Start: 10/07/2020
End: 31/12/2021
Funding: National, Industrial
Status: Completed
End: 31/12/2021
Funding: National, Industrial
Status: Completed
Research unit:
Remote Sensing (RSE)
Acronym: VIGOR
Code: 43983
Remote Sensing (RSE)
Acronym: VIGOR
Code: 43983
This project aimes at using the Ku band radar interferometer available at CTTC to assist the study of the modal behaviour of some bridges carried out by the University of Vigo. In particular in the study different measurement configurations will be arranged to improve the displacement estimate, syncronysing acquisition taken in different times and positions, and taking profit from the assumed stationarty of the observed events.
Guido Luzi
PI/Project Leader
Riccardo Palamà
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
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