CTTC will participate as an exhibitor at the Smart City Expo World Congress

07/11/2023 - 09/11/2023


CTTC is proud of participating in the SMART CITY WORLD CONGRESS 2023 to be held in Barcelona from 7th to 9th November. CTTC will present some of our latest achievements on 5G, 6G and Citizen Science. Come to visit us and learn more about our passion!

During the three days of the congress our visitors will be able to learn more about the most advanced research about 5G. We will show the outputs of 5G-Routes, 5G-MED. Horizon 2020 5G-ROUTES project deals with advanced large-scale field trails of innovative connected and automated mobility (CAM) use cases by exploiting and enhancing the capabilities of next generation mobile network. Such use cases consider road and maritime scenarios (including satellite connections also) across the 5G cross-boarding corridor (Vial Baltica-North), traversing Latvia, Estonia and Finland. In our stand you will be able to see the CAM Services Platform in action to perform a multi-administrative domain onboarding of virtualized CAM Service backend artefacts as the first step to enable the network automation for this vertical services. On the other hand, 5G-MED project goal is to demonstrate advanced Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) and Future Railway Mobile Communications System services (FRMCS) along the “Figueres – Perpignan” cross-border corridor between Spain and France. The visitors will see the V2X EyeGuard tool. V2X EyeGuard is an online hazard detection system for driving applications. Based on depth-camera vision and levered by Machine Learning (YoloV3) and V2X Technology, our smart sensor is able to detect pedestrian, stopped vehicles and animals on roads. The user is then alerted of hazards via an on-board dashboard. A V2X telematic unit allows sharing hazards events with other vehicles. The solution targets vehicle manufacturers, as well as mobility and traffic operators.

Regarding 6G, our visitors will learn about several projects like VERGE or FREE6G. These projects drive the evolution of edge computing towards an integrated, next-generation edge-cloud compute continuum, and of machine learning-based cell-free networks, as key enabling technologies to deliver the most demanding applications and use cases in the road towards 6G. 

Last but not least, we will share with the visitors our experience with Citizen Science (CS) and our recent advancements in how to combine technology and CS to raise awareness about one of the main challenges urban citizens have to face right now: air pollution.