Biljana Bojovic

Biljana Bojovic | CTTC

Open Simulations (OpenSim)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Biljana Bojovi? received Electrical and Computer Engineering degree from the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi Sad in June 2008. In January 2007, she joined Schneider Electric DMS (Novi Sad, Serbia), as an internship student and later as a software engineer working on an integration of smart grid systems in close collaboration with Siemens (Minneapolis, Minnesota). In September 2009, she joined CTTC to pursue her Ph.D. on Machine Learning Techniques for Cognitive Wireless Networking following the Ph.D. program at the Networking Engineering Department at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona. During the spring semester 2013, she was a visiting Ph.D. student at the Qualcomm Institute at the University of California, San Diego. Since August 2015 she has been working as a research engineer at the Mobile Networks Department at CTTC and was involved in different industrial research projects focusing on 4G and 5G technologies for unlicensed spectrum, i.e., LAA, LTE-U, and NR-U. She is developer and maintainer of LTE module of the ns-3 network simulator.



Deep Attention Recognition for Attack Identification in 5G UAV Scenarios: Novel Architecture and End-to-End Evaluation
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 73. No. 1. pp. 131-146 January 2024.
Viana J., Farkhari H., Sebastiao P., Campos L.M., Koutlia K., Bojovic B., Lagen S., Dinis R.
10.1109/TVT.2023.3302814 Google Scholar
Is Music in the Air? Evaluating 4G and 5G Support for the Internet of Musical Things
IEEE Access. Vol. 12. pp. 38081-38101 January 2024.
Vignati L., Nardini G., Centenaro M., Casari P., Lagen S., Bojovic B., Zambon S., Turchet L.
10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3374641 Google Scholar
Attack Identification and Classification in V2X Scenarios
2024 23rd International Symposium Infoteh-Jahorina, Infoteh 2024 - Proceedings. January 2024.
Timcenko V., Rakas S.B., Morancho S.L., Bojovic B., Koutlia K., Haro C.A.
10.1109/INFOTEH60418.2024.10495939 Google Scholar
NR-U and Wi-Fi Coexistence in sub-7 GHz bands: Implementation and Evaluation of NR-U Type 1 Channel Access in ns-3
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 36-44 January 2024.
Frangulea G.V., Assimakopoulos P., Bojovic B., Lagén S.
10.1145/3659111.3659114 Google Scholar
Enhancing 5G QoS Management for XR Traffic Through XR Loopback Mechanism
IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 41. No. 6. pp. 1772-1786 June 2023.
Bojovic B., Lagen S., Koutlia K., Zhang X., Wang P., Yu L.
10.1109/JSAC.2023.3273701 Google Scholar
System analysis of QoS schedulers for XR traffic in 5G NR
Koutlia K., Bojovic B., Lagén S., Zhang X., Wang P., Liu J.
10.1016/j.simpat.2023.102745 Google Scholar
Enabling QoS Provisioning Support for Delay-Critical Traffic and Multi-Flow Handling in ns-3 5G-LENA
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 45-51 January 2023.
Koutlia K., Lagen S., Bojovic B.
10.1145/3592149.3592159 Google Scholar
Improving the Efficiency of MIMO Simulations in ns-3
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 1-9 January 2023.
Pagin M., Lagén S., Bojovic B., Polese M., Zorzi M.
10.1145/3592149.3592167 Google Scholar
QoS Management for XR Traffic in 5G NR: A Multi-Layer System View and End-To-End Evaluation
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 61. No. 12. pp. 192-198 January 2023.
Lagen S., Bojovic B., Koutlia K., Zhang X., Wang P., Qu Q.
10.1109/MCOM.015.2200745 Google Scholar
Calibration of the 5G-LENA system level simulator in 3GPP reference scenarios
Koutlia, K, Bojovic, B, Ali, Z, Lagen, S
10.1016/j.simpat.2022.102580 Google Scholar
Enabling NGMN Mixed Traffic Models for ns-3
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 127-134 January 2022.
Bojovic B., Lagen S.
10.1145/3532577.3532602 Google Scholar
ns-3 and 5G-LENA Extensions to Support Dual-Polarized MIMO
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 1-9 January 2022.
Bojovic B., Ali Z., Lagen S.
10.1145/3532577.3532595 Google Scholar
Novel radio environment map for the ns-3 NR simulator
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 41-48 January 2021.
Koutlia K., Bojovic B., Lagén S., Giupponi L.
10.1145/3460797.3460803 Google Scholar
Realistic beamforming design using SRS-based channel estimate for ns-3 5G-LENA module
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 81-87 January 2021.
Bojovic B., Lagén S., Giupponi L.
10.1145/3460797.3460809 Google Scholar
New Radio Beam-Based Access to Unlicensed Spectrum: Design Challenges and Solutions
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. Vol. 22. No. 1. pp. 8-37 January 2020.
Lagen, S., Giupponi, L., Goyal, S., Patriciello, N., Bojovic, B., Demir, A., Beluri, M.
10.1109/COMST.2019.2949145 Google Scholar
NR-U and IEEE 802.11 technologies coexistence in unlicensed mmWave spectrum: Models and evaluation
IEEE Access. Vol. 8. pp. 71254-71271 January 2020.
Patriciello, N., Lagen, S., Bojovic, B., Giupponi, L.
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2987467 Google Scholar
An E2E simulator for 5G NR networks
Patriciello, N, Lagen, S, Bojovic, B, Giupponi, L
10.1016/j.simpat.2019.101933 Google Scholar
Evaluating unlicensed LTE technologies: Laa vs LTE-u
IEEE Access. Vol. 7. pp. 89714-89751 January 2019.
Bojovic, B, Giupponi, L, Ali, Z, Miozzo, M
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2926197 Google Scholar
The impact of NR scheduling timings on end-to-end delay for uplink traffic
2019 Ieee Global Communications Conference (globecom). January 2019.
Patriciello N., Lagen S., Giupponi L., Bojovic B.
10.1109/GLOBECOM38437.2019.9013231 Google Scholar
An improved MAC layer for the 5G NR ns-3 module
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 41-48 January 2019.
Patriciello N., Lagen S., Giupponi L., Bojovic B.
10.1145/3321349.3321350 Google Scholar
Implementation and evaluation of frequency division multiplexing of numerologies for 5G new radio in ns-3
Workshop On Network Simulator (ns)-3 (wns3 2018). pp. 37-44 January 2018.
Bojovic, B, Lagen, S, Giupponi, L, Assoc Comp Machinery
10.1145/3199902.3199905 Google Scholar
Paired Listen Before Talk for multi-RAT Coexistence in Unlicensed mmWave Bands
Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops. January 2018.
Lagen, S, Giupponi, L, Bojovic, B, Demir, A, Beluri, M
Google Scholar
5G New Radio Numerologies and their Impact on the End-To-End Latency
IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks. Vol. 2018-September. pp. 44-49 January 2018.
Patriciello, N, Lagen, S, Giupponi, L, Bojovic, B
10.1109/CAMAD.2018.8514979 Google Scholar
Subband Configuration Optimization for Multiplexing of Numerologies in 5G TDD New Radio
2018 Ieee 29th Annual International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications (pimrc). Vol. 2018-September. January 2018.
Lagen S., Bojovic B., Goyal S., Giupponi L., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/PIMRC.2018.8580813 Google Scholar
Paired listen before talk for multi-RAT coexistence in unlicensed mmWave Bands
2018 Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops (icc Workshops). pp. 1-6 January 2018.
Lagen S., Giupponi L., Bojovic B., Demir A., Beluri M.
10.1109/ICCW.2018.8403586 Google Scholar
Towards LTE-advanced and LTE-A pro network simulations: Implementing carrier aggregation in LTE module of ns-3
Wns3'17: Proceedings Of The Workshop On Ns-3. Vol. Part F128360. pp. 63-70 January 2017.
Bojovic, B, Abrignani, MD, Miozzo, M, Giupponi, L, Baldo, N, ACM
10.1145/3067665.3067669 Google Scholar
Machine learning based scheme for contention window size adaptation in LTE-LAA
2017 Ieee 28th Annual International Symposium On Personal, Indoor, And Mobile Radio Communications (pimrc). Vol. 2017-October. pp. 1-7 January 2017.
Ali Z., Giupponi L., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Bojovic B.
10.1109/PIMRC.2017.8292751 Google Scholar
Machine learning-based dynamic frequency and bandwidth allocation in self-organized LTE dense small cell deployments
Bojovic, B, Meshkova, E, Baldo, N, Riihijarvi, J, Petrova, M
10.1186/s13638-016-0679-0 Google Scholar
On fairness evaluation: LTE-U vs. LAA
Mobiwac 2016 - Proceedings Of The 14th Acm International Symposium On Mobility Management And Wireless Access, Co-Located With Mswim 2016. pp. 163-168 January 2016.
Ali Z., Bojovic B., Giupponi L., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1145/2989250.2989255 Google Scholar
A new Channel and QoS Aware Scheduler to enhance the capacity of Voice over LTE systems
2014 11th International Multi-Conference On Systems, Signals & Devices (ssd). January 2014.
Bojovic, B, Baldo, N
Google Scholar
Bayesian and Neural Network Schemes for Call Admission Control in LTE Systems
Ieee Global Communications Conference. pp. 1246-1252 January 2013.
Bojovic, B, Quer, G, Baldo, N, Rao, RR
Google Scholar
Bayesian and neural network schemes for call admission control in LTE systems
2013 Ieee Global Communications Conference (globecom). pp. 1246-1252 January 2013.
Bojovic B., Quer G., Baldo N., Rao R.R.
10.1109/GLOCOM.2013.6831245 Google Scholar
A Neural Network Based Cognitive Engine for IEEE 802.11 WLAN Access Point Selection
2012 Ieee Consumer Communications And Networking Conference (ccnc). pp. 864-868 January 2012.
Bojovic, B, Baldo, N, Dini, P
10.1109/CCNC.2012.6181180 Google Scholar
A cognitive scheme for radio admission control in LTE systems
2012 3rd International Workshop On Cognitive Information Processing, Cip 2012. January 2012.
Bojovic B., Baldo N., Dini P.
10.1109/CIP.2012.6232936 Google Scholar
A supervised learning approach to Cognitive Access Point Selection
Ieee Globecom Workshops. pp. 1100-1105 January 2011.
Bojovic, B, Baldo, N, Nin-Guerrero, J, Dini, P
Google Scholar
A supervised learning approach to cognitive access point selection
2011 Ieee Globecom Workshops (gc Wkshps). pp. 1100-1105 January 2011.
Bojovic B., Baldo N., Nin-Guerrero J., Dini P.
10.1109/GLOCOMW.2011.6162348 Google Scholar
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