Qi Gao

Qi Gao | CTTC

Geomatics (GM)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00


Bachelor’s degree in Remote Sensing Science and Technology, Shandong Agricultural University, China, July 2012

Master of Science in Earth-oriented Space Science and Technology, the Technical University of Munich, Germany, December 2014

PhD in Earth and Space Sciences both from Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse III), France and La Salle School of Engineering (Ramon Llull University), Catalonia, July 2019.

Work experience

April 2020 – present: Researcher in CTTC

April 2015 – April 2020: R&D Engineer in isardSAT, Barcelona, Spain

Nov. 2013 – March 2014 and June 2014 – Sep. 2014: Research assistant in Technical University of Munich, Germany

Dec. 2013 – May 2014: Student assistant in DLR (German Aerospace Center), Germany


Her research activity is related to the analysis and processing of satellite remote sensing data and the development of scientific and technical applications and algorithms. She is specialized in hydrological remote sensing including soil moisture estimation and water level retrievals using satellite altimeter. Her PhD activity was about water resources estimation in continental surfaces using microwave remote sensing. Currently, in CTTC, she is involved in the researches about the measurement and monitoring of deformations using SAR interferometry techniques (InSAR). Her main research interests are in SAR and SAR interferometry, land deformation, hydrology, etc.

Scholar Google: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Ncbx0BcAAAAJ&hl=en

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Qi_Gao36

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9291-6240


An improved change detection method for high-resolution soil moisture mapping in permafrost regions
GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING. Vol. 61. No. 1. January 2024.
Du, SJ, Duan, P, Zhao, TJ, Wang, Z, Niu, SD, Ma, CF, Zou, DF, Yao, PP, Guo, P, Fan, D, Gao, Q, Zheng, JY, Peng, ZQ, Lü, HS, Shi, JC
10.1080/15481603.2024.2310898 Google Scholar
Automatic Ground Deformation Detection from European Ground Motion Service Products
International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss). Vol. 2023-July. pp. 8190-8193 January 2023.
Palama R., Cuevas-Gonzalez M., Barra A., Gao Q., Shahbazi S., Navarro J.A., Monserrat O., Crosetto M.
10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10281998 Google Scholar
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 361-366 January 2022.
Wassie, Y, Gao, Q, Monserrat, O, Barra, A, Crippa, B, Crosetto, M
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2022-361-2022 Google Scholar
A low-cost active reflector and a passive corner reflector network for assisting landslide monitoring using multi-temporal InSAR
Remote Sensing Letters. Vol. 13. No. 11. pp. 1080-1089 January 2022.
Luzi G., Barra A., Gao Q., F.Espín-López P., Palamà R., Monserrat O., Crosetto M., Colell X.
10.1080/2150704X.2022.2122891 Google Scholar
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43-B3. pp. 271-276 January 2022.
Gao, Q, Crosetto, M, Monserrat, O, Palama, R, Barra, A
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2022-271-2022 Google Scholar
Sentinel-1 a-dinsar approaches to map and monitor ground displacements
Remote Sensing. Vol. 13. No. 6. January 2021.
Krishnakumar, V., Qiu, Z., Monserrat, O., Barra, A., López-Vinielles, J., Reyes-Carmona, C., Gao, Q., Cuevas-González, M., Palamà, R., Crippa, B., Gili, J.A.
10.3390/rs13061120 Google Scholar
DInSAR deformation measurement using active and passive reflectors
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 11861. January 2021.
Luzi G., Espín-López P.F., Crosetto M., Monserrat O., Barra A., Gao Q.
10.1117/12.2600130 Google Scholar
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