Adaptive Processing Technologies (ADAPT)

Jose Rubio Fernández | CTTC

José Rubio

José Rubio Fernández (Macael, 1962) is a graduate in Electronic Engineering by the Granada’s Facultad de Ciencias (UGR, 1997). Since … Read More

Antonio Román

Antonio Román Villarroel is an Electronic Engineer specialized in computing, graduated from the National Experimental Polytechnic University “Antonio José de … Read More

David López | CTTC

David López

David Lopez Bueno received his MSc. degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 2005 and … Read More

Nikolaos Bartzoudis |CTTC

Nikolaos Bartzoudis

Summary Nikolaos Bartzoudis (Alexandroupoli, Greece 1976) is a Senior Researcher and Head of the PHYCOM department at CTTC. Previously, he … Read More