Mr. Albert Sitjà (IPR and Corporate Development Director), attends the “30 ENCUENTRO DE TELECOMUNICACIONES Y ECONOMÍA DIGITAL: CONSTRUYENDO UNA ESPAÑA DIGITAL” that is going to be held in Santander – Palacio de la Magdalena from September 05th to 08th.
The 30 ENCUENTRO DE TELECOMUNICACIONES Y ECONOMÍA DIGITAL is organized with the collaboration of AMETIC and Telefonica Fundación at the International University Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP).
This edition of Telecommunications and Digital Economy aims to highlight the role of ICTs as impulse of digital transformation that Europe, their society and their businesses require. We are in the digital revolution and we must not forget that the main mission of technology is helping people and companies to do more and better things and, therefore, the added value produced by the adoption of these technologies is the key to the long-awaited economic recovery and social welfare of the country.
But this can not happen in a fragmented market. It is a necessary condition to achieve a digital single market with sufficient size and a common ground rules that allow us to move in the right direction. That is why this year’s theme that will dominate the event will be “Building a Digital Spain”.
This event is one of the most important events on the calendar of the ICT industry in Spain, bringing together key players in a sector that is critical to the national economy. During these days renowned speakers will be involved, senior representatives of European and Spanish public institutions, and top executives of leading technology companies, who will share their thoughts and views on developments and future trends related to these technologies.
Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP)