Sergio Barrachina

Sergio Barrachina | CTTC

Services as Networks (SaS)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Sergio Barrachina-Muñoz (Barcelona, 1991) holds a PhD in Information and Communication Technologies (2021) by Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain. Previously, he received his BSc Degree in Telematics Engineering (2015) and MSc in Intelligent Interactive Systems (2016), also from UPF. Sergio joined the Wireless Networking Research Group as an intern in 2015, where he worked under the supervision of Dr. Boris Bellalta. He was also a recipient of a FI grant from the Generalitat de Catalunya. His thesis research focused on developing autonomous learning techniques for improving next-generation Wi-Fi networks through efficient spectrum access.

Sergio is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Smartech department at Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) in the context of the 5GMed5GMediaHUB project, which aims to help EU to achieve the goal of becoming a world leader in 5G. Apart from research, Sergio has been involved in teaching undergraduate courses since 2015, with subjects mainly related to computer networks both in UPF and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

A Novel Approach for Scalable and Sustainable 6G Networks
Ieee Open Journal Of The Communications Society. Vol. 5. pp. 1673-1692 January 2024.
Blanco L., Zeydan E., Barrachina-Munoz S., Rezazadeh F., Vettori L., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/OJCOMS.2024.3372426 Google Scholar
Performance Optimization Across the Edge-Cloud Continuum: A Multi-agent Rollout Approach for Cloud-Native Application Workload Placement
SN Computer Science. Vol. 5. No. 3. January 2024.
Soumplis P., Kontos G., Kokkinos P., Kretsis A., Barrachina-Muñoz S., Nikbakht R., Baranda J., Payaró M., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Varvarigos E.
10.1007/s42979-024-02630-w Google Scholar
Deploying cloud-native experimental platforms for zero-touch management 5G and beyond networks
IET Networks. Vol. 12. No. 6. pp. 305-315 November 2023.
Barrachina-Muñoz S., Nikbakht R., Baranda J., Payaró M., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Kokkinos P., Soumplis P., Kretsis A., Varvarigos E.
10.1049/ntw2.12095 Google Scholar
AI-Driven Framework for Scalable Management of Network Slices
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 61. No. 11. pp. 216-222 November 2023.
Blanco L., Kuklinski S., Zeydan E., Rezazadeh F., Chawla A., Zanzi L., Devoti F., Kolakowski R., Vlahodimitropoulou V., Chochliouros I., Bosneag A.-M., Cherrared S., Garrido L.A., Barrachina-Munoz S., Mangues J.
10.1109/MCOM.005.2300147 Google Scholar
Towards sustainable networks
Towards Sustainable And Trustworthy 6g: Challenges, Enablers, And Architectural Design. pp. 233-269 January 2023.
Mesodiakaki A., Rahman A., Barrachina S., Deutschmann B., Ghafouri N., Gonzalez R., Kokkinos P., Merluzzi M., Payaró M., Polyzois S., Ramantas K., Scheuvens L., Selva E., Siracusano G., Upadhya K., Van der Perre L., Vardakas J., Varvarigos E., Verikoukis C., Wilding T., Witrisal K., Wunderer S.
10.1561/9781638282396.ch6 Google Scholar
Towards natively intelligent networks
Towards Sustainable And Trustworthy 6g: Challenges, Enablers, And Architectural Design. pp. 159-232 January 2023.
Gramaglia M., Li X., García-Aviles G., Alcaraz-Calero J.M., Antti A., Araújo M., Barbosa R., Barmpounakis S., Barrachina-Muñoz S., Bassoli R., Bernini G., Blanco L., Bosneag, A.-M., Chawla A., Christofi L., Dampahalage D., Demestichas P., Ericson M., Farhadi H., Fiore M., Fitzek, F.H.P., Flinck H., Fonseca J., Forsell M., Gabillon V., Garcia-Saavedra A., Han B., Honkala M., Kazmierowski A., Klitis C., Korpi D., Kuklinski S., Pavón I.L., Lamprousi V., Landi G., Lee H., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Khorsandi B.M., Merluzzi M., Mohammadi J., Morin C., Lucena, J.A.O., Pöyhönen P., Rajapaksha N., Rajatheva P., Rezazadeh F., Riggio R., Scheuvens L., Seimler M., Tuononen J., Vilalta R., Wang Q.
10.1561/9781638282396.ch5 Google Scholar
Cloud Native Federated Learning for Streaming: An Experimental Demonstrator
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing. Vol. 2023-June. pp. 46-48 January 2023.
Barrachina-Munoz S., Zeydan E., Blanco L., Vettori L., Rezazadeh F., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/HPSR57248.2023.10147920 Google Scholar
A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for RAN Resource Allocation in O-RAN
Ieee Infocom 2023 - Conference On Computer Communications Workshops, Infocom Wkshps 2023. January 2023.
Rezazadeh F., Zanzi L., Devoti F., Barrachina-Muñoz S., Zeydan E., Costa-Perez X., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS57453.2023.10226154 Google Scholar
X-GRL: An Empirical Assessment of Explainable GNN-DRL in B5G/6G Networks
2023 Ieee Conference On Network Function Virtualization And Software Defined Networks, Nfv-Sdn 2023 - Proceedings. pp. 172-174 January 2023.
Rezazadeh F., Barrachina-Munoz S., Zeydan E., Song H., Subbalakshmi K.P., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/NFV-SDN59219.2023.10329778 Google Scholar
Disaggregating a 5G Non-Public Network via On-Demand Cloud-Native UPF Deployments
2023 19th International Conference On Network And Service Management, Cnsm 2023. January 2023.
Baranda J., Barrachina-Munoz S., Nikbakht R., Payaro M., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.23919/CNSM59352.2023.10327848 Google Scholar
A Marketplace Solution for Distributed Network Management and Orchestration of Slices
2023 19th International Conference On Network And Service Management, Cnsm 2023. January 2023.
Zeydan E., Blanco L., Barrachina-Munoz S., Rezazadeh F., Vettori L., Mangues J.
10.23919/CNSM59352.2023.10327832 Google Scholar
Disaggregating a 5G Non-Public Network via On-demand Cloud-Native UPF Deployments
International Conference On Network And Service Management. January 2023.
Baranda, J, Barrachina-Muñoz, S, Nikbakht, R, Payaró, M, Mangues-Bafalluy, J
Google Scholar
A Marketplace Solution for Distributed Network Management and Orchestration of Slices
International Conference On Network And Service Management. January 2023.
Zeydan, E, Blanco, L, Barrachina-Muñoz, S, Rezazadeh, F, Vettori, L, Mangues, J
Google Scholar
End-to-End Latency Analysis and Optimal Block Size of Proof-of-Work Blockchain Applications
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. Vol. 26. No. 10. pp. 2332-2335 January 2022.
Wilhelmi, F, Barrachina-Munoz, S, Dini, P
10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3194561 Google Scholar
Cloud-native 5G experimental platform with over-the-air transmissions and end-to-end monitoring
2022 13th International Symposium On Communication Systems, Networks And Digital Signal Processing, Csndsp 2022. pp. 692-697 January 2022.
Barrachina-Muñoz S., Payaró M., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/CSNDSP54353.2022.9908028 Google Scholar
Intent-Based Orchestration for Application Relocation in a 5G Cloud-native Platform
2022 Ieee Conference On Network Function Virtualization And Software Defined Networks, Nfv-Sdn 2022 - Proceedings. pp. 94-95 January 2022.
Barrachina-Munoz, S, Baranda, J, Payaro, M, Mangues-Bafalluy, J
10.1109/NFV-SDN56302.2022.9974703 Google Scholar
Mobile Edge Vertical Applications Using ETSI MEC APIs and Sandbox
2022 Ieee Conference On Standards For Communications And Networking, Cscn 2022. pp. 209-209 January 2022.
Nikbakht, R., Dalgitsis, M., Barrachina-Munoz, S., Kahvazadeh, S.
10.1109/CSCN57023.2022.10051036 Google Scholar
Experimentation Scenarios for Machine Learning-Based Resource Management
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 652 IFIP. pp. 120-133 January 2022.
Kostopoulos, A, Chochliouros, IP, Vardakas, J, Payaro, M, Barrachina, S, Rahman, MA, Vinogradov, E, Chanclou, P, Gonzalez, R, Klitis, C, di Vimercati, SD, Soumplis, P, Varvarigos, E, Kritharidis, D, Chartsias, K
10.1007/978-3-031-08341-9_11 Google Scholar
Enabling Mobile Edge Intelligence through Deep Learning Techniques
Machine Learning and 5g/6g Networks: Interplay and Synergiess. July 2021.
Barrachina, Sergio, Zanella, Andrea
Google Scholar
Wi-Fi Channel Bonding: An All-Channel System and Experimental Study from Urban Hotspots to a Sold-Out Stadium
IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING. Vol. 29. No. 5. pp. 2101-2114 January 2021.
Barrachina-Munoz, S, Bellalta, B, Knightly, EW
10.1109/TNET.2021.3077770 Google Scholar
Multi-Armed Bandits for Spectrum Allocation in Multi-Agent Channel Bonding WLANs
IEEE Access. Vol. 9. pp. 133472-133490 January 2021.
Barrachina-Munoz, S, Chiumento, A, Bellalta, B
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3114430 Google Scholar
Stateless reinforcement learning for multi-agent systems: The case of spectrum allocation in dynamic channel bonding WLANs
IFIP Wireless Days. Vol. 2021-June. January 2021.
Barrachina-Munoz, S, Chiumento, A, Bellalta, B
10.1109/WD52248.2021.9508323 Google Scholar
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