The Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI – Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació) organizes this year, from 14 to 29 of November, the 25th Science Week, during which many events will be held in Catalonia.
During the Science Week there will be a whole lot of scientific dissemination activities throughout our territory. Open days, exhibitions, talks, games, scientific workshops… a wide range of possibilities at your fingertips in a pointed edition in which we have been disseminating science and technology for 25 years.
The exceptional situation experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic means that, of course, the subject of SC’20 focuses on this disease, its global evolution and the state of research on coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
The 25th Science Week will also have other central themes of identical relevance, such as, on the one hand, the International Year of Plant Health of UNESCO, and on the other, the centenary of the birth of different people who have been referring to the respective fields of knowledge. They are the philologist and linguist Antoni Maria Badia i Margarit; the chemist Enric Casassas i Simó; English chemistry, Rosalind Franklin, key to the discovery of DNA; and the writer and biochemist Isaac Asimov. Meteorologist, astronomer and seismologist Eduard Fontserè i Riba joins those honored by the SC’20 for the 150th anniversary of his birth.
The CTTC takes part in this event with different talks (this event will be presented in Catalan and in English).
Research is our passion! Check our agenda and attend to this event!