
Michela Svaluto | CTTC

Michela Svaluto Moreolo

Michela Svaluto Moreolo received the M.Sc. degree with honours in electronics engineering and the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications engineering from … Read More

Ana Pérez Neira | CTTC

Ana Isabel Pérez-Neira

Academic Degree: • B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Universitat Ramon Llull (Cataluña), 1989 • Telecommunications Engineer, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), 1991 … Read More

Miquel Payaró | CTTC

Miquel Payaró

Miquel received the Electrical Engineering and the Ph.D. degrees from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 2002 … Read More

Monica Navarro | CTTC

Monica Navarro

Monica Navarro holds a MSc degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (1997) and a PhD degree in … Read More

Xavi Mestre | CTTC

Xavier Mestre

Xavier Mestre is currently a Research Director (R4) at CTTC. He received the MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from … Read More

Carles Antón-Haro

Carles Antón-Haro received his PhD degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia in 1998 (cum-laude). He also … Read More

Mercè Carrasco | CTTC

Mercè Carrasco

Mercè has a postgraduate degree in management control from EADA, a degree in business administration and management from UOC and … Read More