Luca Vettori

Luca Vettori | CTTC

Packet Optical Networks and Services (PONS)

Msc , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Luca Vettori obtained his MSc Telecommunication Engineering degree from the University of Florence (UNIFI), Italy in July 2008. Also, he has a master degree in Applied Telecommunication and Engineering Management at the University of Catalonia (UPC), 2017.
From 2008 to 2011 he worked as a Research Engineer in the LENST Laboratory (currently LESC Lab) for the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence.
During that period, he was actively involved in several national research projects, mostly regarding research activity on Broadband Wireless Systems, Software Defined Radio and Wireless Sensor Networks, with regular production of reports and scientific publications about research work of above-mentioned topics.

Throughout his professional life, he has worked for industry and research academics, covering different roles. He worked as Network Engineer from 2011 and 2012 for an Italian telephone company.
In Spain, he worked as Support Engineer and Software Engineer in some companies before joining CTTC in July 2017 as Research Assistant.
Research activity
Currently in CTTC, he has been involved in H2020 projects, such as 5G-TRANSFORMER and H2020-ICT-2018-3 5Growth. In this context, he has been actively co-leading the design and development of key building blocks forming the experimental solution and platform adopted in both projects. The implication in such projects allowed him to gain experience in the research and development of standardized mobile and transport networks and their orchestration and management using SDN and NFV techniques.

His research activity is summarized in the following:

Development of innovative solutions on SDN/NFV, Network Virtualization, Network Orchestration and Cloud topics.
Working with the current state of the art technologies related to NFV and optical/packet SDN systems (under the framework of Linux environments).
Developing and designing tools with modern programming languages, like Python, for the implementation of different test-beds and PoC in the mark of more practical.
Actively involved in regular WPs activities, like attending calls/meetings and writing down contributions to project Deliverables.

Participation in Public- and Industrial-funded Projects
During his career, he has participated in several R&D projects funded by European Commission (H2020 programs) and national (Italian) programs.

H2020: 5Growth, 5G-TRANSFORMER
Italian National programs: SALICE, I-NATURE, CLASS5

Advisor and Academia Activities
The following activities were done during the participation academic activity of the University  of Florence:

Supervised 3 MSc Thesis (on the topic of Broadband wireless Systems such as LTE and Multi-Antennas Technics).
Supervisor of a BSc Thesis on Mobile Telecommunications and Software Defined Radio (SDR).
Teaching undergraduate courses/seminars on Software Defined Radio.

Author and co-author of over 15 international and peer-reviewed journal and conference papers.

Google Scholar Profile:

Total citations (as at 2022/01): 117
h-index and i10 (as at 2022/01): 7 and 3

He is also a reviewer for IEEE Communications Magazine.
2021: J. Baranda, J. Mangues, L. Vettori, R. Martínez, E. Zeydan, “Deploying Hybrid Network Services: Mixing VNFs and CNFs in Multi-site Infrastructures”, in Proceedings of the 18th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON’21), 6-9 July 2021. Best Demonstration Paper.

2020: J. Baranda, J. Mangues, E. Zeydan, L. Vettori, R. Martínez, X. Li, A. Garcia-Saavedra, C. Fabiana Chiasserini, C. Casetti, K. Tomakh, O. Kolodiazhnyi, C. Jesus Bernardos, “On the Integration of AI/ML-based scaling operations in the 5Growth platform”, in Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Network Functions Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking (IEEE NFV-SDN 2020). Best Fast Track Paper.



Software Skills

Software Development with Python libraries and scripting technologies:

  • REST APIs and Web MVC developing with Flask and Jinja2
  • SQL (MySQL, SQLAlchemy) and NoSQL (Mongodb) databases
  • Bootstrap, JQuery and D3 scripting
  • Git version control


Management of NFVO and SDN Software tools:

  • OSM, Openstack, ONOS, Ryu, COP protocol
A Novel Approach for Scalable and Sustainable 6G Networks
Ieee Open Journal Of The Communications Society. Vol. 5. pp. 1673-1692 January 2024.
Blanco L., Zeydan E., Barrachina-Munoz S., Rezazadeh F., Vettori L., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/OJCOMS.2024.3372426 Google Scholar
An AI/ML Proactive Network Service Relocation Approach for Multi-Admin Domain Scenarios
Proceedings Of Ieee/ifip Network Operations And Management Symposium 2024, Noms 2024. January 2024.
Baranda J., Galal A., Vettori L., Mpatziakas A., Gentili A., Sinanis A., Yastrebova-Castillo A., Gomez G., Karageorgiou S., Drosou A., Scholliers J., Payaro M., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/NOMS59830.2024.10575207 Google Scholar
Empowering beyond 5G Networks: An Experimental Assessment of Zero-Touch Management and Orchestration
IEEE Access. January 2024.
Barrachina-Munoz S., Rezazadeh F., Blanco L., Kuklinski S., Zeydan E., Chawla A., Zanzi L., Devoti F., Vlahodimitropoulou V., Chochliouros I., Bosneag A.-M., Cherrared S., Vettori L., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3510804 Google Scholar
Resource Abstractions in NFV Management and Orchestration: Experimental Evaluation
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. Vol. 20. No. 1. pp. 608-624 March 2023.
Martinez R., Vettori L., Baranda J., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Zeydan E., Bakhshi B.
10.1109/TNSM.2022.3214381 Google Scholar
Cloud Native Federated Learning for Streaming: An Experimental Demonstrator
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing. Vol. 2023-June. pp. 46-48 January 2023.
Barrachina-Munoz S., Zeydan E., Blanco L., Vettori L., Rezazadeh F., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/HPSR57248.2023.10147920 Google Scholar
Multi-Administrative Domain Service Onboarding in a ZSM-Based Orchestration Architecture
Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking Workshops. Vol. 2023-September. pp. 366-368 January 2023.
Baranda J., Vettori L., Payaro M., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Gomez G., Karageorgiou S.
10.1109/SECON58729.2023.10287456 Google Scholar
A Marketplace Solution for Distributed Network Management and Orchestration of Slices
2023 19th International Conference On Network And Service Management, Cnsm 2023. January 2023.
Zeydan E., Blanco L., Barrachina-Munoz S., Rezazadeh F., Vettori L., Mangues J.
10.23919/CNSM59352.2023.10327832 Google Scholar
A Marketplace Solution for Distributed Network Management and Orchestration of Slices
International Conference On Network And Service Management. January 2023.
Zeydan, E, Blanco, L, Barrachina-Muñoz, S, Rezazadeh, F, Vettori, L, Mangues, J
Google Scholar
A Multi-criteria Decision Making Approach for Scaling and Placement of Virtual Network Functions
Zeydan, E, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Baranda, J, Martinez, R, Vettori, L
10.1007/s10922-022-09645-9 Google Scholar
Demo: Automated Multi-Site E2E Orchestration of Hybrid Network Services Mixing PNF, VNF and CNFs
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications ISCC. Vol. 2022-June. January 2022.
Baranda J., Vettori L., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Martinez R., Zeydan E.
10.1109/ISCC55528.2022.9912971 Google Scholar
Enabling the SLA Management of Federated Network Services through Scaling Operations
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications ISCC. Vol. 2022-June. January 2022.
Baranda, J, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Vettori, L, Martinez, R, Zeydan, E
10.1109/ISCC55528.2022.9912996 Google Scholar
Log Management in NFV Service Orchestration
Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking Workshops. January 2021.
Zeydan, E, Baranda, J, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Martinez, R, Vettori, L
10.1109/SECON52354.2021.9491606 Google Scholar
Deploying Hybrid Network Services: Mixing VNFs and CNFs in Multi-site Infrastructures
Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking Workshops. Vol. 2021-July. January 2021.
Baranda, J, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Vettori, L, Martinez, R, Zeydan, E
10.1109/SECON52354.2021.9491619 Google Scholar
Experimental Validation of Compute and Network Resource Abstraction and Allocation Mechanisms within an NFV Infrastructure
Proceedings Of The Im 2021 - 2021 Ifip/ieee International Symposium On Integrated Network Management. pp. 277-285 January 2021.
Martinez, R, Vettori, L, Baranda, J, Mangues, J, Zeydan, E
Google Scholar
Scaling federated network services: Managing SLAs in multi-provider industry 4.0 scenarios
Ieee Infocom 2021 - Ieee Conference On Computer Communications Workshops, Infocom Wkshps 2021. January 2021.
Baranda J., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Vettori L., Martinez R., Zeydan E.
10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS51825.2021.9484476 Google Scholar
Efficient Restoration of Simultaneous Transport Services within an NFV Infrastructure
2021 Ieee Global Communications Conference, Globecom 2021 - Proceedings. January 2021.
Martinez R., Vettori L., Baranda J., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Zeydan E.
10.1109/GLOBECOM46510.2021.9685511 Google Scholar
Realizing the Network Service Federation Vision: Enabling Automated Multidomain Orchestration of Network Services
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. Vol. 15. No. 2. pp. 48-57 January 2020.
Hortiguela, JB, Mangues-Bafalluy, J., Martinez, R., Vettori, L., Antevski, K., Bernardos, C.J., Li, X.
10.1109/MVT.2020.2979558 Google Scholar
On the Integration of AI/ML-based scaling operations in the 5Growth platform
2020 Ieee Conference On Network Function Virtualization And Software Defined Networks, Nfv-Sdn 2020 - Proceedings. pp. 105-109 January 2020.
Baranda, J., Mangues-Bafalluy, J., Zeydan, Engin, Vettori, L., Martinez, R., Li, Xi, Garcia-Saavedra, A., Chiasserini, C. F., Casetti, C., Tomakh, K., Kolodiazhnyi, O., Bernardos, C. J.
10.1109/NFV-SDN50289.2020.9289863 Google Scholar
Scaling composite NFV-network services
Proceedings Of The International Symposium On Mobile Ad Hoc Networking And Computing (mobihoc). pp. 307-308 January 2020.
Baranda J., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Vettori L., Martínez R.
10.1145/3397166.3415277 Google Scholar
Arbitrating network services in 5G networks for automotive vertical industry
Ieee Infocom 2020 - Ieee Conference On Computer Communications Workshops, Infocom Wkshps 2020. pp. 1318-1319 January 2020.
Baranda J., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Vettori L., Martinez R., Avino G., Chiasserini C.F., Puligheddu C., Casetti C., Brenes J., Landi G., Kondepu K., Paolucci F., Fichera S., Valcarenghi L.
10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS50562.2020.9162679 Google Scholar
NFV service federation: Enabling multi-provider eHealth emergency services
Ieee Infocom 2020 - Ieee Conference On Computer Communications Workshops, Infocom Wkshps 2020. pp. 1322-1323 January 2020.
Baranda J., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Vettori L., Martinez R., Antevski K., Girletti L., Bernardos C.J., Tomakh K., Kucherenko D., Landi G., Brenes J., Li X., Costa-Perez X., Ubaldi F., Imbarlina G., Gharbaoui M.
10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS50562.2020.9162873 Google Scholar
5G-TRANSFORMER meets network service federation: Design, implementation and evaluation
Proceedings Of The 2020 6th Ieee Conference On Network Softwarization (netsoft 2020): Bridging The Gap Between Ai And Network Softwarization. pp. 175-179 January 2020.
Baranda, Jorge, Mangues-Bafalluy, Josep, Martinez, Ricardo, Vettori, Luca, Antevski, Kiril, Bernardos, Carlos J., Li, Xi
10.1109/NetSoft48620.2020.9165473 Google Scholar
A Q-learning strategy for federation of 5G services
IEEE International Conference on Communications. Vol. 2020-June. January 2020.
Antevski, K., Martin-Perez, J., Garcia-Saavedra, A., Bernardos, C.J., Li, X., Baranda, J., Mangues-Bafalluy, J., Martnez, R., Vettori, L.
10.1109/ICC40277.2020.9149082 Google Scholar
NFV Service Federation: enabling Multi-Provider eHealth hmergency Services
Ieee Conference On Computer Communications Workshops. pp. 1322-1323 January 2020.
Baranda, J., Mangues-Bafalluy, J., Vettori, L., Martinez, R., Antevski, K., Girletti, L., Bernardos, C. J., Tomakh, K., Kucherenko, D., Landi, G., Brenes, J., Li, Xi, Costa-Perez, X., Ubaldi, F., Imbarlina, G., Gharbaoui, M.
Google Scholar
Arbitrating Network Services in 5G Networks for Automotive Vertical Industry
Ieee Conference On Computer Communications Workshops. pp. 1318-1319 January 2020.
Baranda, J, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Vettori, L, Martínez, R, Avino, G, Chiasserini, CF, Puligheddu, C, Casetti, C, Brenes, J, Landi, G, Kondepu, K, Paolucci, F, Fichera, S, Valcarenghi, L
Google Scholar
Automated deployment and scaling of automotive safety services in 5G-Transformer
Ieee Conference On Network Function Virtualization And Software Defined Networks, Nfv-Sdn 2019 - Proceedings. January 2019.
Baranda, J, Zanzola M., Avino G., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Vettori L., Martinez R., Chiasserini C.F., Casetti C., Bande P., Giordanino M.
10.1109/NFV-SDN47374.2019.9039990 Google Scholar
Demo: Composing services in 5G-transformer
Proceedings Of The International Symposium On Mobile Ad Hoc Networking And Computing (mobihoc). pp. 407-408 January 2019.
Baranda J., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Vettori L., Martínez R., Landi G., Antevski K.
10.1145/3323679.3326630 Google Scholar
5G-TRANSFORMER Service Orchestrator: Design, implementation, and evaluation
2019 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 31-36 January 2019.
Mangues-Bafalluy J., Baranda J., Pascual I., Martinez R., Vettori L., Landi G., Zurita A., Salama D., Antevski K., Martin-Perez J., Andrushko D., Tomakh K., Martini B., Li X., Salvat J.X.
10.1109/EuCNC.2019.8802038 Google Scholar
5G-TRANSFORMER Service Orchestrator: design, implementation, and evaluation
European Conference On Networks And Communications. pp. 31-36 January 2019.
Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Baranda, J, Pascual, I, Martínez, R, Vettori, L, Zurita, A, Salama, D, Andrushko, D, Tomakh, K, Landi, G, Antevski, K, Martín-Pérez, J, Martini, B, Li, X, Salvat, JX
Google Scholar
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