Space and Resilient Communications and Systems (SRCOM)


Satyendra Kumar Mishra

Satyendra Kumar Mishra (Gorakhpur, India) is currently working at CTTC as a Senior Researcher.  His bachelor’s degree (2006) in Physics, … Read More

Marc Martínez

Marc Martinez-Gost received the Bachelor and Master’s degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 2019 … Read More

Vaishnavi Kasuluru

Vaishnavi Kasuluru got her M.Sc. degree in Information and Communication Engineering in 2020 from TU Darmstadt, Germany and her B.Sc. … Read More

Pol Henarejos | CTTC

Pol Henarejos

Pol Henarejos received the Telecommunication Engineering degree from the Telecommunication Engineering High School from Barcelona (ETSETB) of Technical University of Catalonia … Read More

Marius Caus | CTTC

Màrius Caus

Màrius Caus received his M.Sc. and Ph. D. degrees in Telecommunication Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in … Read More

Luís Blanco | CTTC

Luis Blanco

Dr.  Luis Blanco received his MSc and PhD in Telecommunications engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain, in … Read More

Joan Bas | CTTC

Joan Bas

Joan Bas (Barcelona, 1971) received the MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in … Read More