Raül Muñoz

Raúl Muñoz | CTTC

Packet Optical Networks and Services (PONS)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Raul Muñoz  is graduated in telecommunications engineering in 2001 and received a Ph.D. degree in telecommunications in 2005, both from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain. After working as undergraduate researcher at Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni (CSELT) (Turin, Italy) in 2000, where he developed his engineering degree final project, he worked as Assistant Professor at the UPC, giving the course of optical communications lab in the telecommunications engineering degree In 2001. In 2002, he joined the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC). Currently, he is Research Director (since  January 2021), Head of the Optical Networks and Systems (ONS) Department (since April 2013), and Manager of the Communication Networks Division (since April 2013). The Optical Networks and Systems (ONS) department is composed of 8 permanent Senior Researchers,  and several Research Assistants associated to research projects, reaching a team around 15 people. He gives support to the writing of the CTTC Strategic & Functional Plan for the division and as well as to the recruiting processes of the division, serving as Secretary for all evaluation committees. Previously, He was the Coordinator of the Optical Networking Area (2005-2013), leading the creation of the new research group, and of the ADRENALINE testbed© (2002-2009), leading its design and development from scratch. He was also giving support to the CTTC direction in the management of European proposals and was the CTTC representative and elected academic member at the Board of the 5G Infrastructure Association (5GIA), the Steering Board of the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), and the Networld2020 European Technology Platform (ETP) form January 2015 to September 2017. During this period, he was involved in different activities and groups that generated several white papers and positioning papers on 5G in Europe. He is now member of the Huawei European Optical Communication Advisory Board.

Since 2000, he has participated in over 50 R&D projects funded by the European Commission’s Framework Programmes (H2020,  FP7,  FP6,  FP5,  CELTIC and ITEA) and the Spanish National research programmes (Retos Investigación I+D+i, Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental no orientada, Proyectos I+D, Redes Temáticas, CENIT, PROFIT). In particular, it is worth highlighting the participation in several H2020 5GPPP projects dealing with 5G infrastructures (packet/optical transport and distributed cloud/edge computing) and services (NFV network services and network slicing for verticals) since 2014 such as INSPIRE-5G+ (WP leader), 5GCroCo (Barcelona Trial coordinator), blueSPACE (WP leader), or 5GTANGO. He has been the Principal Investigator at CTTC of seven European projects (H2020 INSPIRE-5G+ and blueSPACE, FP7 IDEALIST, STRONGEST, and BONE,  and FP6 NOBEL2 and NOBEL). He has been the Project Coordinator of five Spanish research projects (Proyectos I+D/Retos): AURORAS (RTI2018-099178-B-I00), DESTELLO (TEC2015-69256-R), FARO (TEC2012-38119), DORADO (TEC2009-07995) and RESPLANDOR (TEC2006-12910/TCM); and one International Complementary Action (ACI) with the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology – NICT- from Japan (GAUDI project, PCI2006-A7-0715). He has also been the Project Coordinator of two European projects, the coordinated EU-Japan STRAUSS project (608528) within FP7, and the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (MSCA-ITN) ONFIRE project (765275) within the H2020 framework programme. He has also participated and/or led several research projects with the industry (KDDI Research, Telefónica I+D, etc).

He has served as General Chair (ONDM2020 and WWRF39), as Technical Programme Committee (TPC) Chair (ONDM2019, ECOC 2015, and NOC 2012), and as Technical Track Chair (IEEE WFIoT 2021, EUCNC 2014) in major conferences. He has also participated in the organization of industry panels, and workshops (EUCNC 2015, EUCNC 2017, ONDM2019, ONDM2020). He has been TPC member of various networking conferences (ECOC, ICC, GLOBECOM, IPOP, ONDM, EUCNC and ECOC), member of the ONDM steering board (2019-), as well as reviewer of top-leading journals and magazines in the field such as IEEE/OSA journal of Lightwave Technologies (JLT), IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN), IEEE Communications magazine, and IEEE Network Magazine. He also served as Associate/Guest editor for the JLT ECOC2015 special issue, JOCN ONDM2020 special issue and Springer Photonic Network Communications Journal ONDM2019 special issue. He has served as evaluator for the National research agencies of Spain (ANEP, Comisiones TEC-TCM), and Luxemburg (FNR).

His research interests include control and service management architectures (SDN, NFV, MEC) for future optical networking and communications. He has successfully supervised 3 PhD thesis, and is currently supervising 2 PhD thesis more. He has published 85 JCR journal papers (66 in Q1), 275 international conference papers (including 40 invited papers in prestigious conferences such us OFC, ECOC, ONDM, OECC/PSC, IEEE Photonics summer topicals meeting series, ICTON), and three patents in this field.  The total number of citations is 4495/3149, with a H-index of 35/29. (Source: Google Scholar  and Scopus respectively, updated on 28/04/2021). He is IEEE Senior Member since 2012, and member of the IEEE communications society and Photonics society. Since April 2021 he has the accreditation issued by AQU Catalunya to apply for the contractual category of Full Professor in the Catalan University System.


ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4651-4499

Scopus ID: 14032184500

Web of Science Researcher ID: AAR-1565-2021

Researcher PO
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