David Pubill

David Pubill | CTTC

Geomatics (GM)

Msc , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

David Pubill (Lleida, 1980) obtained his M.Sc. degree in Telecommunications Engineering at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in July 2006.

Prior to join CTTC he worked at Centre de Telecomunicacions i Tecnologies de la Informació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (CTiTI) designing radiant systems for TV, radio, Wi-Fi and WiMAX. He also participated in the frequency planning and interference study on these technologies for the Catalan radio spectrum.

In August 2006 he joined CTTC as Research Engineer in the area of Access Technologies where he worked in several national and international projects based on WiMAX. Later he joined the Engineering Unit group where he specialized in ranging techniques for Wi-Fi systems and he collaborated in the implementation of an open source GNSS-SDR receiver. David is currently working at the Smart Energy Efficient Communication Technologies (SMARTECH) department within the Communication Technologies Division (CTD) as a Senior Researcher.

He has been co-recipient of the best demo award of the IEEE CAMAD 2018 conference, the ENIAC JU 2015 innovation award for the E2SG project and the second prize in the ENF´15 exhibition award.

He has been involved in several industrial projects (WI4GOAL, C2CP, H4WP), national funded projects (WIMSAT, CellFive, SPOT5G) and European funded projects (ARTEMISA, E2SG, COPCAMS, ESEE, IoSENSE, CONNECT, SEMIOTICS, 5G-SOLUTIONS, MonB5G, PROGRESSUS, OPTIMIST). He has several scientific publications in national and international conferences.

His main research interests include smart grid, energy efficiency,  smart metering, smart building/home, Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN).

Since 2015 he is the coordinator of the IoTWORLD testbed. He has led the CTTC participation in several international fairs such as the IoT Solutions World Congress (IoTSWC) and the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC), editions between 2015 and 2019.

Since 2018 David is senior member of the IEEE.

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9086-4907

CURATE: On-Demand Orchestration of Services for Health Emergencies Prediction and Mitigation
IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 39. No. 2. pp. 438-445 January 2021.
Sanabria-Russo, L, Serra, J, Pubill, D, Verikoukis, C
10.1109/JSAC.2020.3021570 Google Scholar
NFV-Enabled Experimental Platform for 5G Tactile Internet Support in Industrial Environments
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS. Vol. 16. No. 3. pp. 1895-1903 January 2020.
Mekikis P.-V., Ramantas, K, Antonopoulos, A, Kartsakli, E, Sanabria-Russo, L, Serra, J, Pubill, D, Verikoukis, C
10.1109/TII.2019.2917914 Google Scholar
LTE as a service: Leveraging NFV for realising dynamic 5G network slicing
2019 Ieee Global Communications Conference (globecom). January 2019.
Sanabria-Russo L., Righi L., Pubill D., Serra J., Granelli F., Verikoukis C.
10.1109/GLOBECOM38437.2019.9014330 Google Scholar
IoT Data Analytics as a Network Edge Service
Ieee Conference On Computer Communications Workshops (ieee Infocom 2019 Wkshps). pp. 969-970 January 2019.
Sanabria-Russo L., Pubill D., Serra J., Verikoukis C.
10.1109/INFCOMW.2019.8845207 Google Scholar
Harvesting artificial light indoors to power perpetually a Wireless Sensor Network node
IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks. Vol. 2018-September. pp. 166-171 January 2018.
Pubill, D, Serra, J, Verikoukis, C
10.1109/CAMAD.2018.8514995 Google Scholar
Scalable and Flexible IoT data analytics: When Machine Learning meets SDN and Virtualization
IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks. Vol. 2018-September. pp. 134-139 January 2018.
Serra, J, Sanabria-Russo, L, Pubil, D, Verikoukis, C
10.1109/CAMAD.2018.8514997 Google Scholar
Distributed massive MIMO for estimation of a correlated source vector in sensor networks
2017 Ieee International Symposium On Signal Processing And Information Technology (isspit). pp. 163-167 January 2018.
Serra J., Pubill D., Verikoukis C.
10.1109/ISSPIT.2017.8388635 Google Scholar
Distributed Massive MIMO for Estimation of a Correlated Source Vector in Sensor Networks
Ieee International Symposium On Signal Processing And Information Technology. pp. 163-167 January 2017.
Serra, J, Pubill, D, Verikoukis, C
Google Scholar
The CTTC 5G End-to-End Experimental Platform: Integrating Heterogeneous Wireless/Optical Networks, Distributed Cloud, and IoT Devices
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. Vol. 11. No. 1. pp. 50-63 January 2016.
Munoz, R, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Vilalta, R, Verikoukis, C, Alonso-Zarate, J, Bartzoudis, N, Georgiadis, A, Payaro, M, Perez-Neira, A, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Nunez-Martnez, J, Esteso, MR, Pubill, D, Font-Bach, O, Henarejos, P, Serra, J, Vazquez-Gallego, F
10.1109/MVT.2015.2508320 Google Scholar
End-to-end SDN orchestration of IoT services using an SDN/NFV-enabled edge node
2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2016.
Vilalta, R, Mayoral, A, Pubill, D, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Serra, J, Verikoukis, C, Munoz, R
10.1364/ofc.2016.w2a.42 Google Scholar
Improving Security in Internet of Things with Software Defined Networking
Ieee Global Communications Conference. January 2016.
Vilalta, R, Ciungu, R, Mayoral, A, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Pubill, D, Serra, J, Munoz, R, Verikoukis, C
Google Scholar
Improving security in internet of things with software defined networking
2016 Ieee Global Communications Conference (globecom). January 2016.
Vilalta R., Ciungu R., Mayoral A., Casellas R., Martinez R., Pubill D., Serra J., Munoz R., Verikoukis C.
10.1109/GLOCOM.2016.7841889 Google Scholar
Intra smart grid management frameworks for control and energy saving in buildings
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 9258. pp. 131-142 January 2015.
Guerrieri, A, Serra, J, Pubill, D, Verikoukis, C, Fortino, G
10.1007/978-3-319-23237-9_12 Google Scholar
Smart HVAC Control in IoT: Energy Consumption Minimization with User Comfort Constraints
SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL. Vol. 2014. January 2014.
Serra, J, Pubill, D, Antonopoulos, A, Verikoukis, C
10.1155/2014/161874 Google Scholar
Experimental evaluation of an HVAC system under dynamic pricing with comfort constraints
2014 Ieee Pes Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (isgt). January 2014.
Serra, J, Pubill, D, Vazquez, MA, Verikoukis, C
10.1109/ISGT.2014.6816381 Google Scholar
An Open Source Galileo E1 Software Receiver
ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing. January 2012.
Fernandez-Prades, C, Arribas, J, Esteve, L, Pubill, D, Closas, P
Google Scholar
An open source Galileo E1 software receiver
6th Esa Workshop On Satellite Navigation Technologies: Multi-Gnss Navigation Technologies Galileo's Here, Navitec 2012 And European Workshop On Gnss Signals And Signal Processing. January 2012.
Fernandez-Prades C., Arribas J., Esteve L., Pubill D., Closas P.
10.1109/NAVITEC.2012.6423057 Google Scholar
Video Streaming in Uplink mode Using WiMAX System - Experimental Results
2009 Ieee 20th International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications. pp. 598-602 January 2009.
Ruiz, G, Pubill, D, Bader, F, Ortega, JA
10.1109/PIMRC.2009.5449786 Google Scholar
Researcher PO
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Researcher R3