The CTTC will participate in the 23rd edition of the Science Week 2018



The Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI – Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació) organizes this year, from 9 to 18 of November, the 23rd Science Week, during which many events will be held in Catalonia. The central themes of tis year’s edition focus on cultural heritage.

The CTTC takes part in this event with a speech given by the Senior Researcher, Dr. Lorenza Giupponi and researchers of the CTTC (M. Eulàlia Parés, Jorge Baranda, Fco. Javier Vílchez and Ana Moragrega).

This speech, entitled “CTTC & RESEARCH, will be given on November 12 at 10 am. Assistants to the event will visit our laboratories and will see some of our prototips and demos.

  • ARAS: Autonomous Rover for Automatic Surveying

The research carried out at our group aims to be a step forward in improving methods and procedures for seambless indoor outdoor navigation and mapping. Currently, the generation of this information is a technological trending topic.  We have low quality solutions at very reasonable cost (few hundred euros), but good performance positioning and mapping in interiors is still expensive (tens of thousands of euros) and requires very long acquisition campaigns.
We are working in a new low-cost modular, multi-sensor acquisition and processing platform. The platform uses the newest Commercial-of-the-Shelf sensors and process data under geodetic criteria (redundancy, heterogeneity and rigour).

  • Xarxes de transport de cinquena generació. Els projectes 5G-TRANSFORMER i 5G-REFINE (in catalan)

Tot just s’estan desplegant les xarxes de quarta generació (4G) basades en tecnologia LTE (Long Term Evolution) i ja s’estan dissenyant i estandarditzant les de cinquena (5G). Alguns dels seus objectius són: multiplicar per 1000 el tràfic gestionat per la xarxa, reduir-ne el consum energètic un 90%, reduir el temps de desplegament de nous serveis d’hores a minuts, connectar 7 bilions de dispositius, o reduir el temps de resposta de la xarxa a pocs milisegons. Tot això té implicacions en tots els components de la xarxa. Un segment fonamental és la xarxa de transport, que ha de permetre transportar tot aquest tràfic i oferir els serveis tot adaptant-se dinàmicament a la demanda. En aquesta xerrada es donaran exemples de la recerca que s’està fent en els projectes 5G-TRANSFORMER i 5G-REFINE quant al disseny de xarxes 5G.

  • Laboratory of the Optical Networks and Systems Department

Visit to the laboratory of the Optical Networks and Systems Department: description of the lab facilities and the architecture of the ADRENALINE testbed® optical network. This demonstrator enables de flexible deployment of two main demonstration platforms: on the one hand, in the room 0.03 the SDN/NFV Cloud Computing Platform and Core Network for 5G Services encompasses multiple interrelated although independent components and prototypes, to offer end-to-end services, interconnecting users and applications across a wide range of heterogeneous networks technologies for the development and test of 5G services; on the other hand, an Experimental Platform for Optical OFDM Systems (EOS) is implemented, in the room 0.02, specifically for the design and experimental validation of flexible O-OFDM transmission schemes


For more information about CTTC you can visit our web page. For more details about the Science Week you can visit

If you are interested to come, send us an email: laura.casaus