CTTC founding member of new ETSI OpenSlice Software Development Group


OpenSlice will deliver Network Slice as a Service

ETSI is proud to announce the establishment of its first Software Development Group, called OpenSlice. With this group, ETSI positions itself as a focal point for development and experimentation with network slicing. OpenSlice is creating an open-source, service-based Operations Support System (OSS) to deliver Network Slice as a Service (NSaaS) in alignment with specifications from leading Standards Development Organizations, including 3GPP, TM Forum, and GSMA.

As part of ETSI’s broader efforts in Future Networks, OpenSlice joins forces with Open Source MANO and TeraFlowSDN to enrich the suite of ETSI open source components. This comprehensive framework designed to facilitate experimentation, proofs-of-concept, integration, and testing, delivers valuable early and regular feedback to the standardization process.

ETSI OpenSlice is developed using ETSI Zero touch Service and Network Management (ETSI ZSM) principles, implementing the ETSI NFV data model and APIs. ETSI OpenSlice builds upon code seeds developed by European Research.

“ETSI SDG OpenSlice will revolutionize the way network slicing is delivered,” says Dr. Christos Tranoris, University of Patras, convenor of ETSI SDG OpenSlice. “We are excited about the impact this collaborative effort will have on the telecommunications landscape, advancing the adoption of NSaaS, ensuring the interoperability and seamless integration of network slicing technologies.”

Luis Jorge Romero, ETSI Director General, states: “The launch of SDG OpenSlice marks a significant milestone for ETSI and the wider telecommunications industry. Collaboration among software development and standardization groups will foster the early validation of latest technologies and accelerate the time to market of next-generation networks.”

The founding members of the group include OpenSlice Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Instituto de Telecomunicações, Telefónica SA, University of Murcia, and University of Patras. They have already been joined by K3Y Ltd, Odin Solutions S.L. and Ubitech Ltd. 

The kick off meeting of SDG OpenSlice group will be held in Castelldefels, Barcelona in October. For registration or further information, please contact SDGsupport@etsi.org or visit https://osl.etsi.org