CTTC’s researcher Dr. Adriano Pastore has recently been awarded with the prestigious Leonardo Fellowship from the BBVA Foundation. Adriano is one of the 5 excellent researchers (between 30 and 45 years of age) selected in 2023 to develop their own personal project in the area of knowledge related to “Computation Science and Data Science”.
The EterComp project focuses on over-the-air computation as an emerging paradigm for distributed computation and communication in the context of wireless data aggregation and federated learning. The key idea is to exploit synergies between the laws of physics (superposition principle of electromagnetic waves) and computation targets (linear combination of signals) such that the air interface can be exploited as an analog computer. To mitigate inaccuracies of this analog operation, the EterComp project will investigate hybrid digital/analog coding techniques to make over-the-air computation reliable.
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