End: 31/03/2023
Funding: National, Industrial
Status: Completed
Packet Optical Networks and Services (PONS)
Acronym: OpenFUSION2022
Code: 2022-04-27
The OpenFUSION2022 objective is to carry out R&D and standardization activities in support of Telefónica projects, including participation in ONF T-API in the definition of protocol data models and related interfaces. Activities to be carried out by CTTC include:
I) participation in the Optical Transport Configuration and Control (OTCC) Open Networking Foundation (ONF) working group and within the TAPI (Transport API) project,
II) participation and representation in the OTCC Technical Steering Team (TST),
III) the definition of use cases, their development and their mapping to the TAPI interface
IV) the edition of the document TAPI Reference Implementation Agreement (RIA) 2.0
Specifically, the project includes:
– Definition of the new TAPI layer model for TAPI versions 2.4 and later.
– Elaboration of a set of common scenarios.
– Review of the use cases of TAPI RIA 1.1, according to priorities of the working group.
– Improved models of the nodes of line amplifiers (ILA) and initial support for Multiband (MB) networks.
– Definition of use cases for Alarm and Threshold-Crossing-Alert (TCA).
– Improve Notification use cases.
– Definition of the Use Case for mapping connections to physical routes.
– Definition of use cases related to OAM.
– General review and update of RIA 1.1 to RIA 2.0.
– Better support for modeling of regeneration (3R) and amplification functions.
– Development of models of physical impairments and use cases