Packet Optical Networks and Services (PONS)
Phd , Researcher
Email: javierjose.diaz@cttc.catPhone: +34 93 645 29 00
Javier Jose Diaz Rivera received his B.S. in Computer Systems Engineering from Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Mexico) in 2005, and M.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Jeju National University (Korea) in 2019. He received his doctorate degree in Electronics Engineering at Jeju National University (Korea) in 2024.
He is currently a researcher at Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC). His research interests include SDN, NFV, IBN, Blockchain technology, and network security.
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Securing Digital Identity in the Zero Trust Architecture: A Blockchain Approach to Privacy-Focused Multi-Factor Authentication
Ieee Open Journal Of The Communications Society.
Vol. 5.
pp. 2792-2814
January 2024.
Rivera, JJD, Muhammad, A, Song, WC
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