Selva Via

Selva Via | CTTC

Services as Networks (SaS)

Msc , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Selva Vía Labrada (1982, Santander) is graduated in Telecommunications Engineering by the University of Cantabria (2006). From September 2005 to July 2006 she did a placement in the Electronic Communications department at ENSEA, France, where she was involved in a project for Thalès Communications. From October 2006 to May 2007 she worked in ELA Medical, France, as a trainee, in the Advanced Research service. She joined CTTC in September 2007.
From 2007 to 2012 she was part of Communication Subsystems Department where her main activities include RF design, development, measurement and Lab responsible. In 2013 she joined Machine to Machine Communications Department where her main activities are focus on WSN, LPWA Networks, Electronic Design and project management. Since 2022 is part of Services as Networks (SaS) Research Unit at CTTC.

Selva has been involved in industrial projects: METROLINK, CowTracker; public funded projects: NARRA, SWAP, SOSRAD (being on charge of WP3), 5GCAR, 5GCroCo (as project manager), and in IoTWorld Testbed development. She has also contributed to project proposals.
Selva is co- author of two patents. She has several scientific publications, including a journal and international & national conferences. She has supervised four final Master Theses, two of them awarded with the “Excellent Graduation Project” at BUPT University (China). She has served as part of the Organizing Committee of IMWS 2011. Selva has also participated as exhibitor in several international fairs such as IoTSWC, SCEWC and MWC.



5GCroCo: Key 5G technologies and trial results for seamless cross-border CAM services (Invited Paper)
Proceedings - 2022 Ieee Future Networks World Forum, Fnwf 2022. pp. 24-27 January 2022.
Via S., Payaro M., Eckert K., Muhleisen M., Wendt S., Fischer E., Hetzer D., Kousaridas A.
10.1109/FNWF55208.2022.00013 Google Scholar
Demo: A Mobile Edge Computing-based Collision Avoidance System for Future Vehicular Networks
Ieee Conference On Computer Communications Workshops (ieee Infocom 2019 Wkshps). pp. 904-905 January 2019.
Vazquez-Gallego F., Vilalta R., Garcia A., Mira F., Via S., Munoz R., Alonso-Zarate J., Catalan-Cid M.
10.1109/INFCOMW.2019.8845107 Google Scholar
Control and Management of a Connected Car Using SDN/NFV, Fog Computing and YANG data models
2018 4th Ieee Conference On Network Softwarization And Workshops (netsoft). pp. 344-346 January 2018.
Vilalta, R, Via, S, Mira, F, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Alonso-Zarate, J, Kousaridas, A, Dillinger, M
10.1109/NETSOFT.2018.8460131 Google Scholar
Control and Management of a Connected Car Using YANG/RESTCONF and Cloud Computing
International Conference On The Network Of The Future. pp. 120-122 January 2017.
Vilalta, R, Via, S, Mira, F, Sanabria, L, Martínez, R, Casellas, R, Muñoz, R, Alonso-Zarate, J
Google Scholar
Control and management of a connected car using YANG/RESTCONF and cloud computing
Proceedings Of The 2017 8th International Conference On The Network Of The Future (nof). Vol. 2018-January. pp. 120-122 January 2017.
Vilalta R., Via S., Mira F., Sanabria L., Martínez R., Casellas R., Muñoz R., Alonso-Zarate J.
10.1109/NOF.2017.8251230 Google Scholar
Plastic-based Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) components and antennas
European Microwave Week 2012: "space For Microwaves", Eumw 2012, Conference Proceedings - 42nd European Microwave Conference, Eumc 2012. pp. 1007-1010 January 2012.
Moro R., Bozzi M., Collado A., Georgiadis A., Via S.
10.23919/eumc.2012.6459177 Google Scholar
A tolerance study on 30 GHz planar filters based on substrate integrated waveguide technology
2011 Ieee Mtt-S International Microwave Workshop Series On Millimeter Wave Integration Technologies, Imws 2011. pp. 132-135 January 2011.
Giuppi F., Collado A., Georgiadis A., Bozzi M., Via S., Perregrini L.
10.1109/IMWS3.2011.6061856 Google Scholar
Flexible hybrid solar/EM energy harvester for autonomous sensors
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. January 2011.
Georgiadis A., Collado A., Via S., Meneses C.
10.1109/MWSYM.2011.5972963 Google Scholar
Hybrid Electromagnetic and Non-Linear Modeling and Design of SIW Cavity-Backed Active Antennas
Giuppi, F, Georgiadis, A, Bozzi, M, Via, S, Collado, A, Perregrini, L
Google Scholar
An X band, Compact Active Cavity Backed Patch Oscillator Antenna Using a Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Resonator
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. January 2010.
Giuppi, F, Georgiadis, A, Collado, A, Bozzi, M, Via, S, Perregrini, L
Google Scholar
X-Band Cavity-Backed Slot Antennas and Coupled Oscillator Systems
European Microwave Conference. pp. 340-343 January 2010.
Giuppi, F, Collado, A, Bozzi, M, Georgiadis, A, Via, S, Perregrini, L
Google Scholar
An X band, compact active cavity backed patch oscillator antenna using a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) resonator
2010 Ieee Antennas And Propagation Society International Symposium. January 2010.
Giuppi F., Georgiadis A., Collado A., Bozzi M., Via S., Perregrini L.
10.1109/APS.2010.5562056 Google Scholar
Design of a 2.45 GHz rectenna for electromagnetic (EM) energy scavenging
2010 Ieee Radio And Wireless Symposium, Rww 2010 - Paper Digest. pp. 61-64 January 2010.
Vera G.A., Georgiadis A., Collado A., Via S.
10.1109/RWS.2010.5434266 Google Scholar
Push-push oscillator design based on a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) resonator
European Microwave Week 2009, Eumw 2009: Science, Progress And Quality At Radiofrequencies, Conference Proceedings - 39th European Microwave Conference, Eumc 2009. pp. 1231-1234 January 2009.
Georgiadis A., Via S., Collado A., Mira F.
10.1109/EUMC.2009.5296146 Google Scholar
Mode control in triple-push oscillator architectures
Inmmic 2008 - Workshop On Integrated Nonlinear Microwave And Milimetre-Wave Circuits, Proceedings. pp. 61-64 January 2008.
Via S.S., Collado A., Georgiadis A., Acampora A.
10.1109/INMMIC.2008.4745715 Google Scholar
Researcher PO
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Researcher R2
Researcher R3