Anna Barra


Geomatics (GM)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Anna Barra holds a PhD in Civil Engineering (geotechnics) from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) University (Barcelona, Spain) (2022), a master’s degree in Engineering Geology (Geology Applied to Engineering, Land Use Planning and Risks) (2013), and a bachelor’s degree in Geological Sciences (2009) from Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). In 2011 she got the financial support from Sapienza University for a 4-months stay in Canada and a travel to Brazil in to carry on a collaboration with the University of Waterloo (Canada) and the Pontificia Universidade Católica (PUCrio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). In 2014 she has been working for one year at the Earth Science Department of Sapienza University on the project FRANARISK, a research agreement between the Earth Science Department of Sapienza University of Rome and the Province of Rome, to develop a landslide susceptibility study in an area of the Province of Rome (centre of Italy).

She arrived at CTTC in March 2015 as Visitor Researcher, holding a 9-months scholarship granted by University of Rome Sapienza, then she remained as Research Assistant (2016-2022), and she is now a Researcher (since 2022), in the Geomatics Research Unit (Remote Sensing Group).

She is contributing to the lines of satellite PSI/DInSAR, supporting all the related activities of data processing improvements and applications. She is supporting the coordination activities of several projects (i.e. Safety, U-Geohaz, MOMPA, etc). She is also contributing to the coordination and formation of new people (i.e., new entries in the group, PhD students, temporal internship). The main activities of Anna Barra can be summarized in: i. improvement of processing approaches for different aims and applications ii. development of post-processing methodologies and tools for an operational exploitation of DInSAR results in geological hazard monitoring and risk management iii. analysis and interpretation of remote sensing data iiii. Dissemination activities (i.e. websites, conferences, trainings).

Her expertise allows to face both sides of the DInSAR technique: the data processing aspects and the post-processing usage and interpretation (for applicative aims). She has a good knowledge about the following topics: i. the DInSAR techniques, ii. the processing software tools developed by the Geomatics division, iii. the final users’ needs and main requirements, iiii. the deformation phenomena related with both human activities and geological-geotechnical environment (land subsidence, slope instability, landslide, mining activities, consolidation).

Her main research focus is the use of DInSAR techniques for geohazard management, from wide-area application (wide area processing and big data management and analysis) up to a very local scale application (interpretation of specific phenomena and cross-validation).

She has participated in the proposal of several projects:

– MOMPA (founded). Participant
– Living Lab. Assistant
– REMOTER. Participant
– Riskcoast (founded). Participant
– STREAM. CTTC promoter
– U-Geohaz (founded). Participant

She has been involved in the following European and Industrial projects:

European Projects:

– MOMPA “MOnitorización de Movimientos del terreno y Protocolo de Actuación” (EFA295/19) Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), programa Interreg V-A España, Francia, Andorra (POCTEFA 2014-2020). Technical Manager
– Riskcoast “Desarrollo de herramientas para prevenir y gestionar los riesgos geológicos en la costa ligados al cambio climático”. Interreg-Sudoe. Participant
– Savemedcoas 2 “Sea Level Rise Scenarios Along the Mediterranean Coasts” (ECHO 874398) (02/12/2019 – 01/12/2021). Assistant
– U-Geohaz. Geohazard impact assessment for urban areas (UCPM-2017-PP-AG: UCPM-783169). (01/01/2018 – 31/12/2019). Participant
– SAFETY. Sentinel-1 for geohazard prevention and forecasting (ECHO/SUB/2015/718679/PREV02). (01/01/2016 – 31/12/2017). Participant

Industrial Projects:

– Atacama. “Monitorización de deformaciones del terreno en la zona del Salar de Atacama (Chile)”. SQM Iberian SA. (ES). Participant
– Glories. “Satellite-based monitoring of the deformation associated with underground construction works of the Plaça de les Glòries (Barcelona)”. Industrial contract with the public company BIMSA. Participant
– Ferrocarrils. “Estudi de la línia Plaça d’Espanya – Cornellà”. Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya. 2019-2020. Assistant
– AOSTA. Research agreement between the Research Institute for Geo-Hydrogeological Protection (IRPI) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Cataluña (CTTC). DInSAR monitoring, based on Sentinel-1 SAR imagery, of Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs) in Valle d’Aosta region (Italy). (April 2017-April 2018) Main Investigator
– LIMUS. Landslides Interferometric Monitoring throUgh Sentinel images. Industrial project developed by Remote Sensing Department of Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) to detect landslides located in the Northern part of the Tuscany region (Italy) by using Sentinel data. Funded by LaMMA Consortium (Italy). (2015-2016) Main Investigator
– FRANARISK. Landslide susceptibility analysis of an area of the province of Rome (Italy). Developed by the Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza, University of Rome. Funded by the Province of Rome. (2014) Main Investigator


– BGR-ADA Training. 5-hour course for the BGR-BBD (German Ground Motion Services). The course included a theory part and a practical demonstration on the use of interferometry and ADATools. Online. November 2020.
– “RISKCOAST”. GeoTalk seminar at CTTC. March 2020
– “The SPI chain. General overview. What can we get from it? Main outputs. Main challenges to face in order to have a more user-friendly tool”. GeoTalk seminar at CTTC. October 2019
– “PSIG and ADA software”. U-Geohaz training, at the Greek Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME), 3-4 of June 2019, Athens, Greece-
– “Metodología para generar mapas de deformación mediante imágenes radar Sentinel-1” (“Methodology to generate deformation maps through Sentinel-1 radar images”) at the “Safety Workshop Canarias, 2017: Gestión de riesgos geológicos en las Islas Canarias, en el ámbito de la Protección Civil”. Tenerife, Spain, 12-13 December 2017.
– “Exploitation of Sentinel-1 data to periodically map active deformation areas at territorial scale” at the international workshop “Safety project Workshop”. Madrid, Spain, 29 November 2017.
– “Generation and use of the Active Deformation Areas maps” at the international short course “Safety training: Sentinel for Geohazards regional monitoring and forecasting”. Madrid, Spain, 27-28 November 2017.

Supervisor of Final Master’s works:

– Student: Valenzuela Martel Silvia. Recursos Minerales y Riesgos Geológicos – Especialidad: Riesgos Geológicos (UB/UAB). Master’s theses “Detección de actividad en grandes deslizamientos en el Pirineo Central mediante Sentinel-1 y InSAR”. Supervisors: Guinau, M. (UB), Barra, A. (CTTC), 2019.
– Student: Akram Bakhtiari. Geologia Applicata all’Ingegneria, al Territorio e ai Rischi (Sapienza University of Rome, Earth Science Department). Master’s theses “Landslide susceptibility study of an area of the Province of Rome (Lazio Region)”. Supervisors: Della Seta, M., Esposito C., Barra A. 2015.


– Scholarship (9 months) “post-graduated scholarship for a specialization in a foreign country”. By Sapienza, University of Rome. March 2015 – December 2015, at “Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)”. Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain.
Research Scholarship (3 months). By the Earth Science Department of Sapienza, University of Rome. November 2014 – January 2015, at Earth Science Department of Sapienza University. Rome, Italy
– Award for the attendance at “The Second World Landslide Forum”. By the Earth Science Department of Sapienza, University of Rome. 3 – 9 October 2011, at Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Headquarters. Rome, Italy.
– Collaboration Scholarship (3 months). By the Earth Science Department of Sapienza, University of Rome. Abril 2011 – July 2011, at Earth and Environmental Sciences Department of University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
– Research trip financing (two weeks). By the Earth Science Department of Sapienza, University of Rome. July 2011 at Pontificia Universidade Católica (PUCrio). Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.



Assessing the Risks of Enhancing the Current Europe’s ADA Web Map with Ground Movement Classification Data
International Conference On Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications And Management, Gistam - Proceedings. pp. 195-202 January 2024.
Navarro J.A., Barra A., Cuevas-González M.
10.5220/0012720900003696 Google Scholar
From EGMS Data to a Differential Deformation Map for Buildings at Continent Level
Shahbazi S., Barra A., Navarro J.A., Crosetto M.
10.1016/j.procs.2024.06.403 Google Scholar
Ground Motion Classification from European Ground Motion Service Data Using Extreme Gradient Boosting
International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss). pp. 10736-10739 January 2024.
Palamà R., Barra A., Cuevas-González M., Monserrat O., Crosetto M.
10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10640768 Google Scholar
From European Ground Motion Service to Differential Deformation Map for Buildings
International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss). pp. 4683-4687 January 2024.
Shahbazi S., Barra A., Palamà R., Crosetto M.
10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10641031 Google Scholar
Assessment of the Socio-Economic Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on the Coast of Southwest Europe during the Period 2009-2020
APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL. Vol. 13. No. 4. February 2023.
Mateos R.M., Sarro R., Díez-Herrero A., Reyes-Carmona C., López-Vinielles J., Ezquerro P., Martínez-Corbella M., Bru G., Luque J.A., Barra A., Martín P., Millares A., Ortega M., López A., Galve J.P., Azañón J.M., Pereira S., Santos P.P., Zêzere J.L., Reis E., Garcia R.A.C., Oliveira S.C., Villatte A., Chanal A., Gasc-Barbier M., Monserrat O.
10.3390/app13042640 Google Scholar
Automatic Ground Deformation Detection from European Ground Motion Service Products
International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss). Vol. 2023-July. pp. 8190-8193 January 2023.
Palama R., Cuevas-Gonzalez M., Barra A., Gao Q., Shahbazi S., Navarro J.A., Monserrat O., Crosetto M.
10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10281998 Google Scholar
Aplicación de A-DInSAR al análisis de movimientos del terreno: un caso de estudio en Asturias (N España)
Geogaceta de la Sociedad Geológica Española. Vol. 74. pp. 95-98 January 2023.
Cuervas-Mons J., Domínguez-Cuesta M.J., Carrillo J.A., Mateos-Redondo F., Monserrat O., Barra A.
10.55407/geogaceta98230 Google Scholar
From satellite interferometry displacements to potential damage maps: A tool for risk reduction and urban planning
Barra, A, Reyes-Carmona, C, Herrera, G, Galve, JP, Solari, L, Mateos, RM, Azañón J.M., Bejar-Pizarro, M, Lopez-Vinielles, J, Palama, R, Crosetto, M, Sarro, R, Cuervas-Mons, J, Monserrat, O
10.1016/j.rse.2022.113294 Google Scholar
Classification of ground deformation using sentinel-1 persistent scatterer interferometry time series
GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING. Vol. 59. No. 1. pp. 374-392 January 2022.
Mirmazloumi, SM, Wassie, Y, Navarro, JA, Palama, R, Krishnakumar, V, Barra, A, Cuevas-Gonzalez, M, Crosetto, M, Monserrat, O
10.1080/15481603.2022.2030535 Google Scholar
A Multi-Temporal Small Baseline Interferometry Procedure Applied to Mining-Induced Deformation Monitoring
Remote Sensing. Vol. 14. No. 9. January 2022.
Palama, R, Crosetto, M, Rapinski, J, Barra, A, Cuevas-Gonzalez, M, Monserrat, O, Crippa, B, Kotulak, N, Mroz, M, Mleczko, M
10.3390/rs14092182 Google Scholar
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 361-366 January 2022.
Wassie, Y, Gao, Q, Monserrat, O, Barra, A, Crippa, B, Crosetto, M
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2022-361-2022 Google Scholar
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 349-354 January 2022.
Shahbazi, S, Crosetto, M, Barra, A
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2022-349-2022 Google Scholar
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 307-312 January 2022.
Mirmazloumi, SM, Gambin, AF, Wassie, Y, Barra, A, Palama, R, Crosetto, M, Monserrat, O, Crippa, B
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2022-307-2022 Google Scholar
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 321-326 January 2022.
Palama, R, Crosetto, M, Monserrat, O, Barra, A, Crippa, B, Mroz, M, Kotulak, N, Mleczko, M, Rapinski, J
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2022-321-2022 Google Scholar
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 257-262 January 2022.
Crosetto, M, Solari, L, Barra, A, Monserrat, O, Cuevas-Gonzalez, M, Palama, R, Wassie, Y, Shahbazi, S, Mirmazloumi, SM, Crippa, B, Mroz, M
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2022-257-2022 Google Scholar
Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Ground Motion Time Series Classification from InSAR Data
Remote Sensing. Vol. 14. No. 15. January 2022.
Mirmazloumi, SM, Gambin, AF, Palama, R, Crosetto, M, Wassie, Y, Navarro, JA, Barra, A, Monserrat, O
10.3390/rs14153821 Google Scholar
Assessment of Urban Subsidence in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (Central-West of Portugal) Applying Sentinel-1 SAR Dataset and Active Deformation Areas Procedure
Remote Sensing. Vol. 14. No. 16. January 2022.
Cuervas-Mons, J., Zêzere, J.L., Domínguez-Cuesta, M.J., Barra, A., Reyes-Carmona, C., Monserrat, O., Oliveira, S.C., Melo, R.
10.3390/rs14164084 Google Scholar
A low-cost active reflector and a passive corner reflector network for assisting landslide monitoring using multi-temporal InSAR
Remote Sensing Letters. Vol. 13. No. 11. pp. 1080-1089 January 2022.
Luzi G., Barra A., Gao Q., F.Espín-López P., Palamà R., Monserrat O., Crosetto M., Colell X.
10.1080/2150704X.2022.2122891 Google Scholar
RISKCOAST Project: Development of tools to prevent and manage geological risks in the coasts linked to climate change
Proceedings Of The International Conference On Natural Hazards And Infrastructure. January 2022.
Sarro R., Mateos R.M., Reyes-Carmona C., Martínez-Corbella M., Peña E., López-Vinielles J., Béjar-Pizarro M., Luque J.A., Galve J.P., Cantalejo M., Millares A., Azañón J.M., Santos P.P., Pereira S., Garcia R., Zêzere J.L., Barra A., Cuevas-González M., Monserrat O., Riquelme A.
Google Scholar
Application of ADAtools tools for InSAR based ground displacement map analysis: the coast of Granada
Proceedings Of The International Conference On Natural Hazards And Infrastructure. January 2022.
Monserrat O., Cuevas-González M., Barra A., Navarro J.A., Solari L., Reyes-Carmona C., Mateos R.M., Sarro R., Martínez-Corbella M., Luque J.A., Béjar-Pizarro M., Galve J.P., Cantalejo M., Peña E., Azañón J.M., Millares A.
Google Scholar
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43-B3. pp. 271-276 January 2022.
Gao, Q, Crosetto, M, Monserrat, O, Palama, R, Barra, A
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2022-271-2022 Google Scholar
Detección de deformaciones activas en la Península Ibérica mediante datos Sentinel-1: resultados preliminares en Andalucía, Cataluña, y Murcia
Geo-Temas. July 2021.
Pizarro, M. Bejar, Galve, J. P., Monserrat, Oriol, Ezquerro, P., López-Vinielles, J., Reyes Carmona, C., Barra, Anna, Mateos, R.M., Pérez-Peña, J.V., J. M. Azañon, Herrera, G.
Google Scholar
La técnica DInSAR aplicada al estudio de inestabilidades de ladera en Asturias (Norte de España)
Geo-Temas. Vol. 18. July 2021.
Cuervas-Mons, J., Domínguez, M. J., Mateos-Redondo, F., Monserrat, Oriol, Barra, Anna, Valenzuela, P.
Google Scholar
Combining Satellite InSAR, Slope Units and Finite Element Modeling for Stability Analysis in Mining Waste Disposal Areas
Remote Sensing. Vol. 13. No. 10. May 2021.
Lopez-Vinielles, J, Fernandez-Merodo, JA, Ezquerro, P, Garcia-Davalillo, JC, Sarro, R, Reyes-Carmona, C, Barra, A, Navarro, JA, Krishnakumar, V, Alvioli, M, Herrera, G
10.3390/rs13102008 Google Scholar
D-InSAR monitoring of ground deformation related to the dewatering of construction sites. A case study of Glòries Square, Barcelona
ENGINEERING GEOLOGY. Vol. 286. January 2021.
Bassols, JB, Vazquez-Sune, E, Crosetto, M., Barra, A., Gerard, P.
10.1016/j.enggeo.2021.106041 Google Scholar
Sentinel-1 a-dinsar approaches to map and monitor ground displacements
Remote Sensing. Vol. 13. No. 6. January 2021.
Krishnakumar, V., Qiu, Z., Monserrat, O., Barra, A., López-Vinielles, J., Reyes-Carmona, C., Gao, Q., Cuevas-González, M., Palamà, R., Crippa, B., Gili, J.A.
10.3390/rs13061120 Google Scholar
Pyrenees deformation monitoring using Sentinel-1 data and the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry technique
Mirmazloumi, SM, Barra, A, Crosetto, M, Monserrat, O, Crippa, B
10.1016/j.procs.2021.01.217 Google Scholar
Sentinel-1 data processing for detecting and monitoring of ground instabilities in the rocky coast of central asturias (N spain)
Remote Sensing. Vol. 13. No. 16. January 2021.
Cuervas-Mons, J, Dominguez-Cuesta, MJ, Redondo, FM, Barra, A, Monserrat, O, Valenzuela, P, Jimenez-Sanchez, M
10.3390/rs13163076 Google Scholar
Rapid characterisation of the extremely large landslide threatening the Rules Reservoir (Southern Spain)
Landslides. Vol. 18. No. 12. pp. 3781-3798 January 2021.
Carmona, C.Reyes, Galve, J. P, Moreno-Sánchez, M., Riquelme, A., Ruano, P., Millares, A., Barra, A., Monserrat, O., Mateos, R. M.
10.1007/s10346-021-01728-z Google Scholar
Monitoring deformations related to geological risks with InSaR data - The MOMPA project
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 833. No. 1. January 2021.
Gasc-Barbier M., Barra A., Buxó P., Trapero L., Crosetto M., Colell X., Fabregat I., Echeverria A., Marturia J.
10.1088/1755-1315/833/1/012142 Google Scholar
Using tailored graphical tools to improve the quality of displacement maps at CTTC: The vetools
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 163-169 January 2021.
Navarro J.A., Barra A., Monserrat O., Crosetto M.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2021-163-2021 Google Scholar
Interferometric SAR deformation timeseries: A quality index
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 11861. January 2021.
Wassie Y., Mohammad Mirmazloumi S., Monserrat O., Crippa B., Palamà R., Barra A., Crosetto M.
10.1117/12.2600142 Google Scholar
DInSAR deformation measurement using active and passive reflectors
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 11861. January 2021.
Luzi G., Espín-López P.F., Crosetto M., Monserrat O., Barra A., Gao Q.
10.1117/12.2600130 Google Scholar
Remote analysis of an open-pit slope failure: Las Cruces case study, Spain
Landslides. Vol. 17. No. 9. pp. 2173-2188 January 2020.
Lopez-Vinielles, Juan, Ezquerro, Pablo, Fernandez-Merodo, Jose A., Bejar-Pizarro, Marta, Monserrat, Oriol, Barra, Anna, Blanco, Pablo, Garcia-Robles, Javier, Filatov, Anton, Garcia-Davalillo, Juan C., Sarro, Roberto, Mulas, Joaquin, Mateos, Rosa M., Azanon, Jose M., Galve, Jorge P., Herrera, Gerardo
10.1007/s10346-020-01413-7 Google Scholar
Review of satellite interferometry for landslide detection in Italy
Remote Sensing. Vol. 12. No. 8. January 2020.
Solari, L., Del Soldato, M., Raspini, F., Barra, A., Bianchini, S., Confuorto, P., Casagli, N., Crosetto, M.
10.3390/RS12081351 Google Scholar
Sentinel-1 DInSAR for monitoring active landslides in critical infrastructures: The case of the rules reservoir (Southern Spain)
Remote Sensing. Vol. 12. No. 5. January 2020.
Reyes-Carmona, C., Barra, A., Galve, J.P., Monserrat, O., Pérez-Peña, J.V., Mateos, R.M., Notti, D., Ruano, P., Millares, A., López-Vinielles, J., Azanon, JM
10.3390/rs12050809 Google Scholar
Geotechnics for rockfall assessment in the volcanic island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain)
JOURNAL OF MAPS. Vol. 16. No. 2. pp. 605-613 January 2020.
Sarro, R., María Mateos, R., Reichenbach, P., Aguilera, H., Riquelme, A., Hernández-Gutiérrez, L.E., Martín, A., Barra, A., Solari, L., Monserrat, O., Alvioli, M., Fernández-Merodo, J.A., López-Vinielles, J., Herrera, G.
10.1080/17445647.2020.1806125 Google Scholar
Multi-temporal satellite interferometry for fast-motion detection: An application to salt solution mining
Remote Sensing. Vol. 12. No. 23. pp. 1-21 January 2020.
Solari, L., Montalti, R., Barra, A., Monserrat, O., Bianchini, S., Crosetto, M.
10.3390/rs12233919 Google Scholar
ADAtools: Automatic detection and classification of active deformation areas from PSI displacement maps
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. Vol. 9. No. 10. January 2020.
Navarro, J.A., Tomás, R., Barra, A., Pagán, J.I., Reyes-Carmona, C., Solari, L., Vinielles, J.L., Falco, S., Crosetto, M.
10.3390/ijgi9100584 Google Scholar
Deformation monitoring using SAR interferometry and active and passive reflectors
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 287-292 January 2020.
Crosetto M., Luzi G., Monserrat O., Barra A., Cuevas-González M., Palamá R., Krishnakumar V., Wassie Y., Mirmazloumi S.M., Espín-López P., Crippa B.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2020-287-2020 Google Scholar
Mapping and monitoring ground instabilities with Sentinel-1 data: the experience of Sernageomin
2020 Ieee Latin American Grss And Isprs Remote Sensing Conference, Lagirs 2020 - Proceedings. pp. 421-427 January 2020.
Olea, P, Monserrat, O, Sierralta, C, Barra, A, Bono, L, Fuentes, F, Zhiwei, Q, Crippa, B
Google Scholar
Satellite interferometric data for landslide intensity evaluation in mountainous regions
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. Vol. 87. January 2020.
Solari, L., Bianchini, S., Franceschini, R., Barra, A., Monserrat, O., Thuegaz, P., Bertolo, D., Crosetto, M., Catani, F.
10.1016/j.jag.2019.102028 Google Scholar
Semi-Automatic Identification and Pre-Screening of Geological–Geotechnical Deformational Processes Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Datasets
Remote Sensing. Vol. 11. No. 14. July 2019.
R. Tomás, J. Ignacio Pagán, J. A. Navarro, M. Cano, J. Luis Pastor, A. Riquelme, M. Cuevas-González, M. Crosetto, A. Barra, O. Monserrat, J. M. López-Sánchez, A. Ramón, S. Iborra, M. del Soldato, L. Solari, S. Bianchini, F. Raspini, F. Novali, A. Ferreti, M. Constantini, F. Trillo, G. Herrera, N. Casagli
Google Scholar
Semi-automatic identification and pre-screening of geological-geotechnical deformational processes using persistent scatterer interferometry datasets
Remote Sensing. Vol. 11. No. 14. January 2019.
Tomas, R, Pagan, JI, Navarro, JA, Cano, M, Pastor, JL, Riquelme, A, Cuevas-Gonzalez, M, Crosetto, M, Barra, A, Monserrat, O, Lopez-Sanchez, JM, Ramon, A, Ivorra, S, Del Soldato, M, Solari, L, Bianchini, S, Raspini, F, Novali, F, Ferretti, A, Costantini, M, Trillo, F, Herrera, G, Casagli, N
10.3390/rs11141675 Google Scholar
A toolset to detect and classify active deformation areas using interferometric SAR data
Proceedings Of The 5th International Conference On Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications And Management (gistam 2019). pp. 167-174 January 2019.
Navarro, JA, Cuevas, M, Tomas, R, Barra, A, Crosetto, M
10.5220/0007617701670174 Google Scholar
A persistent scatterer interferometry procedure to monitor urban subsidence
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 42. pp. 1921-1926 January 2019.
Crosetto M., Monserrat O., Barra A., Cuevas-González M., Krishnakumar V., Mróz M., Crippa B.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W13-1921-2019 Google Scholar
A persistent scatterer interferometry procedure based on stable areas to filter the atmospheric component
Remote Sensing. Vol. 10. No. 11. January 2018.
Crosetto, M, Devanthery, N, Monserrat, O, Barra, A, Cuevas-Gonzalez, M, Mroz, M, Botey-Bassols, J, Vazquez-Sune, E, Crippa, B
10.3390/rs10111780 Google Scholar
Satellite data to improve the knowledge of geohazards in World Heritage Sites
Remote Sensing. Vol. 10. No. 7. January 2018.
Pastonchi, L, Barra, A, Monserrat, O, Luzi, G, Solari, L, Tofani, V
10.3390/rs10070992 Google Scholar
Fast detection of ground motions on vulnerable elements using sentinel-1 InSAR data
GEOMATICS NATURAL HAZARDS & RISK. Vol. 9. No. 1. pp. 152-174 January 2018.
Solari, L, Barra, A, Herrera, G, Bianchini, S, Monserrat, O, Bejar-Pizarro, M, Crosetto, M, Sarro, R, Moretti, S
10.1080/19475705.2017.1413013 Google Scholar
SAFETY project: Sentinel-1 based tools for geohazards monitoring and management
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 42. pp. 351-355 January 2018.
Monserrat O., Barra A., Herrera G., Bianchini S., Lopez C., Onori R., Reichenbach P., Sarro R., Mateos R.M., Solari L., Ligüérzana S., Carralero I.P.
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The safety project: Sentinel-1 for the management of geological risk
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences. Vol. 121. pp. 247-258 January 2018.
Barra A., Monserrat O., Solari L., Herrera G., Lopez C., Onori R., Reichenbach P., González-Alonso E., Mateos R.M., Bianchini S., Crosetto M.
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A Methodology to Detect and Update Active Deformation Areas Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Images
Remote Sensing. Vol. 9. No. 10. October 2017.
Barra A., Solari L., Béjar-Pizarro M., Monserrat O., Bianchini S., Herrera G., Crosetto M., Sarro R., González-Alonso E., Mateos R.M., Ligüerzana S., López C., Moretti S.
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Sentinel-1 Data Analysis for Landslide Detection and Mapping: First Experiences in Italy and Spain
Advancing Culture Of Living With Landslides, Vol 3: Advances In Landslide Technology. pp. 201-208 January 2017.
Barra, A, Monserrat, O, Crosetto, M, Cuevas-Gonzalez, M, Devanthéry, N, Luzi, G, Crippa, B
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Deformation measurement using Sentinel-1A/B imagery
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 42. pp. 597-600 January 2017.
Crosetto M., Monserrat O., Devanthéry N., Cuevas-González M., Barra A., Crippa B.
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Data processing and analysis tools based on ground-based synthetic aperture radar imagery
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 42. pp. 593-596 January 2017.
Crosetto M., Monserrat O., Luzi G., Devanthéry N., Cuevas-González M., Barra A.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W7-593-2017 Google Scholar
Interpolation of GPS and geological data using InSAR deformation maps: Method and application to land subsidence in the alto guadalentín aquifer (SE Spain)
Remote Sensing. Vol. 8. No. 11. January 2016.
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First insights on the potential of Sentinel-1 for landslides detection
GEOMATICS NATURAL HAZARDS & RISK. Vol. 7. No. 6. pp. 1874-1883 January 2016.
Barra, A, Monserrat, O, Mazzanti, P, Esposito, C, Crosetto, M, Mugnozza, GS
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Persistent scatterer interferometry using Sentinel-1 data
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 41. pp. 835-839 January 2016.
Crosetto M., Monserrat O., Devanthéry N., Cuevas-González M., Barra A., Crippa B.
10.5194/isprsarchives-XLI-B7-835-2016 Google Scholar
Deformation Monitoring Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Sentinel-1 SAR Data
Devanthéry N., Crosetto M., Cuevas-González M., Monserrat O., Barra A., Crippa B.
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Landslide inventory and monitoring using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery
European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. Vol. SP-740. January 2016.
Monserrat O., Crosetto M., Devanthéry N., Cuevas-González M., Barra A., Crippa B.
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Deformation monitoring using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery
European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. Vol. SP-740. January 2016.
Crosetto M., Devanthéry N., Cuevas-González M., Monserrat O., Barra A., Crippa B.
Google Scholar
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