elastic multi-path provisioning in GMPLS Flexi-grid DWDM networks
2014 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2014.
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Cost-effective data plane solutions based on OFDM technology for flexi-grid metro networks using sliceable bandwidth variable transponders
2014 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling. pp. 281-286 January 2014.
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Dynamic differential delay aware RMSA for elastic multipath provisioning in GMPLS Flexi-grid DWDM Networks
2014 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2014.
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Cost-Fffective Data Plane Solutions Based on OFDM Technology for Flexi-Grid Metro Networks Using Sliceable Bandwidth Variable Transponders
2014 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling. pp. 281-286 January 2014.
Moreolo, MS, Fábrega, JM, Nadal, L, Vílchez, FJ, López, V, Fernández-Palacies, JP
Google Scholar
Assessment of flexgrid technologies in the MAN for centralized BRAS architecture using S-BVT
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. January 2014.
Moreolo M.S., Fabrega J.M., Vilchez F.J., Christodoulopoulos K., Varvarigos E., Lopez V., Fernandez-Palacios J.P.
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Dynamic differential delay aware RMSA for elastic multipath provisioning in GMPLS flexi-grid DWDM networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2014.
Muñoz R., Vilalta R., Svaluto Moreolo M., Fàbrega J.M., Casellas R., Vílchez F.J., Martínez R., Frigerio S., Lometti A.
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Experimental investigation of discrete multitone transmission in the presence of optical noise and chromatic dispersion
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2014.
Dochhan A., Nadal L., Griesser H., Eiselt M., Moreolo M.S., Elbers J.-P.
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Experimental demonstration of elastic optical networking utilizing time-sliceable bitrate variable OFDM transceiver
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2014.
Fabrega J.M., Svaluto Moreolo M., Vflchez F.J., Rofoee B.R., Ou Y., Amaya N., Zervas G., Simeonidou D., Yoshida Y., Kitayama K.
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First international SDN-based network orchestration of variable-capacity OPS over programmable flexi-grid EON
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2014.
Yoshida Y., Maruta A., Kitayama K., Nishihara M., Tanaka T., Takahara T., Rasmussen J.C., Yoshikane N., Tsuritani T., Morita I., Yan S., Shu Y., Channegowda M., Yan Y., Rofoee B.R., Hugues-Salas E., Saridis G., Zervas G., Nejabati R., Simeonidou D., Vilalta R., Muñoz R., Casellas R., Martínez R., Svaluto M., Fàbrega J.M., Aguado A., López V., Marhuenda J., González De Dios O., Fernández-Palacios J.P.
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WiMAX-based robust localization in the presence of misbehaving and/or malicious base stations
COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Vol. 39. No. 7. pp. 2318-2329 January 2013.
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Impact of modulator driving on constant envelope optical OFDM based on hartley transform
IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. Vol. 25. No. 6. pp. 598-601 January 2013.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Chochol, M, Junyent, G
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Decomposed radio access network over deployed passive optical networks using coherent optical OFDM transceivers
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 5. No. 4. pp. 359-369 January 2013.
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Phase modulated optical OFDM upstream with IM/DD downstream for full-duplex 10 Gb/s bidirectional transmission over a single wavelength with a reflective SOA
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2013.
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Design and experimental validation of a GMPLS/PCE control plane for elastic CO-OFDM optical networks
Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Martinez, R, Liu, L, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I
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Experimental Characterization of a Burst-Enabled O-OFDM Transceiver
2013 Conference On Lasers And Electro-Optics Europe And International Quantum Electronics Conference (cleo Europe/iqec). January 2013.
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All-optical in-band OSNR measurement in intensity-modulated direct-detection optical OFDM systems
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2013.
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Adaptive bit loading in FHT-based OFDM transponders for flexi-grid optical networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2013.
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Bandwidth variable transponders based on OFDM technology for elastic optical networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2013.
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Elastic optical networks: The vision of the ICT project IDEALIST
2013 Future Network And Mobile Summit, Futurenetworksummit 2013. January 2013.
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Experimental characterization of a burst-enabled O-OFDM transceiver
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2013.
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Experimental validation of an elastic low-complex OFDM-based BVT for flexi-grid metro networks
Iet Conference Publications. Vol. 2013. pp. 387-389 January 2013.
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Experimental demonstration of a cost-effective bit rate variable IM/DD optical OFDM with reduced guard band
OPTICS EXPRESS. Vol. 20. No. 26. pp. 159-164 December 2012.
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GMPLS/PCE Control of Flexi-Grid DWDM Optical Networks Using CO-OFDM Transmission [Invited]
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 4. No. 11. pp. 1-10 November 2012.
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GMPLS/PCE Control of Flexi-Grid DWDM Optical Networks Using CO-ODFM Transmission
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 4. No. 10. pp. 1-10 October 2012.
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Decentralized certification scheme for secure admission in on-the-fly peer-to-peer systems
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. Vol. 5. No. 2. pp. 105-124 June 2012.
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Software-Defined Optical OFDM Transmission Systems: Enabling Elasticity in the Data Plane
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2012.
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State of the Art on Transmission Techniques
Signals and Communication Technology. pp. 1-52 January 2012.
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Optimizing Energy-Efficiency of PHY-Layer Authentication in Machine-to-Machine Networks
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WDM Overlay of Distributed Base Stations in Deployed Passive Optical Networks Using Coherent Optical OFDM Transceivers
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2012.
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Optical Filter Cascading Effects in a Phase Modulated Coherent Optical OFDM Transmission System Based on Hartley Transform
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2012.
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Characterization of a Phase Modulated Coherent Optical OFDM System Based on Hartley Transform
European Conference On Network And Optical Communications And Conference On Optical Cabling And Infrastructure. January 2012.
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Low Complexity Bit Rate Variable Transponders Based on Optical OFDM with PAPR Reduction Capabilities
European Conference On Network And Optical Communications And Conference On Optical Cabling And Infrastructure. January 2012.
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Clipping and Quantization Noise Mitigation in Intensity-Modulated Direct Detection O-OFDM Systems Based on the FHT
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2012.
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Experimental Demonstration of a Cost-Effective Bit Rate Variable Intensity Modulation and Direct Detection Optical OFDM with Reduced Guard Band
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Characterization of a phase modulated coherent optical OFDM system based on Hartley transform
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Experimental assessment of a combined PCE-RMA and distributed spectrum allocation mechanism for GMPLS elastic CO-OFDM Optical Networks
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Low complexity bit rate variable transponders based on optical OFDM with PAPR reduction capabilities
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Secure Lossless Aggregation Over Fading and Shadowing Channels for Smart Grid M2M Networks
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Performance Analysis of DHT-Based Optical OFDM Using Large-Size Constellations in AWGN
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Performance analysis of DHT-based optical OFDM using large-size contellations in AWGN
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Identifying Traitors Using the Koetter-Vardy Algorithm
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Modeling the Lion Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks
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Keeping image processing in the optical domain
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Power Efficient and Cost-Effective Solutions for Optical OFDM Systems Using Direct Detection
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FHT-Based Architectures for Multicarrier Modulation in Direct Detection and Coherent Optical Systems
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Characterization of fast and power efficient optical OFDM transmission system based on hartley transform
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Constant envelope coherent optical OFDM based on fast Hartley transform
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Comparison of peak power reduction techniques in optical OFDM systems based on FFT and FHT
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FHT-based architectures for multicarrier modulation in direct detection and coherent optical systems
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Traitor tracing over YouTube video service-proof of concept
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Securing cognitive radio networks
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Fiber Hartley Transform and Optical Indirect Computation of Discrete Cosine Transform
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Novel Power Efficient Optical OFDM Based on Hartley Transform for Intensity-Modulated Direct-Detection Systems
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 28. No. 5. pp. 798-805 March 2010.
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Secure Lossless Aggregation for Smart Grid M2M Networks
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Trigonometric transforms for high-speed optical networks: All-optical architectures and optical OFDM
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Power efficient and cost-effective solutions for optical OFDM systems using direct detection
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New voter verification scheme using pre-encrypted ballots
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On the IPP Properties of Reed-Solomon Codes
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Signal processing based on trigonometric transforms for high-speed optical networks
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Design of photonic crystal delay lines based on enhanced coupled cavity waveguides
Journal of Optics A Pure and Applied Optics. Vol. 10. pp. 1-6 January 2008.
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2D Photonic Crystal Cavity-Based WDM Multiplexer
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications. Vol. 5. No. 4. pp. 164-170 November 2007.
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Performance analysis of multidimensional codes generated/processed by a single planar device
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Optical wavelet signals processing and multiplexing
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing. Vol. 2005. No. 10. pp. 1574-1583 July 2005.
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Synthesis of optical wavelet filters
IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. Vol. 16. No. 7. pp. 1679-1681 July 2004.
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